Hey, now we're talking!
What's been happening to Iraq after the Gulf War is actually a lot like what happened to Germany after World War I, only worse...
As we all know, the efforts to punish and "restrain" Germany after WWI pretty much ruined the country and eventually lead to the rise of the Third Reich...
After WWII, on the other hand, both Germany and Japan were totally occupied by allied forces - who actually helped them get back on their feet and heading in a new direction, as opposed to just punishing and harrassing them.
Today, both Germany and Japan are great nations with significant power, and they don't need to stomp on anyone to prove it.
What's been happening to Iraq after the Gulf War is actually a lot like what happened to Germany after World War I, only worse...
As we all know, the efforts to punish and "restrain" Germany after WWI pretty much ruined the country and eventually lead to the rise of the Third Reich...
After WWII, on the other hand, both Germany and Japan were totally occupied by allied forces - who actually helped them get back on their feet and heading in a new direction, as opposed to just punishing and harrassing them.
Today, both Germany and Japan are great nations with significant power, and they don't need to stomp on anyone to prove it.