Originally posted by MrFun
Just as you tired of the Monica/Clinton jokes, right?
Just as you tired of the Monica/Clinton jokes, right?
But now, many Apolytoners spew pure crap about 51% of the Americans (and the cartoon we both find offensive is only the archetype of this crap - it brings nothing new). And this indirectly insults him.
There was a time where many Apolytoners insulted the French people at large, meanng they were indirectly insulting me. I was a dirty, stinky, weasely, stinky, snobbish, arrogant, snotty, backstabbing, cowardly cheese-eating surrender monkey. It grew old really quick, and I think that's the main reason why most of our (admittedly few) French OTers left the OT during this period, despite Ming's best efforts to limit this kind of behaviour.
These days, the Greeks are suffering from a nearly-unanimous barrage from the Americans everytime they show up. Maybe that explains why we don't see Paiktis, and barely see MarkG and Axi anymore...
I can understand very well that TMM is tired with the crap he sees about people like him, i.e. people who voted for Bush.