Originally posted by Vince278
Some colleges over here required the students to actually ask permission before taking each step from kissing to intercourse. I imagine that has been largely ignored (and even spoofed on Saturday Night Live) but if something happens and they didn't follow this then the lack of consent is implied.
Some colleges over here required the students to actually ask permission before taking each step from kissing to intercourse. I imagine that has been largely ignored (and even spoofed on Saturday Night Live) but if something happens and they didn't follow this then the lack of consent is implied.
Again this is silly. If a kiss "happens" that both wanted but neither asked for , have they both been assaulted?
Or are they working on the sexist assumption that only the man can be the more assertive one?
As I said before, requiring a positive assertion of consent at every step gets even more ludicrous if you factor in a person's right to withdraw consent at any time. If you are not ever allowed to assume initial consent from behavior or lack of negative response, why would you be allowed to assume the consent was continuing?
Have I been continually raped over the years? No woman has ever asked MY consent