Well, here it is at long last- destined to spill into January (maybe longer or slightly shorter if I take a vacation) 
Sorry for the delay!
4th Post down from here contains VOTING RESULTS!
Hello and welcome to another edition of the Apolytoners Hall of Fame!
What is it?
The Apolytoners Hall of Fame (HoF) is a list of people who contributed a lot to the community here on Apolyton. For example: Xin Yu was inducted in the HoF for his incredible strategy and MP contributions to the Civ2 section, yin26 for his fantastic work on 'The List' with suggestions for Civ3. Every member of the Hall of Fame has made great contributions to Apolyton and the Civilization community - these people and their accomplishments must be remembered by us all!
If you don't recognize many names you probably haven't been here very long and/or hardly ever post outside this forum - in that case this HoF might be a good opportunity to learn something about them. That is why this Hall of Fame was created: to remember and learn.
Periodically, we hold a vote for the Apolytoners who we think contribute the most to Apolyton, the ones who make Apolyton what it is. The winners shall be inducted in the Hall of Fame and their names will live forever in the annals of APOLYTON!
The idea for the Hall of Fame was born in late 2000 as an outgrowth of the old Apolyton Army and Apolytoner of the Season Contests, seeking to honor the people of Apolyton in a more meaningful and structured way.
The first edition was held in the Off Topic in December 2000 over a period of 3 days and is currently archived. The first election saw Markos and Dan, the owners and administrators of this site, and the first 10 posters inducted.
Since then, the HoF vote has been held roughly 4 times a year with 11-14 total members being elected every year. Up until August 2002, the vote was held only in the Off Topic forum - from that time on it has been posted in other sections (first in Civ3, later also in SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).
Special Thanks/Why we do certain things:
Ming for archiving the first thread and helping manage the thread in its early days.
As per suggestion by MOBIUS, the last vote's are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Solver, all previous votes are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Martin Guhman, December votes are extended till 6 days.
As per suggestion by Locutus, introduction revised.
This edition
Welcome to the December 2004 edition of the APOLYTONERS HALL OF FAME
(3 Members to be inducted this session)
(Only 10 total will be elected this year)
You have approximately 30 days to vote [Until January 19th).
Please vote today and elect some of your brethren to join the historic Hall; consisting of such hallowed names as Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase, oedo, rah and more.
So now is your chance to decide: who should be inducted in the HoF this time?
Table of Contents
I Introduction Post
1) What is it
2) History
3) This Edition
4) Table of Contents
5) Notice
II Rules Post
1) Rules for voting
2) Amendments
a) Purgings
b) Posthumous Inductions
3) FAQ
III Hall Posting
1) Hall of Fame Members
2) Alphabetical member list
3) Chronological member list (by date of induction)
4) Chronological member list (by registration date)
5) Information about the Hall of Famers
IV Current Voting
1) Current Standings
2) Who voted for Whom

Sorry for the delay!
4th Post down from here contains VOTING RESULTS!
Hello and welcome to another edition of the Apolytoners Hall of Fame!
What is it?
The Apolytoners Hall of Fame (HoF) is a list of people who contributed a lot to the community here on Apolyton. For example: Xin Yu was inducted in the HoF for his incredible strategy and MP contributions to the Civ2 section, yin26 for his fantastic work on 'The List' with suggestions for Civ3. Every member of the Hall of Fame has made great contributions to Apolyton and the Civilization community - these people and their accomplishments must be remembered by us all!
If you don't recognize many names you probably haven't been here very long and/or hardly ever post outside this forum - in that case this HoF might be a good opportunity to learn something about them. That is why this Hall of Fame was created: to remember and learn.
Periodically, we hold a vote for the Apolytoners who we think contribute the most to Apolyton, the ones who make Apolyton what it is. The winners shall be inducted in the Hall of Fame and their names will live forever in the annals of APOLYTON!
The idea for the Hall of Fame was born in late 2000 as an outgrowth of the old Apolyton Army and Apolytoner of the Season Contests, seeking to honor the people of Apolyton in a more meaningful and structured way.
The first edition was held in the Off Topic in December 2000 over a period of 3 days and is currently archived. The first election saw Markos and Dan, the owners and administrators of this site, and the first 10 posters inducted.
Since then, the HoF vote has been held roughly 4 times a year with 11-14 total members being elected every year. Up until August 2002, the vote was held only in the Off Topic forum - from that time on it has been posted in other sections (first in Civ3, later also in SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).
Special Thanks/Why we do certain things:
Ming for archiving the first thread and helping manage the thread in its early days.
As per suggestion by MOBIUS, the last vote's are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Solver, all previous votes are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Martin Guhman, December votes are extended till 6 days.
As per suggestion by Locutus, introduction revised.
This edition
Welcome to the December 2004 edition of the APOLYTONERS HALL OF FAME
(3 Members to be inducted this session)
(Only 10 total will be elected this year)
You have approximately 30 days to vote [Until January 19th).
Please vote today and elect some of your brethren to join the historic Hall; consisting of such hallowed names as Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase, oedo, rah and more.
So now is your chance to decide: who should be inducted in the HoF this time?
Table of Contents
I Introduction Post
1) What is it
2) History
3) This Edition
4) Table of Contents
5) Notice
II Rules Post
1) Rules for voting
2) Amendments
a) Purgings
b) Posthumous Inductions
3) FAQ
III Hall Posting
1) Hall of Fame Members
2) Alphabetical member list
3) Chronological member list (by date of induction)
4) Chronological member list (by registration date)
5) Information about the Hall of Famers
IV Current Voting
1) Current Standings
2) Who voted for Whom