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Gang Member To Be Tried As Terrorist

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  • With the expanding use of RICO, is anyone actually shocked that terrorism laws would get expanded use as well?
    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


    • No. Its still wrong.
      If you don't like reality, change it! me
      "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
      "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
      "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


      • Originally posted by GePap

        Jaguar posts something I actually take the time to read and respond to in a long time
        You think I care whether you read my posts?

        I match your generic insult, and raise you an smiley.
        "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

        Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


        • Originally posted by Jaguar

          You think I care whether you read my posts?
          Why thank you- its so nice to know of a troll that posts purely for the love of it, even when they know they will be rightfully ignored.

          I match your generic insult, and raise you an smiley.
          OHH, how original of you
          If you don't like reality, change it! me
          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


          • Originally posted by GePap
            OHH, how original of you
            You raise a and an ?

            /me folds.
            "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

            Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


            • GePap, I understand everything you are saying. I have one question. You are critisizing one aspect of a broken system. If the DA does not go for the maximum punishment, or does not get a conviction, you know that his next opponent is going to have a field day.

              I would not critisize the DA. I would instead critisize how this system has developed, starting with voters who are too lazy to vote in primaries, or to pay attention to the actual records of the individuals they vote for. Also for people who vote for "tough on crime" politicians who aren't willing to pay more money for courts, public defenders, procecutors, and prisons. I call that hypocracy by both those voters and the politicians.

              The DA has a thankless job. As long as he operates within the system, and this individual receives due process, then I will be quite satisfied if he is locked up for life. I fully understand your point, and if the system was working like it should, I would agree. In the real world of the judicial system (look at my sig and note the friend I quote - he is a fingerprint specialist) I will settle for the probable results, which include a plea bargain anyway and the shooter being incarcerated for under twenty years, possibly under ten. I think the child's life was worth substantially more.
              The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
              And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
              Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
              Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.


              • /me goes to collect his winnings..

                wait, what winnings?

                If you don't like reality, change it! me
                "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                • Originally posted by shawnmmcc
                  GePap, I understand everything you are saying. I have one question. You are critisizing one aspect of a broken system. If the DA does not go for the maximum punishment, or does not get a conviction, you know that his next opponent is going to have a field day.
                  1. In NYC, you have to be an utter idiot to ever lose as an incumbent, even a DA. I doubt someone could win an election by running on abusing the terrorism statute.

                  I would not critisize the DA. I would instead critisize how this system has developed, starting with voters who are too lazy to vote in primaries, or to pay attention to the actual records of the individuals they vote for. Also for people who vote for "tough on crime" politicians who aren't willing to pay more money for courts, public defenders, procecutors, and prisons. I call that hypocracy by both those voters and the politicians.
                  I agree, but at the same time, there is some level of personal responsibility- the DA could have sought the normal chanrges, which mean significant jail time if convicted.

                  The DA has a thankless job. As long as he operates within the system, and this individual receives due process, then I will be quite satisfied if he is locked up for life. I fully understand your point, and if the system was working like it should, I would agree. In the real world of the judicial system (look at my sig and note the friend I quote - he is a fingerprint specialist) I will settle for the probable results, which include a plea bargain anyway and the shooter being incarcerated for under twenty years, possibly under ten. I think the child's life was worth substantially more.
                  I don't know what lives "are worth", and I will be coldly honest and say I don't care. I still don;t like to see certain statutes used as bargaining chips. If the DA believes this case is vital, he can push it to trial and make sure the youth gets the top charge with a negative sentencing recommendation.
                  If you don't like reality, change it! me
                  "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                  "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                  "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                  • GePap, I think we both agree on the theoretical issue, but totally disagree on the solution/results. So the DA goes for a regular trial, on the lesser charge. He ends up ignoring/not preparing adequately for others, almost every aspect of the judicial system is squeezed for funding right now.

                    Or he stretches the statute, uses it for a bargaining chip, and with the plea deal still gets less of a sentence then if he had taken him to trial on the lesser charge and convicted him. He also now has the resources to more successfully additional crimes effectively, removing more feral criminals from the streets. I'll agree to disagree, even while I also vote against el cheapo law-and-order politicians who won't put their money where their mouth is, and hope for the same end result we both want.
                    The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
                    And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
                    Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
                    Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.


                    • Originally posted by Proteus_MST
                      Per the same Definition used against Gang Members (and KKK)
                      you could state that violent members of Anti-Abortion Groups (who intimidate or even murder Abortion Doctors [AFAIK there have been some cases in the past]) are to be considered terrorists.

                      After all they use Violence/Murder to propagate a social Agenda (i.e. say "No" to Abortion)
                      definately so. This is done on a case by case basis so I don't see why anti-abortion terrorists would not be treated as such. If they want to oppose abortion they have to do so without violence and that should go for all other political activism.


                      • I would like you to point out where the vagueness of the 1st amendment is

                        Well that's easy .

                        "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"

                        Are they talking about 'an estasblishment of religion' which is any church, mosque, synagoge, etc., or are they speaking of establishing a state relgiion or what? The text is vague on that point.

                        That's just the establishment clause. The free exercise clause includes fun issues like what happens when someone's free exercise conflicts with someone elses.
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui That's just the establishment clause. The free exercise clause includes fun issues like what happens when someone's free exercise conflicts with someone elses.
                          Just wait your turn, and dont do more than 12 reps.

                          Free exercise
                          High health club dues
                          National Park Service User Fees
                          "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

