Originally posted by Velociryx
PS to Che: Do we live in an Athenian Democracy, or do you suppose that perhaps there's a reason it died out in WampumWayBack BC? But yes, I agree with you in principle.
PS to Che: Do we live in an Athenian Democracy, or do you suppose that perhaps there's a reason it died out in WampumWayBack BC? But yes, I agree with you in principle.
Ceterus parabus, we agree that democracy is the superior form of government, and not just because trade is doubled and corruption lowered

So what does that mean for justice? What is just is a value judgement. Like morals, ethics, race, rights, culture, etc., it doesn't have an existence seperate from humans and thus cannot be defined objectively, despite Plato's attempts to do so in The Republic. Justice is subjective and relative. The best we can do is create a system of rules upon which the majority can agree is just, and that can be done by imposing it from above via a dictator or by working it out amongs ourselves democratically.