Well, it is an 'extended minor' for me. That's all I study, software engineering and mathematics. of course certain amount of mathematics is mandatory in software engineering, but I'm going further than mandatory, and I don't really have another subjects so I say SE and mathematics, that's it, all my courses are those.
Am I good at it? I'm not exceptionally good at it, but good enough. How well have I grasped.. I'd say pretty well. Not 100%, but let's say.. 90%. And of that 90% I still remember 40% . But I can get it back by just goign threw few pages and it all coems back to me. I just can't remember the rules of different craps, but if say for example mathematicians handbook is allowed material, then I have no problemo.
Am I good at it? I'm not exceptionally good at it, but good enough. How well have I grasped.. I'd say pretty well. Not 100%, but let's say.. 90%. And of that 90% I still remember 40% . But I can get it back by just goign threw few pages and it all coems back to me. I just can't remember the rules of different craps, but if say for example mathematicians handbook is allowed material, then I have no problemo.