Let me try my hand at this.
We are complying fully with the Geneva Convention, MOBIUS. If by doing so we are tarnishing our reputation as a fair and just nation, I'm sure that we might be able to find a few soldiers at Gitmo to rectify the situation.
We feel fully justified in meeting out this punishment becuase it falls fully within the bounds of internationally accepted law. We could become the ogres you seem to believe us to be if that would serve the interests of your hysterical rants though.
Yes, it is sickening what can happen when we allow self-important moralizers such as yourself to goad us into violating the bounds of international law to persue the amorphous concept of justice. And look what it has brought us? The destablization of neighboring countries, we've provided a safe haven for a terrorist army to opperate from, we're wasting resources in an area that will not be stable for years to come and for what? To please the slected few such as yourself who seems to believe that going beyond the letter of the law in order make your view of the world make sense?
Originally posted by MOBIUS
The fact is that you are allowing the fates of a few score Al Qaeda tarnish your World reputation as a fair and justice minded country
The fact is that you are allowing the fates of a few score Al Qaeda tarnish your World reputation as a fair and justice minded country
Who cares whether you feel justified in meting out this punishment - to the rest of the World it's just another example of the disdain with which America treats the rest of the World!

I went to a dinner invitation yesterday evening where among the guests were two Serbian language teachers - Almost the ENTIRE population of Serbia hates the US!!! When Serbia was attacked hundreds of civilians were killed by US warplanes and missiles, but as well as that the entire infrastructure of Serbia was smashed!