Originally posted by Rogan Josh
Why on Earth would the EU want an army as big as the US army???
The whole point of the EU criticising the US, is that we don't want them to go around killing people quite so much. Why would we counter that by doing the same thing?

The only way to try and deal with the US is to try and acheive economic dominance. This is something which Europe can and should do (although it policy makers would need a serious kick up the arse first....). The EU has a highly trained populace and good infrastructure, as well as good relations (on the whole - at least better than the US) with developing countries.
Nowadays econimic dominance = cultural dominance, so by Europe gaining economic dominance, maybe we could somehow trandfer our views onto the US populace and teach those Americans how to behave themselves.
Why on Earth would the EU want an army as big as the US army???
The whole point of the EU criticising the US, is that we don't want them to go around killing people quite so much. Why would we counter that by doing the same thing?

The only way to try and deal with the US is to try and acheive economic dominance. This is something which Europe can and should do (although it policy makers would need a serious kick up the arse first....). The EU has a highly trained populace and good infrastructure, as well as good relations (on the whole - at least better than the US) with developing countries.
Nowadays econimic dominance = cultural dominance, so by Europe gaining economic dominance, maybe we could somehow trandfer our views onto the US populace and teach those Americans how to behave themselves.
Do you really think the European Union could practice economic dominance — with or without a military — and get away with it? Hardly. Wanna know why? Because that's what everyone is whining about today: the combination of U.S. economic, cultural and military dominance. Look what our "dominance" has wrought: It just makes us a nice big target for the perpetually "victimized" masses to spit at (at best) and maybe bring down a few of our skyscrapers if they're really aggravated (and religiously-motivated to boot).
Go ahead, Rogan. Lead the EU to economic dominance. Then get ready to build up the EU's military in order to defend said economic interests (and, by then, your puppet states in which the interests reside). After all, it's getting lonely up here in the "dominance" crow's nest. We could use a partner up here ... then at least there would be two targets for the perpetually "victimized" masses to spit and shoot at.
Isn't this bringing back memories of pre-World War I Europe, Rogan? European nations were gung-ho, interventionist and had colonies all over the world back then. Success then made you a target and success now and in the future will also turn you back into a target for those who feel they are disenfranchised.
What it all comes down is that success and "dominance" will inevitably lead to someone hating your guts and wanting to make balloon animals out of said entrails. No matter how "nice" or "evil" you are. That's human nature.
Welcome to the crow's nest, Rogan. Here's your flak jacket and helmet. Now DUCK!