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The Question Thread

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  • #76
    35) Who's your favorite scientist?
    Albert E was pretty cool, but so were many other German scientists in that time

    36) Do you prefer dogs or cats?
    I prefer burning both while still alive

    37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time?
    :fu: :fu:

    38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle?
    Hard one... Dubya is the only one whose dumbness I've lived, so W it is!

    39) What do you fear?
    The dark

    40) What is your favorite word to use?
    English: "as well"
    German: "Depp"

    41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet?
    I'd like to meet those another time which I've already met (Zopper, Provost Harrison, Dr Oogkloot, Stefan Härtel, in temporal order of encountering in real ), plus (alphabetical order now ) Boddington's (to get a chance to kick his arse good for being such a tosser ), Eli, Sirotnikov, Taurus, maybe also some of the Americans... haven't been in close contact to many Apolytoenrs lately, I used to be fond of meeting more of you guys, I don't know...

    42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything?
    Yeah, cool timing

    What's the meaning of life? A dead cat's head!

    43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be?
    Versailles Castle in January of 1871

    44) How old are you?

    45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board?
    Lancer, connorkimbro

    46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there?
    I have no idea

    47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll?
    to be quite honest - Spink

    48. What else should, or could you be doing right now?
    doing homework, sleeping

    49.) What would you call the capital of your country?

    50) What's your favourite Non-alcoholic drink?
    mezzo mix

    51) how long have you been on Apolyton?
    Since March 23, 2000

    52) Which is better, EU or US?


    • #77
      I left off at 41...

      42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything?

      43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be?
      Berlin 1945

      44) How old are you?

      45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board?

      46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there?
      Marijuana, Bong, Veronika Zemanova.

      47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll?
      AH. some of the others get me mad at times, but he is always got some good stuff.

      48. What else should, or could you be doing right now?
      Finding a job.

      49.) What would you call the capital of your country?
      Bribeington D.C.

      50.) What's your favourite Non-alcoholic drink?
      Iced Water

      51.) how long have you been on Apolyton?
      Since January 1, 2000

      52.) Which is better, EU or US?

      53.) Do you own a gun?


      • #78
        1) Favorite Food: Vietnamese or Tex-Mex
        2) Car I Drive: 1999 Mazda Protege
        3) Favorite TV Show: First Monday or Simpsons
        4) Favorite Alcohol: Absolut Vodka
        5) High School: University School of Las Colinas
        6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? Find true love
        7) Favorite Time of Day: 11:00 pm-2:00am
        8) Favorite Singer: None in particular
        9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? UK
        10) What religion are you least attracted to? Atheism
        11) What's your favorite song? Higher by Creed
        12) What's your favourite album?: All Killer No Filler by Sum41
        13) What's your GPA? 3.0, should be 3.5 or so after this semester
        14) Who is your best friend? Eric or Annie
        15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? Australia or Germany
        16) What is your favorite smiley? or
        17) How many girlfriends have you had? 1
        18) Do you think you're happy? not really
        19) Why are you happy or unhappy? I'm unhappy because I'm fairly alone
        20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers
        21) First CD you bought? Can't remember
        22) What's your ideal job? President of the US, of course
        23) What is your favorite movie? Braveheart
        24) Least favorite school subject? Math or Science of whatever kind
        25) Favorite philosopher: John Locke
        26) Favorite Author: Tom Clancy
        27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? I don't dress up
        28) How did you find Apolyton? Random surfing years ago
        29) Favorite position? I wish I knew
        30) Favorite Sport to Watch? NHB Fighting
        31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? History
        32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? None, but since I have to pick an answer I'd say the PRC
        33) What's your favorite language? english
        34) Who's your hero? Don't have one
        35) Who's your favorite scientist? I hate science, remember?
        36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? cats
        37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 18
        38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Quayle
        39) What do you fear? Being alone
        40) What is your favorite word to use? Probably "****"
        41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Wraith, berzerker, MtG, Ming, Boddingtons, etc.
        42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? 42 (that's a gimme)
        43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? Height of the Roman Republic, Revolutionary America, or the height of the British Empire
        44) How old are you? 19
        45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Bugs and Lefty
        46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? An unlimited keg of beer, a computer with internet connection that magically worked, and unlimited food of whatever I wanted
        47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? CivNation
        48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Studying
        49.) What would you call the capital of your country? I'd call it the liberal capital of the nation, ie Washington DC.
        50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Applejuice
        51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Apparently since January of 1970 Seriously, I can't remember. I was one of the first, I know that much.
        52.) Which is better, EU or US? US in some ways, EU in some ways
        53.) Do you own a gun? Not at the moment, unfortunately, but that should change soon

        My Question:
        54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? No abstaining, you have to pick one. I'd say the Nazi Party.
        Follow me on Twitter:
        Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


        • #79
          1) Favorite Food: Vietnamese

          2) Car I Drive: None

          3) Favorite TV Show: Jackass

          4) Favorite Alcohol: Tequila, or cheap southern European red wine. Any cheap red wines, actually. And whiskey/scotch

          5) High School: Mäntän lukio

          6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? I'd rather die pissed off than happy.

          7) Favorite Time of Day: Sunrise/sunset

          8) Favorite Singer: A.W. Yrjänä and Ike Vil (yeah, see the sig...)

          9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? Sweden. Oh, yeah, cum to Swedenn!

          10) What religion are you least attracted to? Moron...mormonism (oops )and other (semi-)christian loonies. Of the bigger ones: Catholicism

          11) What's your favorite song? Beyond the Sun by Babylon Whores ("Pull down your heart / through the rib cage / go paint it a smiling face / leave the scarab in it's place...")

          12) What's your favourite album?: Tough one... MIGHT be Cold Heaven by Babylon Whores.

          13) What's your GPA? About ~9.7 I think (we have 4-10)

          14) Who is your best friend? I have many close friends, not a best one.

          15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? Amsterdam

          16) What is your favorite smiley?

          17) How many girlfriends have you had? 1

          18) Do you think you're happy? Yeah

          19) Why are you happy or unhappy? Duh. Useless question.

          20) Boxers or briefs? Briefs.

          21) First CD you bought? Aerosmith - The Great Ones

          22) What's your ideal job? Musician or an author

          23) What is your favorite movie? I like stuff by Quentin Tarantino and Aki Kaurismäki. Also the love & anarchy-stuff.

          24) Least favorite school subject? Swedish

          25) Favorite philosopher: Nietzsche is interesting.

          26) Favorite Author: Perhaps William S. Burroughs

          27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? Can't decide between the pope and Peppi Pitkätossu/Pippi Långstrump

          28) How did you find Apolyton? Random surfing

          29) Favorite position? Doh. Passed out drunk in a nice, warm sofa, having a carpet (or my coat) as my blanket. Preferably near a fireplace. Or in a sauna.

          30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Don't watch sports. Perhaps hockey.

          31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Religion and philosophy

          32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? Vatican (but I wouldn't)

          33) What's your favorite language? Finnish, my native tongue. English is also fairly ok.

          34) Who's your hero? Some totally anonymous/unknown guy who works his all life with a crappy salary and uses his last money to buy his kids some fashion running shoes so that their friends wouldn't make fun of them at school... I'm not really into this "hero" crap otherwise. I might say that Jesus Christ was perhaps the only person I could really appreciate (long story). And even his existance isn't sure.

          35) Who's your favorite scientist? ...don't really have one.

          36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats. Most of the time I hate dogs. Annoying.

          37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 16

          38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Don't know Quayle, but Dubya is dumb, yes.

          39) What do you fear? Youth turning conservative.

          40) What is your favorite word to use? Doh. Something related to alien love dolls.

          41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Don't really know you guys well yet.

          42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? 42

          43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? Can't decide. People have always been shit, as well as times. Perhaps old, empireal Japan or China.

          44) How old are you? 17

          45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Caligastia of course, since he said that I'm the coolest guy around here.

          46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? A villa, lost of alcohol and friends.

          47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? EvC

          48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Sleeping (4:32 at the moment...)

          49.) What would you call the capital of your country? Hell-Sin'ki

          50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Kirnupiimä

          51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Since Jan2001. I had a break of some 6 months in between, though.

          52.) Which is better, EU or US? EU

          53.) Do you own a gun? No. Not now nor NEVER will have

          54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? No abstaining, you have to pick one. Depends on the time and place... (Now? 1936? etc...) ...back then Nazis (Communists would have probably messed things even worse), nowadays communists.

          My Question: Do you play an instrument? What instrument?
          (I play guitar and bass myself)

          Edit: This is getting quite lengthy... what do you say we limit the questions to 50? So that every new question would drop the oldest.
          You make my life and times
          A book of bluesy Saturdays


          • #80
            Already answered the first 24...

            25) Favorite philosopher: John Locke
            26) Favorite Author: Kevin J. Anderson
            27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? No thanks
            28) How did you find Apolyton? I worked for SidGames
            29) Favorite position? Laying down
            30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Hockey
            31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Computers
            32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? Quebec.
            33) What's your favorite language? English.
            34) Who's your hero? I don't have one.
            35) Who's your favorite scientist? Gordon Moore
            36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats
            37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 17. New year's eve.
            38) Who's dumber: George W. Bush or Dan Quayle? Tough call!
            39) What do you fear? Rejection
            40) What is your favorite word to use? Don't have one.
            41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? None.
            42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? There is none, and I don't like the Hitchiker's Guide so I won't say 42.
            43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? World War II.
            44) How old are you? 18
            45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? No one.
            46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? Solar powered laptop with satellite modem , blankets (for shelter from the sun and for keeping warm at night), and a bunch of spare clothes.
            47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? Wiglaf
            48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Studying
            49.) What would you call the capital of your country? Hell
            50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Coke
            51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Nov 1999.
            52.) Which is better, EU or US? What kind of question is that? They're different.
            53.) Do you own a gun? No.
            54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Communist.
            55) Do you play an instrument? What instrument? Yes, I play the guitar regularly, and I also can play the piano (I was better when I was younger).

            And yeah, I vote we cap it at 55 questions for now. We should start another thread, this is getting too long.
            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


            • #81
              Getting long is sorta the point.

              But do as you like
              Follow me on Twitter:
              Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


              • #82
                1) Favorite Food: Rogan Josh

                2) Car I Drive: BMW 316i

                3) Favorite TV Show: Ermmm... probably ER

                4) Favorite Alcohol: 20 year old MacAllen single malt

                5) High School: MYOB

                6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? Nothing - I am happy right now.

                7) Favorite Time of Day: 10pm

                8) Favorite Singer: erm... not sure - don't really have one.

                9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? Italy I think.

                10) What religion are you least attracted to? Shintoism

                11) What's your favorite song? This varies too much to say

                12) What's your favourite album?: As above...

                13) What's your GPA? I have no idea how to change this into US notation.

                14) Who is your best friend? My wife

                15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? India

                16) What is your favorite smiley?

                17) How many girlfriends have you had? 6-7 or so

                18) Do you think you're happy? Yes

                19) Why are you happy or unhappy? Why shouldn't I be? I have a good job, a beautiful wife, and more money than I can spend.

                20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

                21) First CD you bought? Brahms 2nd Symphony

                22) What's your ideal job? Physicist

                23) What is your favorite movie? To hard to say - mybe The Usual Suspects

                24) Least favorite school subject? Phys Ed

                25) Favorite philosopher: Not sure....

                26) Favorite Author: Changes too often

                27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween?

                28) How did you find Apolyton? Looking for Civ mods

                29) Favorite position? Getting a bit personal here....

                30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Football (the real one)

                31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Physics

                32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? US (but I wouldn't)

                33) What's your favorite language? english

                34) Who's your hero? Jesus Christ

                35) Who's your favorite scientist? Me

                36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs

                37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 20 (I did the dumping previously)

                38) Who?s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Both dumb in different ways, but probably Quayle.

                39) What do you fear? Standing up in front of an international gathering of physicists and making a complete fool of myslef.

                40) What is your favorite word to use? don't have one

                41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Bugs, since he has got a good sense of humour (looks a bit weird in his General's outfit though...)

                42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? 42

                43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? 33AD Jerusalem for obvious reasons

                44) How old are you? 30

                45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? To hard to say.

                46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? A stelite telephone, a cruise ship, and plenty of food.

                47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? To hard to say again

                48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? working

                49.) What would you call the capital of your country? My country? I don't have a country....

                50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Orange juice

                51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Not sure - a few years probably - my date of joining was lost last server crash

                52.) Which is better, EU or US? EU

                53.) Do you own a gun? No.

                54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Communist (although I wouldn't want them either)

                55) Do you play an instrument? What instrument? Piano

                My question: What is the thing you think others dislike most about you?


                • #83
                  13) What's you GPA? Equivalent to ~3.0

                  14) Who is your best friend? Mohammed Reza

                  15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? Americas

                  16) What is your favorite smiley?

                  17) How many girlfriends have you had?

                  18) Do you think you're happy?

                  19) Why are you happy or unhappy?
                  Make to little stash at the moment

                  20) Boxers or briefs?

                  21) First CD you bought?
                  Very - Pet Shop Boys

                  22) What's your ideal job?
                  Let's designer, cell phone developer, filmmaker, or something within advertising...

                  23) What is your favorite movie?
                  American Psycho is one of them..

                  24) Least favorite school subject?
                  Religion was hideous...

                  25) Favorite philosopher:
                  Nietzsche, perhaps

                  26) Favorite Author:
                  Don't read much fiction

                  27) What would you like to dress into next...
                  I don't dress up...

                  28) How did you find Apolyton? Was looking for info on Civ3

                  29) Favorite position? Offensive Midfielder

                  30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Soccer of course. Duh.

                  31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Maths, right now

                  32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? Finland.

                  33) What's your favorite language? English

                  34) Who's your hero? Santa Claus

                  35) Who's your favorite scientist? I'd say Newton

                  36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs

                  37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 19

                  38) Who?s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Don't know Quayle, but I doubt noone is dumber than Dubya.

                  39) What do you fear? Poly running slow

                  40) What is your favorite word to use? "custom"

                  41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Noone.

                  42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything?

                  43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? 80's NY, America during colonization, Roman Empire, Ancient Greece

                  44) How old are you? 20

                  45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Me.

                  46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there?
                  Apple, orange, banana

                  47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? To hard to say again

                  48. What else should, or could you be doing right now?
                  Playing NHL2002 online with a friend

                  49.) What would you call the capital of your country?

                  50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Orange pop

                  51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Classified information

                  52.) Which is better, EU or US? EU is evil, so I'd say US

                  53.) Do you own a gun? No.

                  54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Communists. I'm no fan of racial biology.

                  55) Do you play an instrument? What instrument? Guitar, keyboard, briefly drums 'n' bass.

                  56): What is the thing you think others dislike most about you?
                  My severe condition of emptying other people's fridges as soon as they turn their backs.

                  My question: Which is the first memory you have?


                  • #84
                    1) Favorite Food: Lamb steaks glazed in rosemary, garlic and a dash of chilli.

                    2) Car I Drive: Nissan Primera

                    3) Favorite TV Show: Secrets of the dead

                    4) Favorite Alcohol: Lagavulin single malt

                    5) High School: Avon hellhole comprehensive

                    6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? A lot more sex.

                    7) Favorite Time of Day: Noon.

                    8) Favorite Singer: Mark Lanegan..

                    9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? Iceland.

                    10) What religion are you least attracted to? Calvinism. It's the dogma of perverse gloom.

                    11) What's your favorite song? "You made me realise"- My Bloody Valentine.

                    12) What's your favourite album?: "Mezzanine"- Massive Attack

                    13) What's your GPA? - Sufficient.
                    14) Who is your best friend? My wife

                    15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? America.

                    16) What is your favorite smiley? None. They're evil little bastards.

                    17) How many girlfriends have you had? Depends on how you count them. A figure between 8- 20 depending on the depth of involvement and/or physical contact.

                    18) Do you think you're happy? A marginal "Yes".

                    19) Why are you happy or unhappy? Nagging unease, paranoia

                    20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

                    21) First CD you bought? "Starsailor" by Tim Buckley. First vinyl album was "Fate for breakfast" by Art Garfunkel.
                    22) Ideal job- Quality control inspector in a zero-gravity breast factory.

                    23) What is your favorite movie? "To kill a mockingbird".

                    24) Least favorite school subject? Getting beaten up. Or maths.

                    25) Favorite philosopher: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it may incriminate me as an uncultured barbarian.

                    26) Favorite Author: Elmore Leonard, or Iain Banks.

                    27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? - A Pope costume. I have no idea why.

                    28) How did you find Apolyton? Someone said it was "full of nazis and bible bashers". I came looking for trouble, and found it.

                    29) Favorite position? "Libero" Sweeper.

                    30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Boxing.

                    31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Law.

                    32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? I wouldn't.

                    33) What's your favorite language? To use- English. It's such a wonderfully unruly mutt of a tongue. To hear- Gaelic.

                    34) Who's your hero? Everyone has feet of clay. However I admire King Athelstan, Shakespeare, Goya, Gandhi, Che Guevara and Nelson Mandela.
                    35) Who's your favourite scientist?: If the definition can be stretched to historians, David Keays- creator of Catastrophe theory. If not- James Lovelock- creator of Gaia theory.

                    36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs. They're less inclined to claw out your retinas.

                    37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 14

                    38) Who's dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Quayle, just.

                    39) What do you fear? Getting my scrotum tangled up in an escalator and being dragged to my death.

                    40) What is your favorite word to use? "Spasm."

                    41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Tough call. It's probably out of Supersneak, MtG, Lefty and Brtndr4u. There are many others I'd like to meet- particularly people with life experience and a sense of humour.

                    42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? More sex. There may be other answers, but they're less interesting to research thoroughly.

                    43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? 955AD King Eadwig's court to see a nation unified by an underaged incestuous menage a trois.

                    44) How old are you? 31

                    45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? I respect free thinkers as opposed to people who buy into a "package" of "left wing" or "right wing" beliefs. Even if their basic politics disagrees with me.

                    46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? 10 grammes of cocaine, Salma Hayek and a fully-equipped and high-powered long-range speedboat (hidden).

                    47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? I only count them as "trolls" if they are malicious, which makes that question oxymoronic.

                    48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Studying for Financial Practice exams.

                    49.) What would you call the capital of your country? A big place that smells of wee.

                    50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Banana and mango smoothies.

                    51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Nearly three years. I turned up in the same month as AH and EVC. The site never really recovered.

                    52.) Which is better, EU or US? US. It doesn't have Brussels in it.

                    53.) Do you own a gun? No.

                    54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Both, and I'd wrap my ballot paper around a brick.

                    55) Do you play an instrument? What instrument? Guitar (badly). Drums (badly).

                    56) What is the thing you think others dislike most about you? - My great brooding sulks and evil streak.

                    57) Which is the first memory you have?- Getting butted by a calf.

                    58) Which celebrity would you least like to find smoking a post-coital cigarette next to you as you regain consciousness?
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • #85
                      1) Favorite Food: still can't think of anything to put here

                      2) Car I Drive:

                      3) Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons probably

                      4) Favorite Alcohol: Schmirnoff Ice

                      5) High School: Reigate Grammar School

                      6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? I would have to become happy.

                      7) Favorite Time of Day: 6am. I'm asleep

                      8) Favorite Singer: none. Instrumentals are better.

                      9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? New Zealand.

                      10) What religion are you least attracted to? Plymouth Brethrensim. Or something.

                      11) What's your favorite song? At the moment... "I want to conquer the world" by Bad Religion, or "Happy" by Stabbing Westward

                      12) What's your favourite album?: Don't buy albums on principle.

                      13) What's your GPA? - I don't think I have one ( )

                      14) Who is your best friend? You wouldn't know him...

                      15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? Someone else's bedroom.

                      16) What is your favorite smiley?

                      17) How many girlfriends have you had? 2-3

                      18) Do you think you're happy? I have never had a decent enough explaination of that word to compare my current situation to.

                      19) Why are you happy or unhappy? Young, healthy, boundless potential to suceed. Lonely, tired, uneasy, boundless potential to fail.

                      20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

                      21) First CD you bought? Now [that's what I call music] volume 45

                      22) Ideal job- Money minder

                      23) What is your favorite movie? "The Matrix".

                      24) Least favorite school subject? French.

                      25) Favorite philosopher: Define favourite.

                      26) Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett.

                      27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? - My own clothes. I dislike "dressing up"

                      28) How did you find Apolyton? Google.

                      29) Favorite position? On my right hand side, asleep.

                      30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Quiddich.

                      31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Maths.

                      32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? I wouldn't either.

                      33) What's your favorite language? English. Not american

                      34) Who's your hero? Don't have one. Maybe that's why I have no ambition.

                      35) Who's your favourite scientist?: Darwin.

                      36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats. They don't stink quite so much

                      37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 12

                      38) Who's dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Never heard Quayle speak. W's probably smarter than he sounds.

                      39) What do you fear? Dying before I've done anything worthwhile.

                      40) What is your favourite word to use? "outrageous"

                      41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? All the Brits. Or none of you.

                      42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? If I put 42 here, no-one will find it funny, and I'll just look stupid. "Because" generally works.

                      43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? 1966. Wembley Arena

                      44) How old are you? 17 and one twefth and one day.

                      45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Locutus. Maybe Imran also.

                      46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? A compact disc with 600 mp3 files on it; a CD player that'll play it; a book about the most ingenious ways to commit suicide on a desert island. Or sunscreen, depending on how "desert" the island was.

                      47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? Markos

                      48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Biology Coursework

                      49.) What would you call the capital of your country? A big place that smells of traffic jams.

                      50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Orange juice.

                      51)how long have you been on Apolyton? One year, two months.

                      52.) Which is better, EU or US? Banana

                      53.) Do you own a gun? No.

                      54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Communists

                      55) Do you play an instrument? What instrument? Piano (quit after failing an exam I should have passed but couldn't be arsed to practise for)

                      56) What is the thing you think others dislike most about you? - My tremendoud capacity to annoy.

                      57) Which is the first memory you have?- A duckling peed on me.

                      58) Which celebrity would you least like to find smoking a post-coital cigarette next to you as you regain consciousness? Dale Winton.

                      59) Who would you vote for as Leader of the World?
                      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                      • #86
                        1) Favorite Food: Chinese

                        2) Car I Drive: Ford Taurus or Ford Windstar, depending

                        3) Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld

                        4) Favorite Alcohol: Guinness

                        5) High School: Toms River High School East

                        6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? Um... get married to my girl?

                        7) Favorite Time of Day: Midnight

                        8) Favorite Singer: Garth Brooks

                        9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? Canada

                        10) What religion are you least attracted to? Hinduism (Caste system)

                        11) What's your favorite song? At the moment... "Does My Ring Burn Your Finger" by Leann Womack

                        12) What's your favourite album?: U2 - Joshua Tree

                        13) What's your GPA? - 3.604 out of 4

                        14) Who is your best friend? My girlfriend Jen

                        15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? Saint Petersburg

                        16) What is your favorite smiley?

                        17) How many girlfriends have you had? 1

                        18) Do you think you're happy? Yes, I believe so.

                        19) Why are you happy or unhappy? Young, healthy, totally in love, and don't have too hard of a life

                        20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

                        21) First CD you bought? Bon Jovi "Slippery when Wet"

                        22) Ideal job- Sports writer

                        23) What is your favorite movie? Braveheart

                        24) Least favorite school subject? French

                        25) Favorite philosopher: Nietzsche

                        26) Favorite Author: JK Rowling.

                        27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? - Hmmmm, come back to me in October

                        28) How did you find Apolyton? From YYYH on the old OWO forums

                        29) Favorite position? No comment

                        30) Favorite Sport to Watch? American football or baseball

                        31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? History

                        32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? China

                        33) What's your favorite language? English

                        34) Who's your hero? hmmm... don't really have one

                        35) Who's your favourite scientist?: Dunno

                        36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats

                        37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? N/A

                        38) Who's dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Quayle

                        39) What do you fear? Not being successful in life

                        40) What is your favourite word to use? Anything in the dictionary

                        41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? MtG, Ming, GP, Chris 62

                        42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? There is none

                        43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? 1980, Lake Placid... US v. USSR

                        44) How old are you? 21 and 10 months

                        45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? PH

                        46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? A Laptop with internet access , a TV with satellite hookup, and of course, my g/f

                        47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? MarkG

                        48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Eating

                        49.) What would you call the capital of your country? An interesting social statement on America

                        50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Coke

                        51)how long have you been on Apolyton? 3 Years and 3 months

                        52.) Which is better, EU or US? USA! USA!

                        53.) Do you own a gun? No

                        54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Communist meaning Stalin? Then Nazi. If Communist meaning Luxembourg, then Communist.

                        55) Do you play an instrument? What instrument? N/A

                        56) What is the thing you think others dislike most about you? - Dislike me? Who?

                        57) Which is the first memory you have?- Dunno

                        58) Which celebrity would you least like to find smoking a post-coital cigarette next to you as you regain consciousness? Courtney Love... ewww

                        59) Who would you vote for as Leader of the World? MtG

                        60) Who was more crooked as US President: Bill Clinton or John Kennedy
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • #87
                          1) Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers

                          2) Car I Drive: 1987 Nissan Sentra XE 4WD

                          3) Favorite TV Show: Conan O'Brian

                          4) Favorite Alcohol: Vodka (watered down)

                          5) High School: West Valley High

                          6) What would have to happen before you could die happy? Get married (although then she'd be all alone...)

                          7) Favorite Time of Day: Oh-Nine hundred hours. I like saying that.

                          8) Favorite Singer: Sammy Hagar

                          9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? Canada

                          10) What religion are you least attracted to? Voodooism (is that a religion?)

                          11) What's your favorite song? Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills, The Nomad

                          12) What's your favourite album?: Iron Maiden, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

                          13) What's your GPA? - I don't remember. In HS, it was 3.8 or something, in college, maybe 3.5.

                          14) Who is your best friend? Ben, and of course Lisa, my girlfriend.

                          15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? Australia

                          16) What is your favorite smiley? The standard one.

                          17) How many girlfriends have you had? 6

                          18) Do you think you're happy? Yes.

                          19) Why are you happy or unhappy? I have everything I want (except more money, more time off, a better car... maybe not everything...), especially love and friendship.

                          20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers.

                          21) First CD you bought? I forget...

                          22) Ideal job? CEO of a toy company...

                          23) What is your favorite movie? Hunt for Red October

                          24) Least favorite school subject? Languages in general, (English, French, German)

                          25) Favorite philosopher: Descartes

                          26) Favorite Author: Tom Clancy

                          27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? - Myself.

                          28) How did you find Apolyton? Google search for civ2 scenarios

                          29) Favorite position? Thats Classified information, I'd have to kill you. (You could ask Lisa...)

                          30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Hockey and Baseball.

                          31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? History

                          32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? The evil Zulus. Or maybe the Babylonians. but those Persians have been annoying lately...

                          33) What's your favorite language? English

                          34) Who's your hero? Mike Stalle, Chief of the Boat on USS Antietam.

                          35) Who's your favourite scientist?: Einstein.

                          36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats

                          37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 18

                          38) Who's dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Quayle

                          39) What do you fear? Falling through the ice on a lake.

                          40) What is your favourite word to use? Verbing. The process of turning nouns, adjectives, etc... into verbs.

                          41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Ming, MarkG, Gramphos, Riechelieu...

                          42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? 42? I forget. I wasn't paying attention in that class...

                          43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? Jutland, in WW1.

                          44) How old are you? 31.

                          45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Me. Dissident.

                          46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? My lady, a cooler full of beer, and a sat phone.

                          47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? A Horse

                          48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? Sleeping

                          49.) What would you call the capital of your country? A city. Where I work.

                          50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Coke

                          51)how long have you been on Apolyton? Almost six months.

                          52.) Which is better, EU or US? USA! USA!

                          53.) Do you own a gun? Yes. Colt M1911A1, .45 pistol, Remington 870 12-gauge.

                          54)If you had to vote between the Nazi Party and the Communist Party, who would you vote for? Communism. Communism is an admirable goal, but unfortunatly one very unlikely to be achieved.

                          55) Do you play an instrument? Trumpet.

                          56) What is the thing you think others dislike most about you? I'm too critical, too analytical, too full of useless information about random stuff.

                          57) Which is the first memory you have? Asking my parents if I was three yet, on the morning of my third birthday.

                          58) Which celebrity would you least like to find smoking a post-coital cigarette next to you as you regain consciousness? John Goodman. Don't even wanna think about that.

                          59) Who would you vote for as Leader of the World? Me.

                          60) Who was more crooked as US President: Bill Clinton or John Kennedy? Kennedy had his scandals, but they weren't published all over everywhere. Clinton had his, everyone in the world and there brother knew about it. I say tie.

                          And now mine.

                          61) Is there someone you should be spending time with instead of posting at Apolyton?

                          Yes, Lisa. She's glaring at me right now...

                          If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....

