Originally posted by Saint Marcus
I'm not saying it's not realistic...I'm saying it's bad story writing. Having a bunch of characters in the credits, give them their own episodes to star in, and then write them off a few eps later. It doesn't help the viewer to really get into the characters, since most leave before we get a chance to warm up to them.
I'm not saying it's not realistic...I'm saying it's bad story writing. Having a bunch of characters in the credits, give them their own episodes to star in, and then write them off a few eps later. It doesn't help the viewer to really get into the characters, since most leave before we get a chance to warm up to them.
Also, some of the changes had no real reason. P5 telepath turning super-telepath Talia got replaced by P5 telepath turning super telepath Lyta. Stupid. (especially after Ironheart-God said he could see everything yet not notice Talia reprogramming)
Actors have lives.
A few episoded prior, a SMALLER fleet commanded by Sheridan did beat the Shadows. Sure, Sheridan lost 2 ships for every Shadow vessel he destroyed, but that's not that bad! The Russian in WW2 lost (I think) more than 5 tanks for every German tank they destroyed (and still won the war).
Actually, it was the same fleet sheridan had, and he beat a much smaller shadoow force than the one at the end. Plus at that point the shadows had not brought out their superweapons.
At least the Shadow War of a 1000 years prior, did cost all the participants dearly. But this time around, the war ended before any real damage was done. I felt less the sense of loss and accomplishment caused by the end of the Shadow War, than by the end of the Dominian War.
The writers of B5 faced financial constraints those of DS9 did not
Once the first one brought out the planetkillers, for smaler powers it was about either being annahilated or ending the war asap.
In short, they could NOT afford such a war.