Well, the people in the Occupied Territories certainly don't. The West expects better of Israel because Jews had to go through what they are now dishing out and because, as it's defenders continually point out, it is a democracy. But it is a nasty, brutish, little thug of a state. Many of us in the West also sincerely believe that Israel's efforts at combatting terrorism are counter-productive, and we'd like to see Israel live in peace.
Look, the israeli arabs live in good conditions. Most of the wrong is now due to the unwillingness of traditional factions to cooperate with the state and modernize.
As far as the occupied territories are concerned - Israel never seen them as Israel proper. Except for the settlements, no plans have been made for them.
As far as our treatment of the palestinian palestinians, i'm terribly sorry but if they use terror, they're gonna be subjected to harsh means of prevention.
By engaging in collective punishment of the whole Palestinian people for the actions of a few, Israel only engenders more hate among it's occupied.
Again I reiterate:
Closures are not "punishment". They are preventive measures, that are very often used on Israeli cities, Haifa included. This is meant to block terrorist access on main axis.
This in turn creates more terror, which brings down harsher repression upon the whole Palestinian people, which continues the cycle of hatred and violence.
Obviously a harsh response to terror will provocate more terror.
However, sincerely, inaction is much more deadly. Sept 11 proved that.
Or Israel does boneheaded stuff like undermining people who it can work with. For the first decade of its existence, Hamas received funds from Israel, because Israel hoped that the conservative Islamic group would undermine the secular-socialist PLO.
The PLO, while secular, is very nationalistic and in reality has always rejected the idea of an Israeli state.
They themselves admit that the Oslo accords are a "tactical phase" in a "strategy of destroying Israel".
If anything, Hamas are better, since they are honest about their intentions.
Well, they succeeded, only to see Hamas sponsor terrorist.
And Arafat.
Documents captured in the previously palestinian "Orient House" in east Jerusalem, show links between Arafat and terrorists from the Fatah and Tanzim. They have his signed orders to transfer payments to terrorists, who are NOT part of the palestinian police.
Ceterus parabus, I'd rather see the the world be the United States not Saddam's Iraq. However, all things are not equal, and Iraq has a very short reach, where as no place on Earth is safe from the US.
The US is at least, good for it's citizens. Which is more than most "evil" countries can say.
I don't see the US responsible for anyone except their citizens.
If I'm in the woods, and I have to choose between a path with poisonous snake or one with a bear, I'll take the snake.
Why not the bear?
He's not poisonous and if I roll down and play dead, he'll leave me alone.
Anyway, it isn't a choice between a Saddam world or an US world. It's a choice between a world in which little thugs are propped up by the US, and the US gets to do what it wants, where it wants, to whomever it wants or a more just one. After all, it was because it was a US world that Saddam got into power in the first place.
I would think that Saddam got into power on his own. However the US did increase his status.
Ideally I want a world without Iraq, the US, and Israel, and all other states for that matter.
Ideally, I want a world with US Iraq and Israel, which can cooperate and don't try to kill anyone.