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How to counter zionist propaganda

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  • How to counter zionist propaganda

    Fight fire with fire, eh?

    More facts at

    Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital of Israel

    This Israeli myth negates the rights of the Palestinian majority in the city, the city's multicultural history and status as a focal point for the three monotheistic faiths, and fails to note that, by Israel's own actions, the city has been divided -- the eastern part of the city de-developed and treated differently than the western part. Owing to the scope of this subject, this factsheet is by necessity "under construction" and the information offered below should be taken in that light.

    Jerusalem's international status
    On 29 November 1947, United Nations General Assembly Resolution (181) laid down that

    The City of Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus separatum under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations.

    This remains the official international status of Jerusalem, despite Israel's plans for the city.

    On 13 December 1948, the Israeli government proclaimed Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal capital."

    On 11 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly again called for the demilitarisation and internationalisation of Jerusalem in Resolution 194. Although this resolution was never implemented, its provisions on the special status of the city and the right of Palestinian refugees to return have been reasserted by the Assembly virtually every year since 1948.

    On 21 October 1950, The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War went into force. Article 2 clarifies that the Convention applies even when one of the parties is not a 'High Contracting Party' (in this case, the Palestinians):

    In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.

    The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.

    Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.

    Article 49 of the Convention specifically forbids settlement in these territories:

    The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

    In the war that began on 5 June 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.

    On 11 June 1967, the Israeli government made the decision to annex occupied East Jerusalem.

    On 27 June 1967, the Israeli Knesset empowered the government to extend "Israeli law, jurisdiction, and public administration over the entire area of the Land of Israel." Under this authority, 72 square kilometers (only 8 percent of which was part of Jordanian Jerusalem), were placed under the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem municipality, effectively annexing the area to Israel.

    On 22 November 1967, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawl from: territories occupied in the recent conflict

    On 30 July 1980, the Knesset passed "The Jerusalem Law," reaffirming the 1967 de facto annexation and declaring the "complete and united Jerusalem" to be the capital of Israel.

    On 20 August 1980, UN Security Council Resolution 478 (1980) determined that:

    all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent "basic law" on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith.

    There was no such thing as "Palestinians"

    Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said "there was no such thing as Palestinians", former Prime Minister Begin said that Palestinians were "two-legged vermin"; Rafael Eitan said they were "drugged roaches in a bottle"; former Israeli Prime Minister Shamir said they were "grasshoppers".

    Today, the myths that the Palestinians don't exist as a coherent people, that Palestine didn't exist as a coherent geographical entity, and that the land was empty, are still maintained in one form or another. This denial of the Palestinians is a wholesale dehumanisation of a people.

    The Israeli scholar Y. Porath has written that:

    "at the end of the Ottoman period the concept of Filastin was already widespread among the educated Arab public, denoting either the whole of Palestine or the Jerusalem Sanjak alone" (Y. Porath, The Emergence of the Palestinian National Movement 1918-1929, Frank Cass, 1974).

    Zionists who deny the existence of the Palestinians, or "Palestine", claim that when the Western Powers, after the First World War, laid down the modern frontiers of the Middle East they did so entirely arbitrarily. The facts show that, in establishing the boundaries of "mandated Palestine" where they did, the Western powers implicitly recognised the reality of Palestine as an area of special significance whose residents were a people distinuishable from their neighbors.

    Equally revealing, Palestine was also recognised as a distinct area by tourists. Baedecker's famous guidebook, published in 1876, was entitled Palestine - Syria. Herzl himself, the founder of Zionism, in his correspondence with the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid, referred to "Palestine" and neither seems to have been confused by the term.

    The bounderies established for Palestine by the colonial powers enhanced the already existing unity of the area. Evidently the Palestinians and others did regard pre-British Mandate Palestine as a distinct area, as something much more than a part of Syria or the Arab world.

    In short, the Palestinians recognised it as their homeland, and others recognised it to be so. It hardly needs stating that these facts alone would be enough on which to base the conclusion that Palestine's residents regarded themselves, and were regarded by others, as Palestinians.

    In 1968, Jewish historian Maxime Rodinson wrote that

    "the Arab population of Palestine was native in all the usual senses of the word" (Rodinson, M., Israel and the Arabs, Penguin, 1968, p. 216).
    Estimated Population of Palestine 1870-1946*
    Arabs (%) Jews (%) Total

    1870 367,224 (98%) 7,000 (2%) 375,000
    1893 469,000 (98%) 10,000 (2%) 497,000
    1912 525,000 (93%) 40,000 (6%) 565,000
    1920 542,000 (90%) 61,000 (10%) 603,000
    1925 598,000 (83%) 120,000 (17%) 719,000
    1930 763,000 (82%) 165,000 (18%) 928,000
    1935 886,000 (71%) 355,000 (29%) 1,241,000
    1940 1,014,000 (69%) 463,000 (31%) 1,478,000
    1946 1,237,000 (65%) 608,000 (35%) 1,845,000
    * Figures are rounded.
    Sources: The numbers in this table are estimates constructed from the following: Yehoshua Ben-Arieh, "The Population of the Large Towns in Palestine During the First Eighty Years of the Nineteenth Century, According to Western Sources" in Moshe Ma'oz, ed. Studies on Palestine during the Ottoman Period, Magnus, 1975; Alexander Scholch, "The Demographic Development of Palestine 1850-1882", International Journal of Middle East Studies, XII, 4, November 1985, pp. 485-505; "Palestine", Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edn, 1911; "Palestine", Encyclopedia of Islam, 1964; UN Document A/AC 14/32, 11 November 1947, p.304; Justin McCarthy, "The Population of Ottoman Syria and Iraq, 1878-1914", Asian and African Studies, XV, 1 March 1981; Kemal Karpat, "Ottoman Population Records and the Census of 1881/82-1893", International Journal of Middle East Studies, XCI, 2, 1978; Bill Farell, "Review of Joan Peters", 'From Time Immemorial', Journal of Palestine Studies, 53, Fall 1984, pp. 126-34; Walid Khalidi, From Heaven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem until 1948, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971 appendix I; Janet L. Abu Lughod, "The Demographic Transformation of Palestine", in Ibrahim Abu Lughod, ed., The Transformation of Palestine: Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Northwestern University Press, 1971 pp. 139-63.

    The most significant fact about the existence of the Palestinians has been not just their displacement as a result of the 1948 war, but their continual and systematic displacement. It is clear from this that the central issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict from an Israeli perspective is the existence of the Palestinians as a distinct social, political, and cultural entity. For this reason Israel has devoted enormous energy to expelling them from their homes, to stripping away their identity, and to denying their existence and importance for the resolution of the conflict.

    Israel "made the desert bloom"

    Israel and its supporters claim that Zionist settlers transformed the land from a barren desert into a fertile land of milk and honey. Hence, they hold that Palestinians only became interested in their own state upon witnessing the purported "successes" of Zionist attempts to develop and revitalize the land. This stance also provides some Zionists with justification for their claim that the Palestinians had not been good stewards of the land, and thus did not deserve to have any rights to it.

    Israel's claim that it "made the desert bloom" is a wild exaggeration that vastly overstates the extent of Jewish achievements while grossly underestimating Palestinian cultivation and the natural fertility of Palestine.

    Only half of the area of Palestine has a true desert climate. This area consists of the Negev desert, stretching south from Bi'r as-Saba' to the Gulf of Aqaba. The remaining half of Palestine has a typical Mediterranean climate, and enjoys substantial rainfall for half of every year (roughly October to April). The soils in this second area of Palestine are naturally fertile. The average annual rainfall in Tel Aviv, for example, totals 539 mm., 639 mm. in Nazareth, and 486 mm. in Jerusalem.

    Agricultural development prior to Jewish immigration
    It was the Palestinians who expanded agricultural production and sustainable and environmentally appropriate techniques during the 18th and 19th centuries before the arrival of European Jewish settlers. The success of Palestinian agrigulture is best illustrated by olive horticulture in central Palestine, which constituted the basis of the region's productive economy in the 18th century (see Beshara Doumani's book, Rediscovering Palestine). Cooking oil, lamp oil, soaps and other products derived from Palestinian olive trees enriched many areas during this period, particularly that of Nablus.

    The 'Israeli' Jaffa orange
    Another example is the Jaffa orange. Now assumed as an Israeli product, this orange species had already been developed by Palestinian agriculturalists before the Zionist colonisation of Palestine began in earnest. In 1886, the American consul in Jerusalem, Henry Gillman, called attention to the excellent quality and superior grafting techniques of Palestinian citrus farmers. "I am particular in giving the details of this simple method of propagating this valuable fruit [the Jaffa orange] as I believe it might be adopted with advantage in Florida" (US Government, Documents of the Jerusalem Consulate (Gillman to Porter), 16 December 1886.

    Land under cultivation prior to 1947-48 War
    By 1930, all the land capable of being cultivated by the indigeneous Palestinians with the resources available to them was already under cultivation (Frances Newton, Fifty Years in Palestine, Coldharbor, 1940, p. 253). Sir John Hope Simpson undertook a comprehensive study of Palestinian agricultural potential in 1930. He concluded that

    "it has emerged quite definitely that there is at the present time and with the present methods of Arab cultivation no margin of land available for agricultural settlements by new immigrants"

    (Palestine, Report on immigration, land settlement and development, Sir John Hope Simpson, cmnd 3686, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1930).

    By the end of the British Mandate in 1947, the total land area under cultivation by Palestinian farmers (excluding citrus) was 5,484,700 dunums, whereas the area cultivated by Jewish farmers was only 425,450 dunums. The expansion of the cultivated area offered in the Israeli repertoire is grossly exaggerated. The figures have been doctored by including, as reclaimed land, the huge areas of farmland left behind by the Palestinian refugees expelled by Israel in 1948.

    Subcommittee II of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question, established in September 1947 issued a report in November 1947 which stated under item 63:

    "The village statistics for 1945 prepared by the Palestine administration and showing the position as at 1 April 1945 furnish interesting data regarding land ownership in Palestine. The total Arab land ownership is given in dunums (4 dunums equals approximately 1 acre), as being 12,574,774, as against a total Jewish ownership of 1,491,699. [...] The following figures are of particular interest:

    Arabs Jews (in dunums)

    Citrus 135,368 139,728
    Bananas 1,843 1,079
    Plantations 1,052,222 94,167
    Taxable cereals (categories 9-13) 5,653,346 869,109
    Taxable cereals (categories 14-15) 823,046 67,839

    Item 64 of that same report stated:
    "The above statistics of population and of land ownership prove conclusively that the Arabs constitute a majority of the population of the proposed Jewish State, and own the bulk of the land"
    (Source: Doc. C74 UNSCOP Report to the UNGA, Documents on Palestine, vol. 1, pp. 165, PASSIA, December 1997).

    Some historical references to Palestinian agriculture, from the 10th Century to 1946
    In the late 10th century, a visitor wrote,

    "Palestine is watered by the rains and the dew. Its trees and its ploughed lands do not need artificial irrigation. Palestine is the most fertile of the Syrian provinces"

    [Guy Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems (Beirut, Lebanon, Khayat, 1965), 28.].

    Before he died in 986 AD, Muqqadisi, who lived in Jerusalem, told of Palestine produce that

    "was particularly copious and prized: fruit of every kind (olives, figs, grapes, quinces, plums, apples, dates, walnuts, almonds, jujubes and bananas), some of which were exported, and crops for processing (sugarcane, indigo and sumac)"

    [quoted in Walid Khalidi, Before Their Diaspora (Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1984), 28-29.}

    In 1615, Englishman George Sandys described Palestine as

    "a land that flows with milk and honey,"
    "no part empty of delight or profit"

    [quoted in Richard Bevis, "Making the Desert Bloom: An Historical Picture of Pre-Zionist Palestine," The Middle East Newsletter, Vol. 2, Feb.-Mar., 1971, p.4].

    In 1859, a British missionary described the southern coast of Palestine as

    "a very ocean of wheat,"
    observing that
    "the fields would do credit to British farming"

    [quoted from James Reilly, "The Peasantry of Late Ottoman Palestine," Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 10 No. 4, 1981, p. 84].

    Between 1856 and 1882, the German geographer Alexander Scholch found that in those years,

    "Palestine produced a relatively large agricultural surplus which was marketed in neighboring countries," and to Europe
    [Alexander Scholch, "The Economic Development of Palestine, 1856-1882," Journal of Palestinian Studies, Vol 10, No. 3, 1981, 36-58].

    In 1887, Lawrence Oliphant visited the Esdralon Valley that prompted him to marvel at the

    "huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive"
    [quoted from Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, ed., The Transformation of Palestine (Chicago, IL: Northwestern Press, 1971), 126].

    In 1893, the British Consul advised his government of the value of importing trees from Jaffa to improve production in Australia and South Africa

    [Beheiry, p. 67].

    In 1939, Palestine exported over 15 million cases of citrus fruit

    [A Survey of Palestine, Vol. 1, 337].

    In 1942, Palestine produced nearly 305,000 tons of grains and legumes

    [A Survey of Palestine, Vol.I, 320].

    In 1943, Palestine produced 280,000 tons of fruit, excluding citrus fruits

    [Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1944-45, 226].

    In 1945, Palestine had over 600,000 dunums of land planted with olive trees, producing nearly 80,000 tons of olives, and accounting for 1 percent of the olive oil production for the WORLD [Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1944-45, (Department of Statistics, Government of Palestine), 225], and produced nearly 245,000 tons of vegetables. [A Survey of Palestine, for the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Vol.I, 325-26].

    In 1946, Walter C. Lowdermilk, Assistant Chief of US Soil Conservation Service, examined Palestine, and compared it to California, except that
    "the soils of Palestine were uniformly better"

    [Palestine's Economic Future: A Review of Progress and Prospects (London, UK: Percy Lund Humphries and Co., Ltd., 1946), 19-23.
    Last edited by Zoid; March 22, 2002, 07:02.
    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

  • #2
    Re: How to counter zionist propaganda

    History didnt start in 1947.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #3
      Israel is a democracy

      Israel consistently describes itself as a bastion of Western democracy and as the only democratic state in the entire Middle East. To demonstrate that theirs is a "democratic" country, Israel emphasizes that Palestinians in Israel have the right to vote, that there are Palestinians in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), that Palestinian citizens enjoy a higher standard of living than Arabs in neighboring states, and that the only distinction Israel makes between Jews and Palestinians in Israel is that Palestinians are not required to serve in the Israeli army.

      Israel's 1948 Declaration of Independence defined Israel as both a Jewish and democratic state, committed both to the "ingathering of the [Jewish] exiles", and to guaranteeing equality to all its citizens regardless of race, religion, or gender. Yet, in defining the state as a specifically Jewish state, Israel effectively compromises the degree to which it can be truly democratic.

      As a Jewish state, Israel rests on three minimum conditions: Jews form the majority, Jews are entitled to special treatment and preferential laws, and a reciprocal relationship exists between Israel and the Jewish people in the diaspora. The Palestinian minority inside Israel, now comprising one-fifth of the Israeli population, is excluded and therefore discriminated against: by privileging Jews, the state treats non-Jews, which is its official name for Palestinians (miyutim lo yehudim) as second-class citizens.

      Constitutional equality
      Lacking a formal constitution, Israel's Knesset has propounded a series of Basic Laws that form a constitution-in-evolution. Prior to 1992, none of these Basic Laws guaranteed any basic rights to Israeli citizens, Jews or non-Jews. However, in 1992 the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom was passed. It authorised courts to overturn Knesset laws that were contrary to the right to dignity, life, freedom, privacy, property and the right to leave and enter the country. It pointedly did not include the right to equality, however.

      Further, section 1A of this Basic Law states that it aims to anchor "the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state". Given the lack of an explicit law that constitutionally protects equality for all citizens, an emphasis on the Jewishness of the State again compromises equal rights protection for the large and growing Palestinian minority.

      "The Zionist dream is to construct a state which is as Jewish as England is English and France is French. At the same time, this state is to be a democracy on the Western model. Evidently, these goals are incompatible. Citizens of France are French, but citizens of the Jewish state may be non-Jews, either by ethnic or religious origin or simply by choice [...] To the extent that Israel is a Jewish State it cannot be a democratic state"
      -- Noam Chomsky, Forward to The Arabs in Israel (Adalah, Legal Violations of Arab Minority Rights in Israel, 1998, p. 9 --

      Political participation
      Palestinians' right to run for elections to the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, are also limited by their acceptance of the notion of the Jewish state. These limits are expressed in the Law of Political Parties (1992) and, in particular, the amendment of section 7A(1) of the Basic Law: The Knesset, which prevents candidates from participating in the elections if their platform suggests the "denial of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people". Under this section a party platform that challenges the Jewish character of the state, i.e., that challenges Zionist ideology and praxis by calling for full and complete equality between Jews and Arabs in a state for all its citizens, can be disqualified, as such non-Zionist lists have been in the past. The law prohibits Palestinian citizens from mounting a political challenge to the state's Zionist identity in a legal forum, the Knesset.

      "It implies that, on a decidedly fundamental level, there is no real equality between Arab and Jew in Israel. The state is the state of the Jews, both those presently resident on the country as well as those residing abroad. Even if the Arabs have equal rights on all other levels the signal is there: Israel is not their state."
      -- David Kretzmer, The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel, Westview Press, 1990, p. 42-43 --

      Direct discrimination
      Here are two clear examples of laws that discriminate against Palestinians by distinguishing between Jews and non-Jews:

      Citizenship rights and The Law of Return
      National identity is the main factor in deciding the acquisition of citizenship in Israel. The Law of Return grants every Jew the right to immigrate to Israel. The Nationality Law automatically grants citizenship to all Jews who have done so, and also to their spouses, children, grandchildren, and all of their spouses if they can meet the Halachic criteria of Jewishness. The privilege of automatic naturalization/repatriation is reserved only for Jews. Palestinians can only acquire citizenship by birth in the country to Palestinian parents who have already obtained Israeli citizenship, residence (after meeting a cumulative list of conditions) or naturalisation (which is exceptionally rare).

      The Israeli Law of Return discriminates against 5 million Palestinian refugees who are prevented from returning to their homes of origin and their properties. The Committee on the Implementation of the Convenant on Economic, Social and Economic Rights noted in 1998 that Israel's 1950 Law of Return "discriminates against Palestinians in the diaspora upon whom the Government of Israel imposed restrictive requirements that make it almost impossible to return to their land of birth." The Committee further noted with concern that internally displaced Palestinians in Israel continue to be displaced and dispossessed of their lands. In 1998, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination noted that: "the rights of many Palestinians to return and possess their homes in Israel is currently denied," and strongly recommended that Israel give "high priority to remedying this situation."

      Special status of Jewish organisations
      As a result of the World Zionist Organisation-Jewish Agency Law, the Jewish National Fund, Jewish Agency, and World Zionist Organisation have special constitutional status in Israel and are known as quasi-governmental or extra-state bodies. These are very influential Jewish organisations that benefit and represent Jews only, but have authority over certain governmental functions, including ownership and development of state lands, housing projects and settlements. Their activities are co-ordinated with the government and they receive significant tax-exemption privileges. These agencies, which do not represent all the citizens of Israel, but rather, Israeli Jews and World Jewry, exercise far-reaching influence on state decision-making boards (particularly in agriculture and land use).

      The Palestinian minority is excluded entirely from these agencies' actions and decisions as either beneficiaries or participants. Furthermore, no government organisations perform the same functions for non-Jews. Consequently, Palestinian needs are systematically disregarded.

      Indirect discrimination
      Even more pervasive is the use of "non-discriminatory" criteria in statutes that reaffirm and reproduce legal, social, and political differences in the treatment accorded Jews and the non-Jews, i.e., the Palestinian minority:

      Military service
      Many preferences and benefits in Israel are accessible only to those who have performed their military service. While military service is technically compulsory for all citizens, by discretion, the vast majority (90%) of Palestinian citizens are not required to serve, whereas the majority of Jews do. As a consequence, Palestinians do not receive the wide range of benefits, including larger mortgage loans, partial exemptions from course fees, and preferences for public employment and housing. The discriminatory factor is that in many cases the link between the benefit offered and the requirement of military service is tenuous, as for example, in employment opportunities, and government offices provide benefits beyond what is officially legislated. The most celebrated example of this was the level of state child benefits, which until 1997 were available to families contingent on parents' military service, rather than being contingent on more obvious and relevant socio-economic factors.

      The impression that this is a mechanism for privileging Jews is borne out by the fact that Jewish Yeshiva students, who, like Palestinian citizens, do not perform any military service, yet are granted the benefits regardless, a policy which has been upheld by the Israeli courts.

      Place of residence
      The government categorises the country into different zones and awards different statuses and benefits to different regions and towns. For instance, it defines certain areas as national development areas, which then makes them eligible for benefits such as special tax incentives for industry, educational programmes, and housing incentives. Development areas are supposed to be determined according to socio-economic criteria. Yet the zones are drawn to include a disproportionate number of Jewish localities and to exclude nearly all Palestinian ones.

      For example, in the 1998 classification, out of 429 localities accorded Development Area A status, only 4 were Palestinian, despite the fact that Palestinian towns and villages are consistently at the bottom of the socio-economic scale in Israel. These zoning patterns and decisions were used to exclude the vast majority of the Palestinian minority from these benefits.

      Institutional discrimination
      The Palestinian minority in Israel is discriminated against by those aspects of the legal system that allow the government to adopt discriminatory policies, or the discretionary power that can be used by Israeli officials to maintain a systematic pattern of preferences.

      Budgets and resource allocation
      The Budget Law, which governs Israeli state funds, does not specify what proportion should be earmarked for minorities; that decision lies within officials' discretion. Because of their lack of representation in government offices and ministries, Palestinians receive substantially less funding for local government budgets (usually 50 percent less), and have less resources allocated for welfare budgets, school facilities or other educational programmes. Often this discrepancy is justified by the fact that the government administers projects in cooperation with the Jewish Agency, thus necessitating only Jewish beneficiaries.

      Uneven implementation of the law
      There are three ways in which the implementation of the law adversely affects the Palestinian minority in Israel:

      Positive statutes that the State is expected to enforce or services that the State is required to provide can simply not be implemented in Palestinian communities, such as the Compulsory Education Law, and the provision of truant officers or counselors, despite the fact that Palestinian students form 75 percent of those who drop out of school throughout the whole country.

      Laws that apply to both Jews and Palestinians can be selectively or predominantly implemented only in relation to Palestinians, such as land confiscation laws or house demolitions orders to prevent or counteract unlicensed building.

      Laws can be implemented according to vastly different criteria for Jews and Palestinians, such as criteria for family assistance in educational programmes or production quotas for agricultural production. Often quotas differences are maintained due to a lack of Palestinian representation in decision-making bodies.

      The judicial review of this institutional discrimination is limited. To date, there is not one case in which the Supreme Court has accepted a case of discrimination against the Palestinian minority and ruled to protect its rights. It usually accepts the claim of the Israeli State that its policies serve national priorities and therefore are not intentionally discriminatory, or that the different treatment accorded Jews and Palestinians before the law is legitimate, as they are different ethnic or religious groups. Even when historical discrimination is acknowledged, the court will not rule to close the gaps, arguing that responsibility lies within the decision-making powers of the executive.

      In short, Israel is a full democracy only if we are to consider Apartheid South Africa a full democracy.

      The Palestinians chose to leave their land in 1948

      Israel and its supporters claim that Palestinians left their homes in Palestine of their own accord during the 1948 war

      In the 1948 war the Palestinians were largely defenceless, and sought to avoid getting caught in the fighting which broke out. A significant proportion of the Palestinian population was terrorized into leaving.

      At first this was the result of threats, intimidation and acts of terror, in cities like Jaffa and Jerusalem, carried out by two Jewish terror organizations, IZL (Irgun Zvai Leumi) and LEHI (Lohamei Herut Israel). Of such acts the most notorious occurred on 9 April 1948 at the village of Deir Yassin on the western side of Jerusalem, when 120 villagers were killed. Deir Yassin had a devastating impact on Palestinian civilian morale, in the words of Israeli military intelligence,

      "a decisive accelerating factor [to flight]"
      (quoted in Benny Morris, 'The Causes and Character of the Arab Exodus from Palestine: The Israel Defence Forces Intelligence Service Analysis of June 1948', Middle Eastern Studies, vol.xxii, no. 1, January 1986, p.9).
      Deir Yassin has always been considered as an Irgun outrage, but the destruction of the village was approved by the Haganah.

      There were also deliberate efforts to force the Palestinians to leave their homes. During the summer months of 1948 a decision was taken to prevent Palestinian villagers, both in the forward battle area and behind Jewish lines, from harvesting their summer and winter crops in 1948. Others were directly expelled. In July 1948 Jewish forces resolved to seize the two Palestinian towns of Lydda and Ramla. From the start, the operations against the two towns were designed to induce civilian panic and flight, and at least one of the four Jewish brigades was told:

      "Flight from the town of Ramle of women, the old and children is to be facilitated. The males are to be detained"
      (Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 (Cambridge, 1987), p.28).
      In Lydda fear led to panic, and many were shot down in what amounted to a large-scale massacre of probably 250-300 men, women and children after the town had surrendered.

      When General Allon asked:

      "What shall we do with the Arabs ?"
      Ben-Gurion made a dismissive, energetic gesture with his hand and said:
      "Expel them"
      (Morris, p. 207).
      Approximately 70,000 inhabitants of the two towns were then driven out, almost 10 percent of the refugee total.

      Expulsions, sometimes accompanied by atrocities, became increasingly frequent in the mopping-up operations from late summer 1948 onwards, and increased the fearfulness of the Palestinian population. In the course of his research the Israeli historian Benny Morris found an Israeli Intelligence report that estimated that 70 percent of those who fled in the decisive period up to 1 June 1948 did so as a result of direct or nearby Jewish military or paramilitary action. In other words, they fled either because they were expelled or because they thought their lives were in immediate danger, not because they voluntarily 'abandoned' their homes. Furthermore, it was widely understood what was intended, and it took place under 'a coalition government whose policy, albeit undeclared and indirect, was to reduce as much as possible the Palestinian population which would be left in the country and to make sure that as few refugees as possible would return.

      By 1948, the number of Palestinian refugees was estimated 780,000. Zionists claim that this figure is 520,000. Israel's Six Day War proved almost as great a disaster for the Palestinians as the 1948 war had been. Large numbers of Palestinians fled or were expelled from villages or refugeecamps, particularly those on the floor of the Jordan Valley where they could flee across the river. Altogether 355,000 Palestinians crossed to the East Bank, of whom 210,000 had not previously been refugees and were now described as 'displaced'. Of those displaced either during the 1967 war or immediately after it, only 15,000 were allowed to return, less than 5 percent of the total. By 1994, the 'displaced' of 1967 numbered an estimated 800,000. Once again, as in the period after the 1948 war, Israeli troops routinely shot civilians trying to return home.

      Even after the armistice agreements of 1949, Israel continued to expel or coerce thousands of Palestinians into leaving, notably from the "Little Triangle", a strip of West Bank land ceded by Transjordan during negotiations, and in the south from Majdal ("Ahkelon") on the coast, to Faluja and Bir Saba. the environs of Hebron, and from the demilitarized zone east and north of the Sea of Galilee. In 1953 it expelled another 7,000 bedouin.

      Only 17 percent of the Palestinian population, approximately 160,000 remained in what became Israel. What had just taken place was the second major case of ethnic cleansing in the post-war world
      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


      • #4
        The creation of the Palestinian refugee problem is balanced by the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries

        Israel and its supporters claim that the Palestinian refugees' losses and claims are balanced by claims resulting from a comparable exodus of Jewish refugees from the Arab world, so consequently, nothing worse than a "population exchange" or a "double exodus" had occured.

        First, the Palestinians are refugees; their exodus was involuntary and enforced. Oriental Jews, also known as Mizrahim or Sephardim, came to Palestine, in most cases, voluntarily. A small minority of them may have suffered in the countries of their birth in the Arab world, but the vast majority moved to Palestine of their own accord or in response to Zionist recruiting efforts in the Arab lands as well as in Iran.

        Secondly, the movement of Oriental Jews into Palestine did not occur concurrently with, or immediately after, the Palestinian exodus. Only about 126,000 Oriental Jews (mostly from Iraq and Yemen) emigrated to Palestine in the two years immediately following an-Nakba in 1948. The remainder who elected to move to what became known as Israel, particularly those from North Africa, did so much later. The whole emigration of Oriental Jews was thus spread over twenty years.

        Zionists regularly portray the lot of Oriental Jews in Arab countries as one of misery, fear and virulent anti-Semitism. But Jews of the Arab world had never experienced the appalling race hatred so characteristic of European anti-Semitism. In general, Jews lived in harmony with their Muslim compatriots in the Arab-Islamic world. When Jews did experience persecution during their 1,300 years under Muslim rule, it was not because they were Jews - for many others also suffered under particularly despotic rulers.

        The emigration of Oriental Jews to Palestine was not a result of force majeure. For many, the motive to move was economic. For others, the majority, the chance to live in a Jewish state as Jews was greatly desirable and attractive. The chance to trade their minority status in their countries of origin for a majority status in the Jewish state was appealing to many Oriental Jews.

        For many others, direct covert pressure from Zionist agents provacateurs, in need of Jewish colonists, stimulated their emigration. Operations "Magic Carpet" and "Ali Baba" simply scooped up Yemini Jews and flew them to what became known as Israel.

        In Iraq, Zionist agents planted a series of bombs targeting the Iraqi Jewish community. As a result, all but a few thousand left for Israel, believing that the bombs were the result of anti-Jewish sentiment. The facts were first revealed, in part, in 1966 when Yehuda Tagar, an official in the Israeli Foreign Ministry, broke silence about his part in the business. Zionist terrorist activities against Jews in Iraq are well documented but not well known. The Black Panther, a magazine for Oriental Jews, tells much of the story in its November issue of 1972. Yehuda Tagar's testimony was first printed in Ha'Olam Hazeh (29 May 1966).

        If any individual Oriental Jew has a legitimate grievance against an Arab government this would in no way diminish the State of Israel's responsibility towards the Palestinians whom they uprooted.

        One should remember that, according to Zionism, Jews who come to Israel do so as the culmination of millennial aspirations. Migration to Israel on the part of world Jewry is considered a duty. In Israel, an immigrant Jew is an oleh, someone who has "ascended", who has fullfilled aliyah. Therefore, the situations of the Palestinians and Oriental Jews are thoroughly dissimilar and not parallel.

        The Palestinian refugees were forced out against their will, have never relinquished their rights to their land and homes, and cannot be denied their inalienable right to return, guaranteed under international law.
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • #5

          Good readings and all, but I don't think copying and pasting all the material from the other wesite is going to help right now, and you're violating their copyright as is.

          A better approach is to use the material to back you up in your arguments against zionistic revisionists.
          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Urban Ranger

            Good readings and all, but I don't think copying and pasting all the material from the other wesite is going to help right now, and you're violating their copyright as is.
            Oops, didn´t think about copyright But at least I mentioned the source...

            A better approach is to use the material to back you up in your arguments against zionistic revisionists.
            I will, but talking to the zionists on Poly is like banging your head against a brick wall...
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • #7
              Sounds like Arab propaganda to me.

              Israel existed thousands of years before Islam was even around. They have more of a claim to the area. Look at all the major conflicts in the world today. They all are in Islam infested areas.


              • #8
                Yap and the Roman Empire existed thousands of years bevor the French Republic, the friggin French should give their lands back to Italy its rightfully Roman land
                If it is no fun why do it?
                Live happy or die


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tom201
                  Yap and the Roman Empire existed thousands of years bevor the French Republic, the friggin French should give their lands back to Italy its rightfully Roman land
                  Italians aren't Romans...


                  • #10
                    They are the ancestors of past Romans

                    Some of them live in Rome so they are Romans

                    My point is that this whole "some thousand years ago things were like this therefore we have the right to this and that", is rediculous.
                    If it is no fun why do it?
                    Live happy or die


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tom201
                      They are the ancestors of past Romans

                      Some of them live in Rome so they are Romans

                      My point is that this whole "some thousand years ago things were like this therefore we have the right to this and that", is rediculous.
                      Culture and heritage is important to some people. In the 9th century, Muslims conquered the Kingdom of Israel and forced the Jewish people to scatter across Europe. The Jews have managed to survive 12 centuries of persecution. And after WWII, when they nearly faced annihilation, the Allies gave them back their original homeland, which is occupied today by the Arab scum.

                      Let me ask you this Tom, if the Russians invaded Amsterdam, and expelled all the Dutch, occupied it for 12 centuries, and then a group of Allies then kicked the Russians out and let the Dutch back to their homeland, would you be against this?

                      Let's face it. Israel is a democratic society. The Arab world is an autocratic society run by chauvenists who oppress freedom and women. This isn't a case of Jew vs Islam... Muslims should be free to practice their religion. But the leadership of the Arab world should not be allowed to keep a tyrranical reign over the people of the Middle East.


                      • #12
                        Sava you´re an ignorant ****! But what could be expected of a zionist... If you didn´t have USA and imperialist powers holding you up you would be dogfood by now... Tom makes an excellent point, to bad you´re so narrowminded you can´t see it.
                        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                        • #13
                          Let's revert the world to the state it was in 12 centuries ago

                          It'll be great, we could do mass genocide in every country, kill billions of people and cause utter chaos, and then when it's all done we can live the dark ages over again!
                          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                          Do It Ourselves


                          • #14
                            Talking about been retrospective, Oswald
                            Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

                            - Paul Valery


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kamrat X
                              Sava you´re an ignorant ****! But what could be expected of a zionist... If you didn´t have USA and imperialist powers holding you up you would be dogfood by now... Tom makes an excellent point, to bad you´re so narrowminded you can´t see it.
                              Yeah, I'm ignorant because I'm opposed to a world that supports terrorism, oppression, and persecution. Good point there.

                              Did you know that Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is the 6th highest selling book in Palestine?

                              Tom's point is stupid. The Israelis have a right to reclaim their homeland that was stolen from them long ago by the Arab scum. And the US and its imperialist powers aren't holding me up. Freedom is. That's why the Palestinians, and the rest of the Arab world is going to lose in this war against terrorism. Once people realize that there is a world without oppression and persecution, a world where you can be free, people never want a fundamentalist dictator running the show.

                              Modern day freedom started in America. Then spread to Western Europe. After WWII, most of Europe was freed. After the Cold War ended, the old Soviet bloc became free. And after the War on Terror is over, the Middle East will be free.

                              Anyone against Israel, is against freedom.

