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What turns you off?

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  • What turns you off?

    Me, I hate too much make up and bad breath. You know, you wake up one morning with a girl, you feel horny so you go brush your teeth because you're planing on waking her up in that special little way. Then she wakes up, turns around with the ****ed up make up and the morning breath. DAMN!!!!
    I can tell something right now, Moby just died.....

    Fat people
    Too much make up
    Bad breath
    Ppl who think they know every god damn thing
    Drunk ppl
    Rotten Banana

    The poll is expired.

    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

  • #2
    BAd breath is such a bad turn off, I will tell you if you are talking to me and you have bad breath..

    Have you been eating a $hit Sandwich???
    The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


    • #3
      Annoying laughs are a big turn-off for me. Nobody looks sexy when they're braying like a horse or shrieking like a banshee.

      People who talk about themselves constantly (or, for that matter, people who talk constantly) also turn me off.

      General bitchiness is probably the biggest turn-off of all, though.
      <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


      • #4
        Well......I like bi+chiness up to a certain point, to much is annoying but just enough turns me on.
        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


        • #5
          Too much make up, drunkards, and people who think they know everything (unless they do).
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #6
            Reverse it Spectator. It's the same for girls when you turn to your man and want to get some in the morning and maybe he's been drinking the night could knock over a freight train with the breath! Yup, bad breath is a huge turn off.

            Another pet turn off is people who always have to tell you their life story and how pitiful it was and how nobody loved them, their life is so horrible, their mother never loved them......yadaaa yadaaa yadaaa. If you notice they always manage to turn the conversation now matter what it is around to them and how terrible things are for them. It gets old after a while.
            Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
            Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
            Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
            You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


            • #7
              Stupid women is a major turnoff for me, same with women who think they´re funny but really just are goddamn annoying
              I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


              • #8
                make up.

                in general

                the more a gal puts on, the uglier she gets.

                bad breath I don't care much about, though for myself I always bring plenty of mints/gum since so many others seem to care about it.
                Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tiamat
                  Another pet turn off is people who always have to tell you their life story and how pitiful it was and how nobody loved them, their life is so horrible, their mother never loved them......yadaaa yadaaa yadaaa. If you notice they always manage to turn the conversation now matter what it is around to them and how terrible things are for them. It gets old after a while.
                  Right on the head! I hate self pitty!!
                  -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                  • #10
                    Stupidity is the worst turn on though (but that's not on the list).

                    Also, there seems to be a clear connection between the amount of make up a gal puts on, and here level of intelligence.

                    though there are too many exceptions sadly. I just wish it was all so easy to spot.
                    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                    • #11
                      See now I find that intersting....I always thought guys liked girls to wear makeup.
                      Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
                      Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
                      Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
                      You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


                      • #12
                        Let me verify and tell you kids, that its not the "amount" of makeup
                        its how you use or misuse it.
                        Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.


                        • #13
                          I feel the same way.

                          Originally posted by Kamrat X
                          same with women who think they´re funny but really just are goddamn annoying

                          Reminds me of someone around here.

                          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                          Do It Ourselves


                          • #14
                            Well Tiamat, I think they/we do, just as long as we don't know they do wear it. If you understand what I mean...


                            • #15
                              See now I find that intersting....I always thought guys liked girls to wear makeup.
                              I don't.

                              And I know I'm not the only one.

                              I prefer a gal's natural look. All a girl has to do is do her hair, and shave. Those things add to her beauty, anything else (lipstick, mascare, nailpolish, etc) only make a girl less attractive (in my eyes).
                              Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

