Originally posted by Patroklos
Molly is flattly saying that we went to Cambodia to kill civilians, not NVA.
While I think Ned is definetly minimalizing the collateral damage, it was just that, collateral not intentional. Molly is definetly magnifying the damage out of all rational means. And just so you know B-52's, while not scalples, are not as inaccurate as you think. They do destroy large areas, but almost always the swath they mean to destory.
Molly is flattly saying that we went to Cambodia to kill civilians, not NVA.
While I think Ned is definetly minimalizing the collateral damage, it was just that, collateral not intentional. Molly is definetly magnifying the damage out of all rational means. And just so you know B-52's, while not scalples, are not as inaccurate as you think. They do destroy large areas, but almost always the swath they mean to destory.
As I've been at pains to point out, with copious references, with quotes from American pilots' secretly taped cockpit conversations, areas of Laos and Cambodia were bombed without regard to what was below the bombs- why on earth drop a bomb on an existing crater for goodness' sake?
Why drop so many bombs on as you inaccurately describe them ' underpopulated' areas- because you like watching jungle blow up?
(it was U.S. Air Force maps that showed the areas to be or rather have been, heavily populated)
Why drop more bombs during a four year period than were used to destroy heavily urbanized areas of Japan in WWII?
And if you have dropped those bombs, what effect will they have had?
This notion that bombs could have been dropped with 'pinpoint' accuracy has me crying my eyes out laughing- it was a fiction at the time, and to an extent still is now- the next time you're 15 000 feet over dense rainforest or jungle, see how much you can make out through dense canopy, in an area of the world not noted for year round clear blue skies and excellent visibility.
Gosh, wonder why they dropped so much toxic defoliant and herbicide- couldn't be so that that might be able to make out where things were on the ground, and stop people hiding beneath the lush canopies.
And it wasn't me exaggerating the number of casualties- my figures were courtesy the United States' Pentagon, and the United States' Senate Sub Committee on Refugees, those well-known 'Red' fronts.