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"Environmentalism" And WTC

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  • #16
    some of you are putting too much blame on asbestos. Long as you don't f*ck with it, it won't hurt anyone.

    I served many years on navy ships with asbestos insulation. We even had a fire in a reactor compartment with asbestos insulation. In fact the fire was the insulation. Of course we had breathing apparatus' which are required on navy ships because of the enclosed spaces. Not to mention a separate ventilation system for reactor compartments (for obvious reasons)

    Asbestos is still used in brake pads, packing material and other things.


    • #17
      and yes crashing a plane into a building would surely stir up asbestos. But how often does that happen? Once (well twice really), and likely to never happen again. People won't sit idly by while their plane is hijacked.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dissident
        and yes crashing a plane into a building would surely stir up asbestos. But how often does that happen? Once (well twice really), and likely to never happen again. People won't sit idly by while their plane is hijacked.
        I count four, off the top of my head:
        WTC (x2)
        BOA building in Florida
        Empire State Building

        But you don't need a plane to smash into a building to start a fire.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dissident
          some of you are putting too much blame on asbestos. Long as you don't f*ck with it, it won't hurt anyone.
          The trouble is, people do fu*k with it, and as it is very slow to leave your system, even a small sized fu*k can put lives at risk
          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • #20
            I should point out that "Liberty" Magazine is sponsored by "Laissez Faire Books."

            What we have here is a pathetic and opportunistic use of a tragic situation to promote the "evils" of government intervention.

            That intervention being "environmentalism" in this case.

            ****ing pathetic.
            We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


            • #21
              I'm not saying we should still use asbestos. But tearing out the old asbestos is very expensive and dangerous.

              and the florida plane crash? funny stuff. I think they broke 1 window. I can do more damage with a baseball


              • #22
                Unexpected things can happen to the building, and not only that, those who have to demolish the building are going to be smashing it to pieces.
                We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                • #23


                  • #24

                    You got the wrong thread, Tireless Rebutter.

                    Attached Files
                    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                    • #25
                      Ted -
                      ****ing brilliant Berzerker.
                      I see you're still in pain from all the other threads, Ted. Try to relax, son, you'll get a stroke long before your time. Well, someone as stupid as you will find a way of going before too long I guess

                      Next I say we advocate going back to lead based paint and gasoline while we are at it.
                      Hmm...and this is your proof that I'm "****ing brilliant"? Where did I say we should still be using asbestos? I said they should have either completed the buildings with the asbestos or restarted.

                      Of course, they should have completed the thing with it being full of asbestos, that way the entire city of Manhattan would have gotten coated in it.
                      They didn't tear out the asbestos used to coat the first 64 floors. And the point(s) you obviously missed was that the towers may not have collapsed if the insulator known to work was used.

                      I should point out that "Liberty" Magazine is sponsored by "Laissez Faire Books."
                      Well, that obviously means Mr Levine who invented the process for insulating steel was part of a libertarian conspiracy too, right? He was the one who said a fire above the 64th floor would cause the towers to collapse.

                      What we have here is a pathetic and opportunistic use of a tragic situation to promote the "evils" of government intervention.
                      I see, when the free market causes "problems" you don't like and identify, we are not to accuse you of being "pathetic and opportunistic" for using a tragic situation to promote your ideology of big government, but when government screws up royally, we should just remain silent lest the sheen of your ideology be tarnished? Can you ever avoid polluting a thread with your hypocrisy?

                      That intervention being "environmentalism" in this case.

                      ****ing pathetic.
                      Not nearly as pathetic as a scorned liberal constantly seeking revenge for being whooped in one debate after another.

                      DanS -
                      Anyway, this is a fallacious argument and I'm surprised that you would put much stock in it, Berzerker (very sloppy reasoning by the article writer). Levine didn't say anything about large jet carriers filled to the brim with fuel hitting the towers.
                      That doesn't prove the article fallacious. The asbestos coating was invented to prevent the steel from weakening from fire. The buildings did not collapse from the impacts and the fireballs, but after long exposure to fire. Levine predicted they would collapse if a fire broke out and they did collapse. Had a fire broke out at the 65th floor, there was PLENTY of material to fuel a fire big enough to weaken the steel above if not properly insulated.

                      The article writer goes on to imply by clumsy sophistry that if the asbestos were done to the top, 9/11 could have been avoided. I'm guessing that opinion is well above his pay grade.
                      And you know the towers would have collapsed even if the steel superstructure was properly insulated? Given the fact they left the asbestos coating the first 64 floors, don't you think it wise to finish the job with an insulator known to work instead of finishing the job haphazardly or re-doing the whole thing? "Clumsy sophistry"? I"ll bet the correct insulation would have allowed those firefighters to get up there in enough time to combat the fire...

                      "what you have FAILED TO RECOGNIZE is that out of wedlock births HAVE INCREASED FOR EVERY MARITAL STATUS." - from Ted Striker, the "King of Dumb"


                      • #26
                        asbestos wouldn't have helped. this wasn't an ordinary class A fire. This was an extemely hot class B fire.


                        • #27
                          Case -
                          Does crashing a plane into an asbestos coated building disturb the asbestos?
                          It will if the building collapses because fire weakened the steel supports, which is kind of why they used the asbestos in the first place - to prevent fire from weakening the steel supports

                          Ted - "what you have FAILED TO RECOGNIZE is that out of wedlock births HAVE INCREASED FOR EVERY MARITAL STATUS." - from Ted Striker, the "King of Dumb"


                          • #28
                            Dissident -
                            asbestos wouldn't have helped. this wasn't an ordinary class A fire. This was an extemely hot class B fire.
                            Are you a firefighter or a pyromaniac?

                            The fireball consumed virtually all the fuel upon impact with much of it burning up outside the buildings leaving only the material inside to burn. Firefighters were caught climbing stairwells whereas the correct insulation would have undoubtedly given them more time.


                            • #29
                              Pretty good try berzerker, but you've just demonstrated nothing more than your own lack of depth.

                              What YOU didn't realize was that there are MORE THAN TWO TYPES of marital status. You are thinking married and unmarried.

                              There are:


                              4 out of 5 of those types can have a child out of wedlock. 3 if you technically take out separated.

                              Any questions?
                              Last edited by Ted Striker; January 18, 2002, 04:54.
                              We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                              • #30
                                Ted - "what you have FAILED TO RECOGNIZE is that out of wedlock births HAVE INCREASED FOR EVERY MARITAL STATUS." - from Ted Striker, the "King of Dumb"
                                Last edited by Berzerker; January 18, 2002, 05:38.

