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How to shut up an anti-semite.......

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  • How to shut up an anti-semite.......

    Last edited by Vesayen; March 21, 2002, 21:36.

  • #2
    And how is this different from Poly ME threads?
    A proud citizen of the only convicted terrorist harboring nation!

    .13 posts per day, and proud of it!


    • #3
      Im sorry buy what are poly me threads? I only found this forum(which I love) last week.


      • #4
        How to shut up someone who dares to defend the Pal's: brand him an anti-Semite, and have him banned. You're half way there

        Also, one post of yours stuck in me in that thread... which of the sides in this conflict doesn't kill civilians? Is there a third side I don't know about?

        (Spare me the "Israel doesn't target civilians" diatribe... that's not what I asked)


        • #5
          "ME threads"
          Middle East Threads:

          Commonly started by Sirotnikov, Eli or antoher Israeli poster.
          There are various sides on the issues, with most taking the israeli side excepting (either Spartan007 or CyberGnu-I'm not sure)

          I hope that was helpful
          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #6
            There are ME (Middle East) threads here on Apolyton off-topic.

            I happenned to meet several people which adressed Israel and Israelis in very unkind manners, and some continued to ignore posts replying to them.

            A great example would be laurentius, who ignored each and everyone one of my posts, until I got mad and then he blamed me of shutting him up because he was saying things which I didn't like.

            He hadn't actually defnded any of his points, and ignored every point of mine, rarely posting a smilie.

            And then what I got angry, he used this to accuse me of shutting him up, after I let out some of my anger.


            • #7
              I hope you arent referring to "dugfrom the earth" from what I see on page 1 all of his arguments are valid- and in fact better than your argument that the
              "The Jews were given Israel by the international community, and by the mandate of Brittain, who previously owned the land. The Palestinians never had it."

              So basically you are talking about right of conquest, might makes right. The Palestinians lived there. Arguing that the British conquered it and gave it to Israel doesn't exactly give Israel any moral claim to it. Just the international recognition that might makes right.
              (dug was the second)
              I fully support his statement. AT least that one.

              Israelis have no more right to the land than the Palestinians who were unlawfully kicked out.
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              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8
                It's nice that you consider my thread a "news site"

                You'll be happy to know it's a translation and a summary of news pieces from, and the Israeli Channel 2 News Company TV news.


                • #9
                  Israelis have no more right for this land than palestinians.

                  Jews, have IMO more rights for this land than palestinians, since they ahve a historical connection to this land, while the palestinians are a mixture of nomads and arabs from syria and jordan.

                  The major palestinian immigration to palestine was during the same time as jews began immigrating here - starting from 1890 etc.

                  Why? Because small jewish centers became profitable, and needed working hands. Because the whole area was slowly developing.

                  Under the brits, more immigration followed by both sides.


                  • #10
                    Just wondering... Why did you edit out the link, Vesayn?
                    -->Visit CGN!
                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • #11
                      Oh I didnt mean to edit it out.......I was testing a board function heh, I'll put it back.


                      • #12
                        I don't think the person in question is an anti-semite.

                        He does relate to the points.

                        And comparing terracts to acts of war is an event I meet often among left-wing people who simply can not differentiate acts of agression. For them, it doesn't matter what were the settings, the target or the intetion.


                        Here you can edit anytime you want.

                        The only thing is, if you do this more than 5 minutes after you've posted, you'll get a nice notice in the bottomn of your post


                        • #13
                          Can you point out the anti-Semetic part? I didn't see anything in that thread that said anything horrible. Maybe I missed it, since I skimmed pretty quickly.

                          As for you Siro, what do you do, surf all the game boards and do battle with anyone who think that maybe the Israelis might be slightly less than perfect?
                          Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                            Can you point out the anti-Semetic part? I didn't see anything in that thread that said anything horrible. Maybe I missed it, since I skimmed pretty quickly.

                            As for you Siro, what do you do, surf all the game boards and do battle with anyone who think that maybe the Israelis might be slightly less than perfect?
                            Just one paragraph which put Israel in the context of America's supposed support for and conducting of mass-murderers everywhere, with a list which included the Shah, the Taliban and was topped off by the fire bombing of Dresden and the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I thought invoking the atomic bomb was a bit of overkill, but not in any way anti-Semitic.


                            • #15
                              CHE - I sent you a mail or a PM a day ago.

                              Please answer!!

                              And yes, I feel obligated to make sure that Israel's behaviour and motief are understood, for people to have better judgement.

                              There are countless PA henchmen on CNN and BBC who are experts in selling terracts to the people.

                              I've seen only 3 Israelis with rethoric skills enough to combat the palestinian propoganda, and they seldomly appear.

                              One is Bibi Nethanyahu.

                              Two is I forgot his name, but he's currenly Sharon's secretary of information. I rarely see him though, and suspect he got sacked after telling people that Sharon ordered the Mossad to capture Daniel Pearl's murderors.

                              Three is someone whom I seen on CNN a week ago, who's apparently one of the staff of the Israeli embassy in USA.

