some of you are putting too much blame on asbestos. Long as you don't f*ck with it, it won't hurt anyone.
I served many years on navy ships with asbestos insulation. We even had a fire in a reactor compartment with asbestos insulation. In fact the fire was the insulation. Of course we had breathing apparatus' which are required on navy ships because of the enclosed spaces. Not to mention a separate ventilation system for reactor compartments (for obvious reasons)
Asbestos is still used in brake pads, packing material and other things.
I served many years on navy ships with asbestos insulation. We even had a fire in a reactor compartment with asbestos insulation. In fact the fire was the insulation. Of course we had breathing apparatus' which are required on navy ships because of the enclosed spaces. Not to mention a separate ventilation system for reactor compartments (for obvious reasons)
Asbestos is still used in brake pads, packing material and other things.