Have you considered the possibility that institutions might inflate figures to make themselves look good? Or that additional owed monies may have accrued?
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The Second Coming of Apple
But let's put this in perspective. You will get a pretty good undergraduate education from most Canadian universities. Canada is like New Zealand and Australia, the general standard of undergraduate education is quite high, the reason being that there are not a lot of mickey mouse colleges like there are in the US.
It amazes me that people will be so picky about where they go as an undergrad. Since undergraduate education is pretty much the same everywhere, it doesn't matter where you do. When you do graduate work, it is more important to go somewhere that is strong in your particular area. It's never made much sense to me to rank universities' graduate programs overall, since no-one chooses them that way (or no reasonable person anyway).
I mean, if you are doing what I do, U of T is easily the best in Canada. But for other things it's not so good.Only feebs vote.
I think that's possible, but I also don't think that's what people are looking at.
The idea was to compare how much money is flowing into the instutition for research purposes. I'm fairly certain that when the federal government gives you, say, $17M for your research project, you can't use some of this money to pay down some kind of debt."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Don't ever underestimate the machiavellian tendencies of university bureaucrats. Or the amount of that money that will be spent on drink and hookers.
I do have a problem with these league tables overall. They seem a bit ham fisted to me. We never had them in New Zealand up until this year. Then again, no-one ever bothered ranking New Zealand high schools until a few years ago. It's a right wing thing, they are obsessed with rank.
The money would be better spent trying to work out how to improve the quality of education and on car parks IMHO (a bane of the New Zealand uni student).Only feebs vote.
Originally posted by Agathon
Since when did Montreal become this super-fun city?
(1) Since you can smoke pretty much where the **** you like (at least compared to TO). (2) Since the Quebecers aren't a bunch of do gooder prudes, and Saturday night downtown is great with all the food and my usual half tanker of beer.
There's a lot to be thankful for with regard to Quebec. Beautiful women for one, liberal attitudes for another, and permanently annoying those Albertan *******s tops all.
That's exactly why I don't like it.I hate the smell of smoke (I think I'm partly allergic to it), and I'm pretty far from being liberal.