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How would you conquer the U.S.

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  • How would you conquer the U.S.

    Everyone assumes the U.S. cannot be conquered by military forces. But there has to be a way. But I have seen some posts saying how easy it would be for europe to stage an invasino through Canada. That seems unlikely. The U.S. navy would decimate supply lines.

    Use any weapon you want to accomplish your objective of finding a way to conquer the U.S. Nuclear/biological/chemical- anything is fair game. But I will be more impressed if anyone can provide plausible conventional means of conquering the U.S. But you can use any scenario you want- even suggest the dastardly Canadians would change allegiance. But the more realistic the better.

    I wonder if using those words so many times puts me on some watchlist? and is Apolyton already on a watchlist- that wouldn't suprise me

  • #2
    Take over their political, judicial and economic establishments. Oh wait, that was supposed to be secret ZOG information.
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #3
      First sending some ICBM:s on Pentagon, New York and Los Angeles. Then unloading a hundreds of modern tanks from transports guarded by battleships. Then invading US:s inner nuclaer, like a wedge and isolating the major cities from each other, splitting the cultural borders. Razing some, capturing some and ASAP building a courthouse in them of course.

      Essential is also to turn some of the inhabitants into entertainers.


      • #4
        err... we already have too many entertainers


        • #5
          The last 20 years have seen a rise in the US of anti-federalism, pro-states-rights politics, and rampant sectionalism (just look at any electoral college map from the last few elections). So:

          1) Using massive conventional forces conveniently secreted in the Canadian maritime provinces, unleash Operation Anne of Green Gables and seize the US's Eastern Seaboard; the US loses its capital, financial center, and two (Boston & NY) of its major research centers. Make sure the conquest is utterly horrifying, full of atrocities that end up televised, so the rest of America can picture the worst for itself. When possible, stage atrocities in front of McDonald's and The Gap.

          2) Stop. Begin negotiating peace treaties on a state-by-state basis, offering to recognize as an independent country any state or states that negotiate with you (yes, of course its unconstitutional, but with DC gone and a huge foreign army on American soil, will anyone care?). Watch the CSA re-emerge; see Texas become its own country again, now encompassing much of the west; see California, Oregon, and Washington State redefine themselves as the nation of Pacifica; watch as the population of the eastern seaboard supports you rather than making common cause with any of these groups.

          3) The US is gone, and in its place are at least three new nations, probably all jealously squabbling over the rightful division of the US military. Mop up at will.
          Last edited by Rufus T. Firefly; December 10, 2001, 07:32.
          "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


          • #6
            Well right now i believe that a conventional takeover of the United States is impossible because of U.S. bluewater naval supremacy, however it might be possible in 10-20 years

            To me the number one military priority my nation would have is to deny the US control of space. So you would need a nation with a fairly developed space program, the GPS system is as much if not more of a threat than an aircraft carrier. The US relies heavily on space based assets for virtually all of their military needs, so once you deny them the ability to use space then you have a much better chance at winning a war. If I was China i would launch anti sat systems (possibly nuclear) over a period of time pretending they a rival GPS system, then I would launch a diversionary attack on Taiwan hoping to draw US forces into the conflict and when they moved to protect Taiwan i'd detonate all of these weapons and hopefully decimate US space capabilities.

            Once the US navy got into range hopefully land based aircraft and missiles could destroy most of the US fleet. If that was successful then a full scale amphibious invasion of the west coast could start.

            However to successfully conquer the US you would need to isolate the US from the rest of the world, possibly taking advantage of any diplomatic misteps that occured, if you could get the eurocoms in NATO to stand back and do nothing then that would be a diplomatic coup for our side. Also Russia's either aid or neutrality must be secured. A Pact where Russia would guarantee to strike the US back if it attacked with nuclear weapons could possibly ensure the conventional nature of the war. It would be hard enough fighting the US, but having to contend with the US, the EU, possibly Russia, and then an asian contingent of the aussies, Japan, S. Korea and possibly India would be more than any one contry could handle. Hopefully the US would act with such arrogance and be fickel enough to infuriate the rest of the world.

            In the America's the best you could hope for would be neutrality, it is doubtful that nations like Brazil or Peru would come to your aid. Cuba could possibly be used as a staging area if the war was going successful, but this is not a certainty. Mexico would almost certainly back the US militarily along with Canada, but hopefully both Canada and Mexico could be persuaded to remain neutral.

            After securing the shores, all attempts to try and avoid narrow mountain passes would be made. Airmobile operations would be a must, but securing US airspace would be difficult or impossible. The likely outcome of an invasion would be iffy at best, however a series of grand defeats of US military forces on our home turf might be enough to cause the government to buckle and maybe the US would sign a favorable peace treaty, though this is unlikely.

            Or you could always nuke everything in the US (as Russia) and then let the South Americans fight over the ruins.


            • #7
              Well, obviously, even if that succeeds, all the rednecks with their handguns in their bedside drawers will rise up and defeat the invasion force, right?
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              • #8
                Sure, there might be a way but why do it?

                The reason that modern democraties doesn't wage war against each others isn't idealism. It's rational. The things that's worth invading the US for would be destroyed or otherwise made unusable in the process like advanced industries and R&D facilities+personel.

                If one wants to counquer a country I would go for a african one like Kongo-Kinshasa. Very few educated so the peoples lifes doesn't matter much, the people are at the same time divided so their easier to control (to some degree).


                • #9
                  The Conventional Russian plan was to cross the bering straight and take Alaska cut us off from most of our oil. Then First strike on Naval and airforces..And pounding Europe relentlessly whilst america slowly rebuilt. By the time we were in full steam...the Russians would have Europe and USA would, like the other world wars. Be a bit late

                  No, you cannot invade america and defeat it militarily. You can sever our arm for awhile tho. then go after the other limbs whilst we are trying to re-attach the first ones.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by *End Is Forever*
                    Well, obviously, even if that succeeds, all the rednecks with their handguns in their bedside drawers will rise up and defeat the invasion force, right?
                    You underestimate the prowess of the Redneck Arsenal!

                    62 million americans own guns. There are almost 1,00,000 military parfinalinia in circulation (Mortars, RPG's, Gernades,most are heavy MG's)

                    No doubt any invading army would have a difficult time controlling the population. If it were civ.......a american city would be full of rebels/troublemakers. So Entertainers and martial law would probably do little


                    • #11
                      The US Navy would be useless against an invasion force assembled in Canada or Mexico in advance, but getting them there in secret would be difficult.

                      An alternative: Operation Santa's Surprise. A tank invasion from Russia across the North Pole in winter, under a blizzard. Then straight down through sparsely-populated western Canada (they might not even notice) into somewhere like Vermont. Do it over Christmas, when fewer defenders will be on duty.

                      Ideally, combine this with a fake geological expedition to Yellowstone, which sets charges to blow the Yellowstone caldera. The tanks arrive just as a humongous volcanic eruption goes off. Give them US or Canadian markings and English-speaking crews, and they'll soon be all over the central US as part of the rescue effort.

                      Best to avoid UN markings though. In any other country, that might work, but for all those redneck militias, you might as well write "Enemy". Ironically, they'd be right about that for once.


                      • #12
                        Who would want to conquer US???
                        just put them in total isolation and watch them implode.
                        (just need to fight economical and influence public opinion a little)

                        ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
                        "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
                        shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


                        • #13
                          Well, right and now for the concievable next 50 years there wont be a convential army to match america's. Russia is in ruins.... selling there tanks to pay off debt to nations like finland, less than 800,000 troops, airforces are ageing.

                          China is probably the only match to us. But they simply dont have enough infrasturure in there armed forces to match us. They could never transport enough men to fight us...let alone take out are tank and armored forces with there 10,000 40 year old tanks!!!

                          EU may be a problem. But there to small and I believe they will have collapsed in 50 years.

                          I think the next super-power will without a doubt be China, behind them Brazil and some semblance of a 'unified europe or africa'.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by shade
                            Who would want to conquer US???
                            just put them in total isolation and watch them implode.
                            (just need to fight economical and influence public opinion a little)


                            USA economic machine is attached to every nation on earth like a leech that acts as a Pancreas. we suck out/produce/sell what we can....but get rid of us and you will likely bleed to death and die of diabetes


                            • #15
                              Make an alliance with an advanced species of aliens.

