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The Cylons are coming!

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  • #61
    GePap already slaughtered those arguments.

    She made the right decisions because now 50,000 people are alive thanks to her decisions. Had Adama's decision been followed, humanity would currently be extinct. Had she followed Apollo's recommendation right away, only 2000+ would be alive. Does it take any complicated math to show that 50,000 alive people > 2000 alive people > no alive people?

    Your argument re: Cylon tech versus a BS is odd, considering the BSG is outdated technology. As the battle at Ragnar shows, the Cylons have little problem causing damage. But the DID know the Cylons outnumbered them exponentially. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that one BS isn't going to be able to take on a huge Cylon fleet. It would be utter suicide.

    And you're dead wrong, the President was NOT about going out in a blaze of glory. She thought there was time to rescue everyone before the Cylons attacked. When the captain explained that this was not so, she made the tough decision to leave. What's wrong about that?

    Again, her decisions = 50K alive humans who at least have a chance of survival.

    Your quarterbacking = Humans all dead.

    Gee, which are better decisions?
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #62
      Your argument re: Cylon tech versus a BS is odd, considering the BSG is outdated technology. As the battle at Ragnar shows, the Cylons have little problem causing damage. But the DID know the Cylons outnumbered them exponentially. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that one BS isn't going to be able to take on a huge Cylon fleet. It would be utter suicide.
      You must have a hard time watching Star Wars.

      And when exactly was the Galactica taking on the entire Cylon fleet? During the entire movie we only ever see three of four base stars in one place, and that was after the spies gave her position away. Adama turned to fight ONE basestar, and he himself made the correct decision to retreat after another showed up.

      What actually happened was that the Prez wanted to stay even after the Cylons had showed up, and not abandon the rest of the civilians. Captain Adama did everything but ***** slap the crying snob before making her leave.
      "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Patroklos
        You must have a hard time watching Star Wars.
        Star Wars is hardly a great example of realism. And if it hadn't been for the Force, where would the rebels be? Dead as dodos. And they also had far more assetts than Adama did to fight the Cylons.

        And when exactly was the Galactica taking on the entire Cylon fleet? During the entire movie we only ever see three of four base stars in one place, and that was after the spies gave her position away. Adama turned to fight ONE basestar, and he himself made the correct decision to retreat after another showed up.
        Adama's intention, as he initially stated to the president, was to leave ragnar and counterattack. So eventually he would have to engage the far superior Cylon numbers with just one ship. They knew the Cylons had vast numbers, thanks to the reports of the attacks on the colonies, which were all simultaneous. Even assuming there was only one base star per colony attack, that's 12 base stars vs. 1 BS, not to mention exponentially more fighters. Considering how well the vipers fared at ragnar (not too well), they would be demolished in no time.

        What actually happened was that the Prez wanted to stay even after the Cylons had showed up, and not abandon the rest of the civilians. Captain Adama did everything but ***** slap the crying snob before making her leave.
        Huh? That's total BS. This is referring to the leaving behind the sublight ships, not Ragnar. And all Apollo did was explain the reality to her, and she said go, BEFORE the cylons arrived. There wasn't ANY discussion AFTER the Cylons showed up--when the Cylons arrived, the ships IMMEDIATELY jumped--all it showed was the President sitting in her seat looking upset. You seem to be making up scenes in the movie that weren't there!
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #64
          Originally posted by The diplomat

          Just go to the official website at

          You can see pics of the characters and the ships.
          They look cool I like especially the new basestar design. Only the raptor strike craft could look a bit better IMO....


          • #65
            Star Wars is hardly a great example of realism. And if it hadn't been for the Force, where would the rebels be? Dead as dodos. And they also had far more assetts than Adama did to fight the Cylons.
            I was refering to the 1 million to one warship superiority the Empire enjoyed. Force had nothing to do with that. In fact they never explained what happened to all those ships.

            You think BSG has any better claim to reality? Interesting.
            "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Patroklos
              I was refering to the 1 million to one warship superiority the Empire enjoyed. Force had nothing to do with that. In fact they never explained what happened to all those ships.
              It is covered in the Zahn books and others. Without the Emperor, the Imps fraction into civil war. By that point, the rebels had a lot more support and could compete.

              I thought you were referring to Ep 3 and the Death Star battle. If it hadn't been for the Force, the rebels certainly would have been dusted.

              But it's still not a good analogy.

              You think BSG has any better claim to reality? Interesting.
              In that there is no Force, yes. I haven't seen any overt mysticism in BSG so far. But the depiction of them facing hopeless odds is certainly more realistic. I would agree that, by all rights, the Empire shouldn't have fallen as it did. But remember that much of that depended on ridiculously unbelievable luck and Imperial stupidity.

              So far, the Cylons seem to not have such things working against them, although the escape of the scientist is a potential Achilles Heel. But nobody but the scientist knows about that issue yet.
              Tutto nel mondo è burla


              • #67
                What the hell is the point of Star Wars comparisons? This is not star wars- why not make comparisons to real life, heck, just as valid- heck, both are equally absurd, since only working within the internal logic of the situation makes sense.

                In the movie they mention that 30 Battlestars had been destroyed- obviously, even knowing that they had an ace up their sleves, the Cylons certainly had to be able to handle say a third of that- and one assumed modern Battlestars are more powerfull than an old, museum piece- hence, the Galactica would not have a chance in HELL of doing much. Its obvious that just a few nukes are powerful enough to take out a ship like the Galactica- we see from the show one single cylon fighter being able to carry mutiple warheads- (very sensible), so one assumes the cylons have more than enough firepower to decimate the Galactica.

                As for the notion of running being insane, not only have I shown why that is wrong, but in the most obvious sense, whats the point of producing one movie based on Galactica and not a whole series? (cause Adama Strike Back would hardly last beyond one episode, unless it went into the realm of the utterly absurd)
                If you don't like reality, change it! me
                "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                • #68
                  The original intent was to make only the movie, most of the produces did not think the was enough intrest beyone the "mini-series."
                  "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


                  • #69
                    Defintley the tension between Edward James Olmos and the President has been setup up REALLY well.

                    Even though the Cylon spy is highly hittable, I think her performance is truly outstanding, the way she appears and makes tha scientist go mad at times, that's another solid interaction.
                    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                    • #70
                      Here you go MikeH
                      Attached Files
                      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Patroklos
                        The original intent was to make only the movie, most of the produces did not think the was enough intrest beyone the "mini-series."
                        No it was not: this movie first aired months ago, and even then they made it clear that this was the start of a series.

                        BUt why argue the point, since you would have NO way of knowing what the intentions of the producers were anyways, so you are talking out of your ass.
                        If you don't like reality, change it! me
                        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by GePap

                          No it was not: this movie first aired months ago, and even then they made it clear that this was the start of a series.

                          BUt why argue the point, since you would have NO way of knowing what the intentions of the producers were anyways, so you are talking out of your ass.

                          Moore: Galactica Up In Air

                          Ronald D. Moore, executive producer of SCI FI Channel's hit miniseries Battlestar Galactica, told the SyFy Portal Web site that he's prepping a proposed series, but that no decision has been made on whether it will go forward. The "jury is still out" on whether SCI FI will pick up the highly rated miniseries as a full-blown series, Moore told the site.

                          "We're still in discussions with the network," Moore said. "The actors' contracts have been extended until the end of January (that is the time period in which their options for series can be picked up), and I've been working on the show bible and the first few episodes in anticipation of a possible order." He added, "It's a complicated, ambitious show, and SCI FI Channel wants to understand all the economic implications before going to series—pretty standard network procedure—but I'm hopeful we'll get the pickup."

                          Moore also confirmed comments he previously made to IGN FilmForce that he will not be returning as a producer of HBO's fantasy series Carnivale, the site reported. "I won't be returning to Carnivale for its second season, as I decided to concentrate on development and hopefully a BSG series," Moore said.
                          Network execs make decisions based mostly on economics and ratings: If they don't feel the ratings justify the expense, they won't do it. The miniseries most certainly was a testing-of-the-waters production to see if there'd be enough interest afterwards to make a full-blown remade series of BSG02. The diehard original fans would scream bloody murder if the mini was too botched and likely damage the receptiveness of a series. That didn't happen and so now we have a series.
                          The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                          The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Ted Striker
                            Defintley the tension between Edward James Olmos and the President has been setup up REALLY well.

                            Even though the Cylon spy is highly hittable, I think her performance is truly outstanding, the way she appears and makes tha scientist go mad at times, that's another solid interaction.
                            He is mad. She's not aboard the galactica.
                            We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                            If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                            Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                              It is covered in the Zahn books and others.
                              that isn't Canon though.

                              The thrust of our argument is thus:
                              Said people are hopelessly out matched because the Cylons most likely have outposts, colonies, and manufacturing worlds all over the place. Run and they die, fight and they die. Barring Deus Ex Machina in either case(some as yet undiscovered critical cylon flaw in the case of the fight, or the real example of the cylon chick helping Baltar in the case of running) they lose. They built the cylons up too much in the miniseries.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Whoha
                                The thrust of our argument is thus:
                                Said people are hopelessly out matched because the Cylons most likely have outposts, colonies, and manufacturing worlds all over the place.
                                We can stop right there. They don't know that for certain. It is certain that if they engage the Cylons, they will die. So, as Gepap already mentioned, one course of action has a 100% chance of death while the other has an unknown, although potentially high chance of death. So the latter is still the smarter decision. Not rocket science.

                                You're making a lot of assumptions about how built up the Cylons are. We don't know any of that for sure.

                                Space is very, very, very big and very, very, very empty. Even if the Cylons had a million ships, the BSG fleet could still successfully elude them. There are hundreds of billions of potential places to hide, after all.
                                Tutto nel mondo è burla

