You keep arguing about who's more justified in seceding. I'm not, since I think both provinces should quit their *****ing.
You obviously have no idea what Quebec voters are capable of, Asher. There's a 250 year-old hatred that lives in the hearts of many of them. They feel like a conquered people, and this is why the issue remains, not because they aren't politically represented or because there are economic issues. Down deep, this is what really matters to people. Les vrais Québecois and Québecoises don't "feel" like Canadians, and this lies at the root of the problems.
You obviously have no idea what Quebec voters are capable of, Asher. There's a 250 year-old hatred that lives in the hearts of many of them. They feel like a conquered people, and this is why the issue remains, not because they aren't politically represented or because there are economic issues. Down deep, this is what really matters to people. Les vrais Québecois and Québecoises don't "feel" like Canadians, and this lies at the root of the problems.