Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
1. Abortion is "OK" while the foetus is not in independant living thing and could not survive without a mother around it: while it is effectively an extension of the mother. AFAIK, nobody seriously advocates or promotes abortion. All credible defenses of abortion admit that it is almost always preferable to let the foetus develop, but that it isn't the place of government to force this to happen while the foetus is still part of the mother.
Wild animals aren't the possession of anyone, so the argument "It's mine, let me torture it" fails. The government does have juristiction, for better or worse, over the defining of Rights For Foxes. While foxes are independant living things, then torturing them for no reason other than human amusement is wrong.
1. Abortion is "OK" while the foetus is not in independant living thing and could not survive without a mother around it: while it is effectively an extension of the mother. AFAIK, nobody seriously advocates or promotes abortion. All credible defenses of abortion admit that it is almost always preferable to let the foetus develop, but that it isn't the place of government to force this to happen while the foetus is still part of the mother.
Wild animals aren't the possession of anyone, so the argument "It's mine, let me torture it" fails. The government does have juristiction, for better or worse, over the defining of Rights For Foxes. While foxes are independant living things, then torturing them for no reason other than human amusement is wrong.
What about pets? Should owners be able to kill them, or just release them and not feed them?
Personally, I (and reds, and Mr Fun, et al) find the idea of torturing anything which can display pain that emotively utterly repugnant. Ok, so maybe seeing a live, wailing fox have its guts pulled out by bloodhounds doesn't cause you to bat an eyelid - but even if it is not biologically/philosophically wrong to torture foxes since the "aren't aware of pain" or whatever bollocks you want to wrap it in, it's one of those things which is probably bad for the human involved as well. It's like putting an 18-certificate on a film, or preventing incestuous marriages. Imagine it as an infinity-certificate on hunting.
I find torture for the sake of torture completely repugnant. I find gay sex repugnant too

2. Name me a single animal which tortures and maims its prey and deliberately uses inefficient methods of execution, for no other reason than entertainment (and/or tradition), and maybe this point would have some relevance.