Originally posted by Arrian
Well, I for one am not arguing in favor of Lassez-faire capitalism, but rather for the hybrid economy we use in the real world.
I'm not really sure why you want to talk about L-F capitalism, really.
Well, I for one am not arguing in favor of Lassez-faire capitalism, but rather for the hybrid economy we use in the real world.
I'm not really sure why you want to talk about L-F capitalism, really.
The only two grounds on which capitalism or communism can be criticized are grounds that the fundamental theory itself is unjust or that the system is fundamentally unstable or untenable without introducing unjust elements or deviating so far from the fundamental theory that it can no longer be properly classified as "capitalist", "communist", or whatever. L-F capitalism is clearly unstable and untenable, but it is possible to make it stable and tenable by introducing elements that are relatively minor deviations and are just.