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Notradamus/Usama bin Ladin
C1, Q 72: French Casualties during WWII
The inhabitants of Marseilles completely changed, fleeing and pursued as far as Lyons. Narbonne, Toulouse angered by Bordeaux ; the killed and captive number almost one million.
The Vichy puppet government of WWII included Narbonne, Toulousek, and Lyons, while the exile French government fled to Bordeaux. Meanwhile, the Germans occupied Marseille, certainly a "habitants changees". The official French casualty lists 675,000 killed or wounded Frenchmen, with an unknown amount of captives/prisoners of war.
Er no, the "exiled French govt didnt flee to Bordeaux. The French govt fled to Bordeaux to avoid exile BEFORE Vichy govt was formed. THEN Vichy was formed. It included all of France, thought only certain parts were free from French occupation. These included Lyons, Narbonne, and Toulouse, but ALSO Marseilles. Marseilles was occupied by the Germans after Operation Torch in Nov 1942, but SO were Lyons, Narbone and Toulouse. There was no flight from Marseille to the other cities mentioned.
Thus the quatrain is fulfilled, even in hindsight, only by a stretched interpretation, and then only by ignorance of actual history."A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
Originally posted by Zkribbler
I can do better:
Men in red stockings shall trade to the New City
A babe, who shall become a sultan.
As man and ghost, he shall swat them viciously,
And they shall forevermore know only defeat