Originally posted by Kuciwalker
You are saying that sentience being derived from computation implies, logically, that self-awareness is being aware that one is determined. However, that is not the case at all (that A implies B) because self-awarness and sentience do not mean total awareness of every aspect of the self.
I'm was saying nothing of what a person might be aware of (beyond themselves - whatever that may be), I'm talk about what the real implications of a sentience derived from computation are.
You are saying that sentience being derived from computation implies, logically, that self-awareness is being aware that one is determined. However, that is not the case at all (that A implies B) because self-awarness and sentience do not mean total awareness of every aspect of the self.
It doesn't change that self-awareness is an awareness of the calculations that make up "self". It may be that those calculations are erroneously labeled as a choice made by a "spirit", "soul", or "duality" that exists as the person's "consciousness" but that is just an erroneous answer that has been come to by a (supposedly malfunctioning) calculation. Not any kind of free will.
Although, thinking about my fist paragraph somemore, following that logic could lead to saying that "true" self-awareness actually requires the ability to identify the "aspects of self" as the calculations that they really are, and by extension a "conscious" (calculated) acknowledgmentor exceptance that there is no free will, and that they are nothing but a calculator. Which would mean that self-awareness is actually counter-productive to consciousness (which is in reality nothing but delusion). Perhaps computers and other "unthinking" machines are the only truely self-aware beings after all, while real "consciousness" relies on the principle of "ignorance is bliss" and an inability to idenfy it's true self - so that it can pretend the erroneous calculations it makes are actually intentional and are directed by conscious self that possesses free will.
Have you, all along, been saying that a fox is too perfect a life form to be sentient?

... and I guess Humans really are "special", afterall - they have a mental disorder! I love it.
