Originally posted by Asher
The fact that Quebec voters almost DID vote to secede baffles the mind. Why would they do that? There's no reason to. Only the French would do something like that.
The fact that Quebec voters almost DID vote to secede baffles the mind. Why would they do that? There's no reason to. Only the French would do something like that.

I think that people of Quebeck would like to secede due mainly to such comment coming from "english" cultured people (with

Since we have somewhat such problem in France too : Corsica and Little Britain. Some people wanna learn their 'native' language. Few time ago the gouvernment decide to reject the demand :
French only will be spoken in public shool. They can still learn their "native" language as a secondary language. Or they can go in private shool where their language is spoken.
But the problem of Quebec is different from ours.
Little Britain is fully integrated in our Nation (very few morron wanna secede) most people look themself as french & britons, and in Corsica the problems is many independentist groups are Mafias and steal peoples for their own interest.