Except for the minor detail it hasn't been proven to be a lie. Have you seen GPS tracks or nav logs for Kerry's boat to document where it was?
Can't you learn the facts, MtG? It's obviously been proven to be a lie. All of Kerry's commanding officers claim that Kerry never went to Cambodia. All the men who served on Kerry's boat say that they weren't anywhere near Cambodia on Christmas of 1968. Kerry's own diary says that he was safe and "dreaming of sugar plums", not being shot at by Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. And the Kerry campaign quickly backed away from the claim once the truth came out.
Kerry was at Sa Dec, 50 miles away from Cambodia on Christmas 1968, not in Cambodia as he has claimed for decades. Anyone who disputes this is a complete partisan hack, no better than GePap. Welcome to the club.

At least you've had the intelligence to steer away from the horribly biased NYT hit piece on the SwiftVets, though. I knew GePap couldn't resist using such a blatant piece of propaganda, but I wasn't sure about you. Maybe there's still hope for you to regain your previously exalted status here on Poly...