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The Question Thread

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  • #61
    Re: the numbering...

    1) Favorite Food:
    Chinese or Greek food...

    2) Car I Drive:
    Don't have one yet

    3) Favorite TV Show:
    I like Vetenskapens värld
    Not that many of you will know what that is.
    When it comes to more comic things, Parlamentet and Snacka om nyheter are also favourites of mine though.

    4) Favorite Alcohol:
    Too young to techinically be allowed to drink, haven't really got a preference due to this age reason (well not allowed and havent arent the same thing sure, but that doesn't mean I have a preference).

    5) High School:
    Hmm, Katedralskolan (well this autoumn anyway)

    6) What would have to happen before you could die happy?
    I could never die truly happy, I am extremely scared of dying.
    I simply cannot endure the tought of not existing
    How could someone want to give up the only thing that exists?
    When you die you die, there is nothing more, by giving up life you sacrifice the only thing that _really_ matters. There wont be a second shot at it, ever
    Unless ofcourse you believe that you get to another place after death, I can see how such thoughts can be comforting.
    I cannot get myself to belive in that though

    7) Favorite Time of Day:
    Hmm, when I get home from school around 16:00

    8) Favorite Singer:
    Don't have one.

    9) What is your favorite non-homeland country?
    Not sure, no idea really.

    10) What religion are you least attracted to?
    Not sure, any religioun that would deny me anything of that which I like.

    11) What's your favorite song?
    Dont have one.

    12) What's your favourite album?:
    Dont have one of those either

    13) What's your GPA?
    Dont even know what that means (or what the swedish equivilant would be).

    14) Who is your best friend?
    Nobody here would know who I was talking about annyway

    15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited?
    America (!)

    16) What is your favorite smiley?

    17) How many girlfriends have you had?

    18) Do you think you're happy?
    Hmm, its relative, I am definatly more happy than I used to be.

    19) Why are you happy?
    I'm happier now due to a split up of my class 3 years ago.

    20) Boxers or briefs?

    21) First CD you bought?
    No idea.

    22) What's your ideal job?
    Hmm, lol, I have no idea.
    I might want to become a writer some day.

    23) What is your favorite movie?
    Star Wars

    24) Least favorite school subject?
    Maths (well there is nothing wrong with the subject, but I despise the teacher/lessons, etc)

    25) Favorite philosopher:
    Hmm, not sure.
    I do like this Goethe quote though:
    A person not able to readily retell the events of the latest 3000 years is a person living a wreckless life (ok thats a bad translation, but I am unsure of both the german original and the english translation, so I am translating from the swedish version)

    26) Favorite Author:
    I like Peter Englunds books.

    27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween?
    I wouldnt dress up for halloween as it isn't celebrated very widely over here

    28) How did you find Apolyton?
    I've "found it" numerous times, via links, via search engines, etc
    I didnt join the forums untill rather recently (a year or so ago) but I have been visiting and "rediscovering" the site a lot before that.

    29) Favorite position?

    30) Favorite Sport to Watch?
    Don't like any of them!

    31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most?

    32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be?
    I wouldn't want to nuke any nation, whatever they did.

    33) What's your favorite language?
    Apart from my native language?
    I really like english, it's not very beautifull when spoken, but it can be a very good language for expressing some things.

    34) Who's your hero?
    Not sure, there is a bunch to chose from.

    35) Who's your favorite scientist?
    Dont know

    36) Do you prefer dogs or cats?

    37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time?
    Havent been yet, for reasons listed above

    38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle?
    Dont know either

    39) What do you fear?
    Death, see above

    40) What is your favorite word to use?
    In english: "Though"
    In swedish "alvarligt talat" (more of a phrase)

    Note to English speakers: No the above things does not mean the same thing.

    41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet?
    FMK, kIndal, Rattus Norvegicus, Hardjoy, Exile, Waku and lots of other people from the SLEAGUE/Spanish Forums.

    42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything?
    42 great timing

    43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be?
    The 17th century in europe during the 30 years war.
    Either that or Italy during the renaiscanse. (lol, yes there is a big contrast between those I know)

    44) How old are you?

    Im 15 myself
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • #62
      1) Favorite Food: Chocolate and Chinese food (not necessiarly together)

      2) Car I Drive: ’99 Nissian Altima, Brown with a sun roof and cd player so I can listen to my favorite music.

      3) Favorite TV Show: Way to many but if I had to pick a few.....Red Dwarf, Are YOu Being Served? Friends, Dateline, King of the Hill and Trauma....Life in the ER

      4) Favorite Alcohol: Ummm......well the last drink I had cost me $4,000.00 so I tend to shy away from alcohol but if I was to drink I like Baileys and Kaluha.

      5) High School: Anderson High School, Austin Texas

      6) What would have to happen before you could die happy?
      Finally understand death and it's outcome and what happens to us after we die.

      7) Favorite Time of Day: About 9:30 to 10:00 on a Saturday morning while I'm still lying in bed watching the morning start.

      8) Favorite Singer: That's almost an impossible question to answer. The best answer I can give is it depends....depends on the day, the mood and what's going on in my life at the time. I pick my music according to that as well as the singers.

      9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? Ireland. I loved it when I was there and have always wanted to go back.

      10) What religion are you least attracted to? Any of them that spoon shovel or jam their belief system down your throat and tell're going to hell if you don't believe the same thing I do!

      11) What's your favorite song? UUUUUGGGHHhh! don't make me even attempt this one...but for today it's Weathered by Creed

      12) What's your favourite album?: Again with the impossible questions......probably between Dark Side of the Moon and the soundtrack from The Sound of Music.

      13) What's your GPA?Ok, so college was over 20 years ago and you expect me to remember that?? I was on full voice scholarship so I had to maintain my grades to keep my scholarship. "nuff said.

      14) Who is your best friend? Jan Cross. We've been friends since we were 12 so that makes......(counts on fingers and toes) yup 30 years we'v e been friends. But I also can't forget Selfbiased who has become my significant other as well as my best friend.

      15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? The South American Rain Forest. My dad was in the military and I spent my life traveling all over the world......this is one place I've never been but would love to go.

      16) What is your favorite smiley? I use it enough

      17) How many girlfriends have you had? What a question to ask a lady

      18) Do you think you're happy? Getting there. I used to have alot of trouble allowing myself to be loved but I'm learning slowly but surely! I have a great set of friends a wonderful boyfriend and my kids........well you did say happy right? So let's just leave the teenagers out

      19) Why are you happy? See above

      20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers boxers when I go to bed. Actually I like to go "alfresco"

      21) First CD you bought? HA! Metalica

      22) What's your ideal job? Staying home and taking care of my family!

      23) What is your favorite movie? Dark Crystal, Labrynth, Gone With the Wind, Princess many to pick!

      24) Least favorite school subject? Finally an easy question MATH!!!!!!!!

      25) Favorite philosopher: Ayn Rand of late.

      26) Favorite Author: Tolken

      27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? Frodo!

      28) How did you find Apolyton? The Great and Powerful Wraith!

      29) Favorite position? My mate handcuffed to the bed so I can be in total control.

      30) Favorite Sport to Watch? After watching the Olympics I would have to say the Skelton! What an awesome sport!

      31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? to many to choose from but since I am going back to school for nursing.....let's try that one.

      32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? What? Just one? None. I don't really subscribe to the theory of organized killing.

      33) What's your favorite language? French, I think it's a beautiful language.

      34) Who's your hero? My Mother.

      35) Who's your favorite scientist? Dr. Jekyell! Just Kidding!

      36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats.

      37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? Whose ever been dumped??? Actually about 16.

      38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Quayle!! Come on spell PotatoEEEEEEEEEEEEeeee for me

      39) What do you fear?
      Death or the non exsisting part....that bothers me the most.

      40) What is your favorite word to use?
      If you ask my kids they would say NO! is my favorite word but I would have to say I sOOOOooooooo do not get this question!

      41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Well Orange of course! We've been buds for a while and Connorkimbro and don't throw stuff at me but Evc just to see what a person with 35 different personalities is like!

      42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? Luck pure and simple! And of course the obvious 42.

      43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? London in the 17th to 18th Century but only if I could be a Countess or a Lady.

      44) How old are you? **Smack whoever asked that question!!** don't you know you never ask a lady her age?? I'm 41

      My Question: Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board?
      Last edited by Tiamat; February 26, 2002, 19:05.
      Welcome to earth, my name is Tia and I'll be your tour guide for this trip.
      Succulent and Bejeweled Mother Goddess, who is always moisturised yet never greasy, always patient yet never suffers fools~Starchild
      Dragons? Yup- big flying lizards with an attitude. ~ Laz
      You are forgiven because you are FABULOUS ~ Imran


      • #63
        1) Favorite Food: Pizza

        2) Car I Drive: None yet :/

        3) Favorite TV Show: Uutisvuoto (no, you haven't heard of it, but I tell you it's darn funny)

        4) Favorite Alcohol: None (yet)

        5) High School: None yet, will be Lukio of Mänttä

        6) What would have to happen before you could die happy?

        Have children (and preferrably a wife).

        7) Favorite Time of Day: Evening and night.

        8) Favorite Singer: It would be either Martti Syrjä or Heikki Salo, but out of foreigners, probably Enya. Though some might not conceive her music as singing.

        9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? That's a tough one. Probably Sweden, I love to hate it

        10) What religion are you least attracted to? The whole lot of them.

        11) What's your favorite song? Kitara, taivas ja tähdet by Eppu Normaali, Marraskuu by Miljoonasade / Orinoco Flow by Enya

        12) What's your favourite album?: Bwah, Repullinen Hittejä by Eppu Normaali and The Celts by Enya.

        13) What's your GPA? None available, but I would guess it would be somewhat above average.

        14) Who is your best friend? A certain Henri Nieminen. We share many interests. But I have many friends whom would aswell deserve to be mentioned here.

        15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? London, UK.

        16) What is your favorite smiley? and

        17) How many girlfriends have you had? None yet

        18) Do you think you're happy? Fairly happy for the time being.

        19) Why are you happy? I'm not deathly ill, I have a quite good future ahead of me, no big problems. Let's just say I could be worse.

        20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers Boxers.

        21) First CD you bought? Repullinen Hittejä by Eppu Normaali. Gamewise, Anno 1602.

        22) What's your ideal job? I strive to be a researcher or a journalist of some sort in the far future...

        23) What is your favorite movie? I don't watch too many movies, but currently Spaceballs (see avatar).

        24) Least favorite school subject? Swedish language.

        25) Favorite philosopher: I have not introduced to them that far, but Nietszche sounds so far interesting...

        26) Favorite Author: Douglas Adams

        27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? Dark Helmet! (See avatar)

        28) How did you find Apolyton? Honestly, a Google search on Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

        29) Favorite position? I don't know how to answer this Probably lying down...

        30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Ice hockey, not doubt about it.

        31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Physics.

        32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? What? Just one? Sweden. (See answer #9)

        33) What's your favorite language? Finnish.

        34) Who's your hero? I dunno... Stephen Hawking?

        35) Who's your favorite scientist? See answer #34.

        36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats.

        37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? See answer #17)

        38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Dubya!

        39) What do you fear?
        At this time, getting dumped immedately after asking a certain person out

        40) What is your favorite word to use?
        Congregationalism. Now that I have learned to spell it.

        41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet?

        42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? Forty-two. (See answer #26, )

        43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? When Armstrong landed on Moon, (with a space suit, thank you), just to witness the second, and to be certain that it did happen

        44) How old are you? Fifteen.

        45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Now, since this is a question by Tiamat, I would probably be wise to answer her (fears the smacks), but I'll do a suicidal maneuvre by saying Lenin-Setä.

        My Question, the traditional Crusoe-one:
        46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there?
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • #64

          Hey, I'm up for it.


          p.s. Answers to new questions:

          44) Age: 25
          45) Personalities of Apolyton: I don't know... my answer would probably look a lot like my answer to the "who would you like to meet" question.
          46) Three things for a desert island: the perfect girlfriend (who probably doesn't exist), my computer and beer (somehow kept cold).
          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #65
            Wow! This thread is getting harder and harder to follow! I say we reset this if nobody posts for one day.

            Btw, this is a very nice way to get to know eachother well. Ask novel questions!
            "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
            George Orwell


            • #66
              14) Who is your best friend? My girlfriend We've been best friends for at least 4 years now

              15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? England, Canada, France...anywhere in there

              16) What is your favorite smiley?

              17) How many girlfriends have you had? 2, almost 3...

              18) Do you think you're happy? For the most part, yeah

              19) Why are you happy? because i have everything that i need, and most everything that i want

              20) Boxers or briefs? Boxers

              21) First CD you bought? I want to say Matchbox 20, yourself or someone like you, but I think I got one before that...

              22) What's your ideal job? Teacher, professor - history

              23) What is your favorite movie? I really love "a few good men" but there's tons of others that I like too...

              24) Least favorite school subject? Math

              25) Favorite philosopher: Aristotle

              26) Favorite Author: I don't read in leisure time much

              27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? not sure really...maybe someone historical

              28) How did you find Apolyton? Altavista search for a free download of Civ I

              29) Favorite position? One of her legs resting on my shoulder standing up

              30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Football

              31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? History

              32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? Mmmmmmm....I wouldn't.

              33) What's your favorite language? English

              34) Who's your hero? don't have one

              35) Who's your favorite scientist? Galileo if you count him as a scientist

              36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? Neither really, but Dogs to cats

              37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? well, I mutually ended a relationship at 15...but never actually been dumped.

              38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? Dubya!

              39) What do you fear? Scary websites that Apolytoners named COckney trick you into going to

              40) What is your favorite word to use?

              41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet?
              Many, including but not limited to Tiamat Provost Harrison, *EiF*, Caesar the Great, and I think I'd get along well with Victor Galis, but he hasn't been around much lately - or perhaps I just haven't seen him around...oh and that evil blackwidow spider that's lurking around

              42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? Blah

              43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? On a ship that is first coming to the new world...I think that would be an amazing 'sight' (assuming I'd have the mindset of a 15th century Euro explorer)

              44) How old are you? Eighteen

              45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? Victor Galis, Provost Harrison, Tiamat

              46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there?

              Girlfriend, matches, sharp knife

              47) ( I think... ) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll?
              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


              • #67
                1. Fried Plantains (look like big, green bananas)
                2. Don't drive
                3.Simpsons, then B5
                4. Good (usually german)Beer (BUd, hell no! )
                5. Stuyvesant H.S. NYC
                6. Have Children
                7. Any when I'm sleep
                8. Don't know...
                9. The US, I guess
                10. Sciencetology
                11. Don't know...
                12. Don't know either...
                13. In what? Concentration, 3.7, overall, 3.6
                14. Mark Hendrickx
                15. Southern Italy
                16. , how can you not love the eyes!
                17. None yet
                18. Right now? Probably not
                19. Well, look above
                20. Briefs
                21. Don't remember
                22. Secretary of State
                23. Oh, God! Well.... TOO MANY TO LIST! of my head, 2001
                24. Calculus
                25. Nietzsche
                26. Well, Lem, Brin, Asimov, Niven, early Chriton...
                27. I don't wear costumes
                28. Looking for Civ2 info
                29. Missionary, or is it singulary
                30. For exciment, Hockey
                31. Political Science
                32. I wouldn't anywhere inhabited
                33. English
                34. None come to mind
                35. I don't have a favorite egghead
                36. Dogs
                37. 0
                38. Dubya
                39. I really don't know
                40. Various sinlg sylable sounds I emit
                41. , Venger...
                42. 147
                43. Octavian returns from Egypt
                44. 22
                45. Yin26 was always fun
                46. Water purifier, radio, swiss army knife
                47. Whom should I denounce? Lib.
                and from current personal experience...
                48. What else should, or could you be doing right now?
                If you don't like reality, change it! me
                "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                • #68
                  1) Favorite Food:
                  Chinese or Mexican...depends on my mood.

                  2) Car I Drive:
                  Subaru Legacy 1991.

                  3) Favorite TV Show:
                  hmm...WWF Raw, The West Wing, The Daily Show

                  4) Favorite Alcohol:
                  Hard Lemonade

                  5) High School:
                  Newburyport High School

                  6) What would have to happen before you could die happy?
                  Accomplish everything that there is to do that pertains to my intrests.

                  7) Favorite Time of Day:
                  9:00 PM

                  8) Favorite Singer:
                  Hmm...if its just one PERSON...I'd have to say Weird Al.

                  9) What is your favorite non-homeland country?
                  Comes to a tie between Ireland and Costa Rica.

                  10) What religion are you least attracted to?
                  Of the "sane" ones, I'd have to say Catholicism.

                  11) What's your favorite song?
                  The one I could listen to forever is Every Rose Has Its Thorn...go 80's ballad rock.

                  12) What's your favourite album?:
                  Metallica S&M...I know, I have ecclectic tastes in music.

                  13) What's your GPA?
                  3.1 Weighted

                  14) Who is your best friend?
                  I have many...two are on this board. The other big one is Mike S.

                  15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited?
                  Europe...all of it.

                  16) What is your favorite smiley? Come here, I'll tell you...its a secret...

                  17) How many girlfriends have you had?
                  None...THOUGH THAT MAY SOON CHANGE. I will be asking someone out very soon.

                  18) Do you think you're happy?
                  More than in the past.

                  19) Why are you happy?
                  Life, though I have more responsibilities, has decided to become nicer.

                  20) Boxers or briefs?

                  21) First CD you bought?
                  Dunno...the first I bought was probably Queen, Live @ Wembley.

                  22) What's your ideal job?
                  I want to be an Anthrpologist...but my ideal job would by using the internet for millions of dollars.

                  23) What is your favorite movie?
                  Comedy: History of the World, Part 1. Drama: The Elephant Man. Action: The Road Warrior. Thriller: The Game. Sci-Fi: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy . Horror: Poltergeist. Foreign: Il Postino.

                  24) Least favorite school subject?
                  Advanced Spanish.

                  25) Favorite philosopher:
                  Jerry, a former substitute teacher at my school.

                  26) Favorite Author:
                  Micheal Crichton and Douglas Adams (R.I.P.)

                  27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween?
                  Probably Mad Max.

                  28) How did you find Apolyton?
                  monolith_94 thinks HE told me about it...but it was vice versa. I did a search for Civilization.

                  29) Favorite position?
                  Heh...depends on my mood, if you get my drift.

                  30) Favorite Sport to Watch?
                  To Watch?...Football or Hockey

                  31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most?
                  I guess history.

                  32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be?
                  If I could...and destroy they government, but not the would be Iran.

                  33) What's your favorite language?
                  Well, I take Spanish...but I'd have to say Russian. Dunno why.

                  34) Who's your hero?
                  My parents

                  35) Who's your favorite scientist?
                  I don't really know any.

                  36) Do you prefer dogs or cats?
                  Dogs are trainable. Cats think that jumping on your back and attaching themselves to you with their claws is fun.

                  37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time?
                  Well...I've been turned down, so that was when I was 15...I'm 18 now.

                  38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle?
                  Quayle is generally more ignorant and stupid.

                  39) What do you fear?

                  40) What is your favorite word to use?

                  41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet?
                  Chegitz, Asher, Orange, a couple more. Probably Giancarlo, just so I could laugh in his face.

                  42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything?
                  ...LOL...nice job. Yes, 42.

                  43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be?
                  Jeez, just one?! Well, I guess that would be July 4th, 1776, in Philedelphia.

                  44) How old are you?
                  18 years young.

                  45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board?
                  Definitly Provost, and monolith_94.

                  46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there?
                  A boat, a map, and a freshwater maker (yes, I know I'm no fun )

                  47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll?
                  Hmm...probably Chris 62, just to see what he'll say next.

                  48.) What else could, or should you be doing right now?
                  Sleeping...which I guess I failed at.

                  49.) What would you call the capital of your country?
                  (Fabulous City )
                  Last edited by The Emperor Fabulous; February 27, 2002, 00:41.
                  "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                  ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                  "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                  • #69

           answer my opwn question:
                    The first 10-20 pages of the first draft of a 40 page B.A. thesis.

                    49. Besides Washington DC? District of Confusion.
                    If you don't like reality, change it! me
                    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                    • #70
                      8) Favorite Singer: well, my favorite band is marilyn manson, but if we're dealing with voices, it's definitely maynard james keenan of TOol.
                      9) What is your favorite non-homeland country? canada or england or ireland or scotland
                      10) What religion are you least attracted to? satanism, mormonism, scientology, ron hubbardism, branch dividianism
                      11) What's your favorite song? Hurt by NIN
                      12) What's your favourite album?: ANtiChrist SUPerstar by marilyn manson

                      13) What's your GPA? 3.2 something....past semester wasa 3.719 though!
                      14) Who is your best friend? James Stegin of Texas A&m..woot!
                      15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited? england

                      16) What is your favorite smiley? on the COF board they have a guillotine one.

                      17) How many girlfriends have you had? None ....ever

                      18) Do you think you're happy? no

                      19) Why are you happy? what did i just say?
                      20) Boxers or briefs? depends on the man. beautiful iridescent boys (cough*likeLR*cough*) needs briefs.....other that i experiened (none that you know) pleased me might well in boxers.

                      21) First CD you bought? the first cd i ever received was aerosmiths greatest hits of the 70's (love it!)..the first one i bought was No Need to Argue by the Cranberries
                      22) What's your ideal job? at home poet
                      23) What is your favorite movie? THe NIghtmare before Xmas

                      24) Least favorite school subject? currently......colloquium..night class and lotsof work. icky!

                      25) Favorite philosopher: nietzche?????
                      26) Favorite Author: Stephen King or Dante ALighieri
                      27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? well, usually i go full gothed out because i can...i won't get stared at. it's the one day i'm free.

                      28) How did you find Apolyton? a long nasty love saga via self biased and his roaming balls
                      29) Favorite position? legs on his shoulders
                      30) Favorite Sport to Watch? Ice skating.

                      31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? english/literature/poetry

                      32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? What? Just one? i'm guessing this means there would be no environmental
                      33) What's your favorite language? english

                      34) Who's your hero? *blank stair*.oh nana
                      35) Who's your favorite scientist? albert einstein?? he's just so cute!

                      36) Do you prefer dogs or cats? dogs

                      37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 19

                      38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? clinton

                      39) What do you fear?
                      never being with my Love

                      40) What is your favorite word to use?

                      41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet?

                      42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? 0

                      43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? garden of eden, when god descended to earth to ***** slap them....soi can if it was REAL...because then I"D BE WRONG
                      44) How old are you? 20

                      45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? bugs and iainiain

                      46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? a pot, bic pack of lighters, sun block

                      47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? spink...or LR

                      48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? studing for a grammar quiz over tenses

                      49.) What would you call the capital of your country? ugh..washington dc

                      50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
                      "Speaking on the subject of conformity: This rotting concept of the unfathomable nostril mystifies the fuming crotch of my being!!! Stop with the mooing you damned chihuahua!!! Ganglia!! Rats eat babies!" ~ happy noodle boy


                      • #71
                        i got alot of catching up to do here........

                        ok so i left off at 20...

                        21) First CD you bought? oh lord... i'm too old to remember.... lol
                        22) What's your ideal job? being rich and doing charity work
                        23) What is your favorite movie? Demolition man or My Fair Lady
                        24) Least favorite school subject? hmmmm.... well i like it all but i'd have to say the hardest was physics
                        25) Favorite philosopher: you got me on that one?
                        26) Favorite Author: Patricia Cornwell
                        27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween? i've always wanted to dress up with someone else and be a couple like... mickey and minnie or the
                        28) How did you find Apolyton? Sprayber brought me here
                        29) Favorite position? well? depends on the guy ..... and what he has to
                        30) Favorite Sport to Watch? wresteling
                        31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most? Psychology in College and Annual Staff in HS .... if that counts?
                        32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be? i'm a lover not a fight... couldnt push that little red button if i had to 33) What's your favorite language? English.... its the only one i know besides piglatin
                        34) Who's your hero? my mother
                        35) Who's your favorite scientist? dont guess i have one really
                        36)Do you prefer dogs or cats? cats
                        37) How old were you when you where dumped for the first time? 16 and boy did it suck!
                        38) Who’s dumber, Dubya or Quayle? got me?
                        39) What do you fear? being alone..... or at least feeling alone
                        40) What is your favorite word to use? well.....
                        41) What Apolytoner(s) would you like to meet? Vel
                        42) What is the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything? if i knew i'd get a patton on it , sell it and do my dream job forever
                        43) If you had to pick one historical place & time to visit briefly, what/when would it be? some time in the renaissance.... just to wear on of the great dresses
                        44) How old are you? 27
                        45) Whom do you think has one of the better personalities on the board? i personally dont know that many ppl cause i'm new so i wont answer
                        46) If you would be stranded on a desert island, what three items would you prefer to have with you there? another person, a flare gun(with flares). and my own pillow
                        47) Who is your favorite Apolyton troll? no comment ... i dont wanna start
                        48. What else should, or could you be doing right now? sleeping
                        49.) What would you call the capital of your country? Darlinosity, if i could name it myself....hehehe
                        50) what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Chai Tea

                        my next question....
                        51) 52) or 53) whatever it come out being when i submit.....

                        how long have you been on Apolyton?
                        DarlinKell..... =)


                        • #72
                          1) Favorite Food:

                          2) Car I Drive:
                          Ford Fiesta

                          3) Favorite TV Show:
                          I don't watch TV. The Simpsons and Futurama are nice though

                          4) Favorite Alcohol:
                          German beer, silver tequila, Vodka

                          5) High School:
                          Max-Steenbeck-Gymnasium Cottbus


                          • #73
                            6) What would have to happen before you could die happy?
                            - either the restauration of the 1914 borders including peoples' scattering
                            - or the creation of a unified socialist Europe

                            - and: getting laid before dying might be helpful for being halfway happy

                            - and: I'd have to have reproduced... twice at least, though I dislike little children

                            7) Favorite Time of Day:
                            1000 - 1500

                            8) Favorite Singer:
                            James Hetfield, that girl from Flowing Tears, what's her freaking name?

                            9) What is your favorite non-homeland country?
                            hard one... I might start liking Canada but I'm still lacking info... apart from that, probably France

                            10) What religion are you least attracted to?
                            None. Religious institution I feel least attracted to: Roman-Catholic Church

                            11) What's your favorite song?
                            changes once a week

                            12) What's your favourite album?:
                            Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder (1999)

                            13) What's your GPA?

                            14) Who is your best friend?
                            Believe it or not, I've been without best friends for quite some time now... doesn't mean I have no friends at all though


                            • #74
                              15) What place would you love to visit that you haven't yet visited?
                              North America as a whole

                              16) What is your favorite smiley?

                              17) How many girlfriends have you had?

                              18) Do you think you're happy?

                              19) Why are you happy?

                              20) Boxers or briefs?
                              What? If it is about what I think it is about... boxers

                              21) First CD you bought?
                              Pulp Fiction OST

                              22) What's your ideal job?
                              Something scientific that earns a lot of money

                              23) What is your favorite movie?
                              Hard one... Pulp Ficiton is cool, but then so it Lord of the Rings and Star Trek 8: The First Contact

                              24) Least favorite school subject?
                              Arts. Without a doubt.

                              25) Favorite philosopher:
                              Don't have one. Lichtenberg has some nice aphorisms though


                              • #75
                                26) Favorite Author:
                                Nowt... Tolkien has produced some nice stuff but then he's not really an author, and not a favourite-style one either...

                                27) What would you like to dress into next MardiGras/Carnival/Halloween?

                                28) How did you find Apolyton?
                                Browsing the web for Civ2 scenarios

                                29) Favorite position?
                                **** ****** arm **** **** up and down **** hand ***** **** tissue **** ****

                                30) Favorite Sport to Watch?

                                31) What academic subject do you enjoy learning about the most?
                                History, Chemistry

                                32) If you could nuke one country in the world, which one would it be?

                                seriously: None

                                33) What's your favorite language?
                                German, English, French, in that order.. Russian is also fun, but I don't speak a word of it

                                34) Who's your hero?
                                Don't have one... there used to be people in the history of my country I admired, but they weren't heros... and so there are some guys at Apolyton which I used to look up to but I've really grown out of that

