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Mac to go below $500?

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  • Lower price, can play more games.... that could beat that .

    Apple will probably never get more than 5% marketshare again. They need the nitch markets and the perhaps some inroads can be made in the cheap computer market (but not much).
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • I don't think they should aim for more than that anyway. Plenty of car makers control less of the market.
      Only feebs vote.


      • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
        Lower price, can play more games.... that could beat that .
        But when you have to spend too much time doing maintenance on the blasted thing, how you gonna have time to play games? That could beat that.

        Apple will probably never get more than 5% marketshare again. They need the nitch markets and the perhaps some inroads can be made in the cheap computer market (but not much).
        Yeah, and you Mac bashers probably thought the same thing about the iPod when it first debuted and look what happened.
        HAVE A DAY.
        <--- Quote by Former U.S. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
        "And there will be strange events in the skies--signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And down here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. The courage of many people will falter because of the fearful fate they see coming upon the earth, because the stability of the very heavens will be broken up. Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!" --Luke 21:25-28
        For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. --1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


        • Originally posted by Agathon
          I don't think they should aim for more than that anyway. Plenty of car makers control less of the market.
          You know, Agg, if the Mac market share was about equal to the Windows market share it would do a lot of good for computer security in this age of terrorism.
          HAVE A DAY.
          <--- Quote by Former U.S. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
          "And there will be strange events in the skies--signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And down here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. The courage of many people will falter because of the fearful fate they see coming upon the earth, because the stability of the very heavens will be broken up. Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!" --Luke 21:25-28
          For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. --1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


          • But when you have to spend too much time doing maintenance on the blasted thing, how you gonna have time to play games? That could beat that.

            Only if you are total moron do you have to spend too much time doing maintainance. And seeing how Wintel controls 95% of the market, I'd say that beats anything Mac can throw at the computer market .

            Yeah, and you Mac bashers probably thought the same thing about the iPod when it first debuted and look what happened.

            Would you like to make a wager? Mac will not get more than 5%. The iPod went into a nitch market, like I said Apple has to be.
            “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
            - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


            • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
              Only if you are total moron do you have to spend too much time doing maintainance. And seeing how Wintel controls 95% of the market, I'd say that beats anything Mac can throw at the computer market .
              Well, I have news for you, Imran. The vast majority of that 95% are morons.

              The iPod went into a nitch market

              You know, I would quote you on that one in my sig, but because I'm good Christian guy, I'm not going to. Lucky duck.
              HAVE A DAY.
              <--- Quote by Former U.S. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
              "And there will be strange events in the skies--signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And down here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. The courage of many people will falter because of the fearful fate they see coming upon the earth, because the stability of the very heavens will be broken up. Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!" --Luke 21:25-28
              For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. --1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


              • You know, Agg, if the Mac market share was about equal to the Windows market share it would do a lot of good for computer security in this age of terrorism.

                Somehow I don't see Apple as the solution to international terrorism.
                Only feebs vote.


                • Originally posted by Mr. Nice Guy
                  Well, I have news for you, Imran. The vast majority of that 95% are morons.
                  Do you use the QWERTY keyboard layout?


                  • Originally posted by Agathon
                    Somehow I don't see Apple as the solution to international terrorism.
                    Well, let's put it this way. . .

                    If hackers had to manage their time between 2 different platforms then there would be less spyware, adware, malware and viruses, etc. per platform, unless for some odd reason the hackers just decided to ignore 1 platform and focus entirely on the other.

                    Now if there were 3 platforms (Linux included) and the marketshare was split by about third for each one that would be even better as far as security is concerned.

                    Get the idea?
                    HAVE A DAY.
                    <--- Quote by Former U.S. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
                    "And there will be strange events in the skies--signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And down here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. The courage of many people will falter because of the fearful fate they see coming upon the earth, because the stability of the very heavens will be broken up. Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!" --Luke 21:25-28
                    For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. --1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


                    • Well, I have news for you, Imran. The vast majority of that 95% are morons.

                      Do you have citations to prove this? Perhaps some statistical analysis? Frankly, I think those that post in such generalities about people without proof are the morons .

                      You know, I would quote you on that one in my sig, but because I'm good Christian guy, I'm not going to. Luck

                      Why are you laughing? Digital music players are a nitch market. Compare their sales to CD players, Walkmans, etc, etc. They are dwarfed by the rest of the industry. Same with digital music (say iTunes or Napster, etc) compared to physical music sources.

                      Apple went into a nitch market and took it over. Smart idea, but it is still a nitch.

                      Btw, what about that wager?
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                        Why are you laughing? Digital music players are a nitch market. Compare their sales to CD players, Walkmans, etc, etc. They are dwarfed by the rest of the industry. Same with digital music (say iTunes or Napster, etc) compared to physical music sources.

                        Apple went into a nitch market and took it over. Smart idea, but it is still a nitch.
                        1. That's a niche [/spelling nazi]

                        2. Digital music is a market that can only expand. There was a time walkmen and CD players were also deemed as a fad for a handful of people. There was a time when Amazon was making massive losses. There was a time when computer games were considered as an inconsequential fad for geeks. These markets are now very mainstream.
                        There is no reason to believe that the digital portable music will not progressively replace the oder forms of portable music. Especially if easy ways for the computer-illiterate to get digital music are developed.
                        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                        • I just thought I'd share this hilarious pic from MSN on how to perfect your digital photos.

                          You would think they could have brushed out the Apple logo. Surprisingly, this isn't the first time.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Agathon; January 1, 2005, 23:22.
                          Only feebs vote.


                          • I like their advice though:

                            "You can eradicate black sheep family members".
                            Only feebs vote.


                            • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                              Perhaps some statistical analysis?
                              We all know that Mac users have a higher vocabulary than PC users, so .

                              Why are you laughing? Digital music players are a nitch market. Compare their sales to CD players, Walkmans, etc, etc. They are dwarfed by the rest of the industry. Same with digital music (say iTunes or Napster, etc) compared to physical music sources.

                              Apple went into a nitch market and took it over. Smart idea, but it is still a nitch.
                              Digital music players not a nitch market; they are a growing market and everybody wants one, though not everyone is able to justify the cost of buying one.

                              Despite this, Apple is having to manfacuture iPods as fast they can in order to keep up with demand. That just goes to show how badly people want them.

                              Btw, what about that wager?

                              What are you talking about?
                              HAVE A DAY.
                              <--- Quote by Former U.S. President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
                              "And there will be strange events in the skies--signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And down here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. The courage of many people will falter because of the fearful fate they see coming upon the earth, because the stability of the very heavens will be broken up. Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up, for your salvation is near!" --Luke 21:25-28
                              For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. --1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


                              • We all know that Mac users have a higher vocabulary than PC users, so

                                For what it's worth, this is actually true IIRC.
                                Only feebs vote.

