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What turns you off?

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  • #76
    make up and particularly excessive make up.

    Once I got as a gift to an unrependant and uncorigable girl a lipstick with cherry flavor. And was called a pervert.


    • #77
      Wait there's plenty more!

      Braindeadness or in Greek terms "plants". A spark of intelligence is a prerequisitive.

      Girls who slavishly follow the "trend", "fashion" and have made that their primordial and exclusive, life - defining purpose.

      Cinema stars, haugthniness (is this a word?) Girls who consider themselves as princesses and want the whole world at their feet because "they deserve it and that's that". It is for me to treat a girl like a princess because I feel like it, because she creates these feelings in me, this cannot be "imposed" for ****'s sake (literally).

      And in general anyone who is no position to "feel my pain" (sic). That said she might be good for a **** but that's that. (and yes that's the hard reality I'm afraid - it cuts both ways).


      • #78
        Too much past experience
        Being too forward
        Trying to fit in with others/fashion/trends/her clique


        • #79
          Too much past experience
          Being too forward
          Trying to fit in with others/fashion/trends/her clique


          • #80
            Too much past experience
            I felt this way too at first. However, I've found out not all gals with a lot of experience are in fact (still) sluts.

            With some it's because of a whole lot of bad things that happened to them, and happened to have been with lots of guys because they are/were quite simply naive and then got used by guys.

            And some used to be sluts, but changed. Just because a gal was a slut when she was 16-17 is no reason not to date her when she's 20-21 and obviously changed.

            And yeah, some (some? ahem) girls are sluts. And I hate those too.
            Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


            • #81
              Originally posted by Saint Marcus

              xcuse me?

              Why can't he defend himself?



              The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


              • #82
                What turns me off???

                Let me see, that'll be:

                Fat people - Sorry, but I just think it's bad in my case (I'm this little tiny thin guy, who don't want to be "invisible" when standing next to a gf)

                Too much make up - That one I really hate, too many girls are wearing way tooooo much make up. A more natural look is best (in most cases)

                Ppl who think they know every god damn thing - Oh yeah, I don't mind if they know every God damn thing, but when they pretend to know everything then it's annoying

                Drunk ppl - I just can't see anyway for this to be a turn on

                Smokers - Bad habit...very bad habit

                melons ( ) - I just hate standing next to "mount everrest", specially if that's a fake mountain
                This space is empty... or is it?

