One lesson coming out of both the US and Australian elections for me is liberals need to stop sneering and talking down to ordinary people. Nobody is going to vote for you if you constantly lecture them and act like you know better.
A good example is the Bush is stupid rhetoric.
a. He isn't stupid and
b. this implies those who voted for him are stupid too.
Hardly a clever way to win over a voter!
All this sniffing at the popular vote for Bush is really counterproductive. Social Democratic parties need to stop being captured by interest groups with their trendy middle class causes and get back in touch with the grass roots.
Some elitist left wing social commentators should take Bill O'Reilly's advice and just shut up. It would be good for the parties they are trying to support and currently just shooting in the foot by alienating readers.
This basic political craft is something conservative parties have been very good at recently. A few years ago they were ones looking down at the masses with disdain and they suffered electorally as a result.
The conservative parties around the world are just killing their opponents in basic tactics on the stump.
One former Australian Labor MP (Democrat to you Yanks) commented after Labor's electoral rout last month that when he joined the parliament he noticed when he shook hands that a lot of the MP's were missing fingers - initially he thought it was a code - but really it was because they were former working men who lost fingers in industrial accidents. Now, the Labor MP's are all former party operatives and officials - not a worker among them. Is it any wonder that 30% of unionised workers voted for the conservatives?
There's a message there somewhere.
Just my 2 cents.
A good example is the Bush is stupid rhetoric.
a. He isn't stupid and
b. this implies those who voted for him are stupid too.
Hardly a clever way to win over a voter!
All this sniffing at the popular vote for Bush is really counterproductive. Social Democratic parties need to stop being captured by interest groups with their trendy middle class causes and get back in touch with the grass roots.
Some elitist left wing social commentators should take Bill O'Reilly's advice and just shut up. It would be good for the parties they are trying to support and currently just shooting in the foot by alienating readers.
This basic political craft is something conservative parties have been very good at recently. A few years ago they were ones looking down at the masses with disdain and they suffered electorally as a result.
The conservative parties around the world are just killing their opponents in basic tactics on the stump.
One former Australian Labor MP (Democrat to you Yanks) commented after Labor's electoral rout last month that when he joined the parliament he noticed when he shook hands that a lot of the MP's were missing fingers - initially he thought it was a code - but really it was because they were former working men who lost fingers in industrial accidents. Now, the Labor MP's are all former party operatives and officials - not a worker among them. Is it any wonder that 30% of unionised workers voted for the conservatives?
There's a message there somewhere.
Just my 2 cents.