Originally posted by PLATO
Every major world power in history has acted the same way. It is only natural for a dominant economic power to reach out and protect or control the resources that its dominance relies on. The US is better than most in the fact that usually billions in other type of aid befalls these countries.
Every major world power in history has acted the same way. It is only natural for a dominant economic power to reach out and protect or control the resources that its dominance relies on. The US is better than most in the fact that usually billions in other type of aid befalls these countries.
Empires protect their interests, the Mafia protects its interests, Serial-Killers protect their interests, and Neo-Colonialist Empires like the USA protects its interests. I'm interested in my neigbours wife and daughter and car and teevee too, all of my neibours things are interesting to me, and therefore they are in my interests.
As for the aid that 'befalls' those nations the US screws over, the word 'befall' is quite apt. We're usually talking billions of dollars of military and security aid so the US-backed puppet regimes can better oppress and control their people and crush out all those populist 'We Will Educate Your Children & Supply Medicine & Food'-type movements that are so popular down there in the lands of ignorant and ungrateful anti-Western savages.
The US actually contributes the least food-aid of any nation in the world considering it's size and wealth etc. Norway contributes more then the US, well done Norway, but you don't hear all those fur-wrapped blondes boasting in a loud voice about how generous and good they are all the time, while raining bombs on civilian populations, wrecking 3rd-world nations, poisoning their lands for generations to come, and thinking it's good that they kill torture and maim a little less thousands then undisguised Tyrants do.