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Is Russia really any better with Democracy/Capitialism?
Originally posted by Serb
You, as 99,9% of westerners have no idea about Chechnya, Chechen-Russian relationship, the history of this relationships and do not know why Russians came into such sh!thole as Chechnya at the first place. (hint: no one really cared about oil a couple of centuries ago. Back then, Chechnya was an absolute sh!thole, there was nothing to take in this land, only rocks.)
Well, those mountain tiles in caucasus give 100% defense bonus
The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.
I doubt they had such infrastructure in Lebanon. It wasn't like withdrawing an army after the operation, it was like re-location of entire army, its personel, armaments, suplies, etc. from one place to absolutely new, unprepared place. You can't just take military facilities (that you build there for decades )from one place and move them by air to absolutely new place. It takes ****loads of time.
So what? You had how many operational nukes in 1945? Six? Two were used against Japanese already. I doubt you could deliver remaining 4 into Russian core territory. And even if you could somehow, I doubt you had balls to do this. In this case Soviets would retaliated with their chem weapons. Not that chem weapons are so deadly as nukes, but they don't called WMD for nothing.
superior air and naval power
Naval -yes. Air- I doubt.
, far superior economic power, and far superior industrial strength.
Not so far in terms of military production. Soviets outnumbered western allied forces in Europe how much? 3:1? And don't even start telling me about superiority of western equipment in 1945.
Even if the Soviets overran all of Europe in 1945 (unlikely),
It is very likely.
the US would STILL retain these advantages.
And? It took three years for you to create and send 2 million army to Europe. And if Soviets would have destroyed this army (and they would, no doubt), then how many years it would took to create new such army from scratch?
Oh, and with regards to the Napoleonic Wars, it was the English who provided the subsidies for the successive coalitions against France, and to a large degree paid for the huge Austrian and Russian armies, while at the same time maintaining a strong naval blockade against France AND committing large forces to Spain, forces which eventually defeated the 300,000+ French and Allied troops in Spain and invaded southern France. It was the English who provided the economic means to defeat Napoleon, not the Russians, or Austrians, or Prussians, or Swedes, or anyone else.
Please, please, tell me more about this. I really wish to know more about English equipping Russian soldiers with weapons and paying their salaries.
Strictly speaking, the USA never recognized Russia's illegal occupation of the Baltic states after the deal-cutting with Hitler.
Afterwar borders of SU were recognized by all Allied countries in 1945, including USA. Type Potsdam conference in a search engine.
Been off awhile, I'll try to catch up with some highlights:
Originally posted by Serb
It's a "K".
Had it would be an "L", than it would be a word for "Poland" or "Tonny Blair", perhaps.
Don't like Poland, do we?
Originally posted by Serb
I have no idea. Is FOX already planting stories about: Russians commiting genocide towards penguins or something; Putin himself eating babies; Russian mad scientists working on Death Star project, intending to destroy America?
Haven't heard about the penguins yet. Thanks for the assist.
Originally posted by Serb
Just how much time your soldiers need to run with tails between their legs when they face a real resistance? Five minutes?
Those aren't tails.
Originally posted by Serb
Beating an Amrican who spent some time with lumber. I'm not sure. Considering how Yanks can use lumber for training (Rocky-4). I'm
The Russian fighter in Rocky was tough too.
Originally posted by Serb
p.s. It's really ironic that so many countries that were pretty powerfull during their history had the same national colors. Russia, USA, UK, France, Netherlands (did I miss something?) all have red, blue, and white colors. Is that some kind of mystic?
Interesting point.
Originally posted by mrmitchell
The night ends, and the sun rises in the sky, thanks to the Party.
I've been to some college parties like that...
Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
Actually, -оссия
Use a "C" as the first letter and you get dangerously close to an American slang word.
Originally posted by Oncle Boris
I know this one's a troll... but Napoleon would have assraped anything American back in the time. America's military history profoundly sucks. It's not even close to France's.
Well... We beat the English twice around this time and they beat the French. It also would be a logistical nightmare for them. All moot points since we were generally on good terms with France.
Originally posted by Serb
You are living in a fantasy world. In 1945 Red Army was the strongest, most experienced and better euipped army on this planet.
Don't you think Lend-Lease had something to do with that?
Originally posted by Serb
Russia might be in ****e NOW, but she will get here crap together sooner or later, like she always do. On the other hand, US was and will remain complete **** forever. You are doomed and we will bury you, because self-destruction is your nature.
Quoting Khruschev again?
Originally posted by Serb
God bless America!!!
Thank-you. We're praying for you.
Originally posted by Serb
Firstly, the Soviet Union never gave its blessing for this. USSR abstained in UN.
The Soviet Union was also not even present for the vote concerning Korea in 1950. Have a problem making difficult decisions?
Originally posted by Serb
We can always return them, just whistle.
That not a whistle you're hearing.
Originally posted by Last Conformist
Serb: You're just jealous 'cos we make better vodka than you!
I'm afraid I'll have to say something nice about Russia for a change. Stoly is the best, hands down.
Originally posted by Serb
Why you didn't answer simple questions?
Was it a illegal? Was in against international law? Was in an agression, an act of war, etc.?
Best defense is a good offense, eh?
Originally posted by Serb
Ruskies in Siberia doesn't speak English and can't sing American songs (except "Yankees, go home" and Queen's "We will, we will, **** you "). More probably this doc did something wrong with your head and now you have hallucinations time after time.
More like I re-educated them.
Originally posted by Serb
Don't make me laugh. WTF your artillery doing right now in Iraq? Or perhaps Iraqis cities are non-civilian targets or your artillery shells considering as precisious weapons?
According to the Geneva Convention people who take up arms are legitimate targets.
Originally posted by Serb
(I doubt, only Russians have such technology).
Originally posted by Serb
Groznyi is the Russian city, founded by Russians in 19th century (its name originate from fortress "Groznaya" (Terrible) and it was Russians who lived there till Chechens started to cut their throats in early 90's.
So, you leveled your own city with your precision artillery?
Originally posted by Serb
So even don't try to paint Russia in the same colours as US.
Red, white, and blue?
Originally posted by Dissident
I'm not sure if this has been said, but:
communism sucks
Its been said virtually everywhere except for a few countries that are in denial.
Originally posted by Serb
It is very likely.
It is very doubtful.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
2004 Presidential Candidate
2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)
So what? You had how many operational nukes in 1945? Six? Two were used against Japanese already. I doubt you could deliver remaining 4 into Russian core territory. And even if you could somehow, I doubt you had balls to do this. In this case Soviets would retaliated with their chem weapons. Not that chem weapons are so deadly as nukes, but they don't called WMD for nothing.
They had no nukes after Nagasaki, true.
Naval -yes. Air- I doubt.
That's the best one. Soviet planes were known for their crappitude. The tactical bombers were fine, there was no strategic bombing force to speak of, and the fighters would have been assraped by the P-51s.
Plus, the Allies plane factories were outproducing the USSR in a 3 to 1 ratio.
Not so far in terms of military production. Soviets outnumbered western allied forces in Europe how much? 3:1? And don't even start telling me about superiority of western equipment in 1945.
Soviet tanks were better, but that's about all. The Allies had a much better intendance organization and their soldiers were 100% motorized or mechanized. And by the end of 44' the Americans started to produce a decent tank model which was a match for the T-34.
3 to 1, BTW, was pretty much a minimum for the Red Army to be succesful in any operation. Even at this rate, it took them 3 years to take back what had been conquered in a summer by a much less numerous army.
And? It took three years for you to create and send 2 million army to Europe. And if Soviets would have destroyed this army (and they would, no doubt), then how many years it would took to create new such army from scratch?
The Allies had more than 15 millions men mobilized, they just weren't deployed in Europe. It's true however that disembarking them in WE would have been a pain.
Please, please, tell me more about this. I really wish to know more about English equipping Russian soldiers with weapons and paying their salaries.
Why do you have to be a nationalist ******? The pride you take in defending people you have never known is bordering on moronism. We're in 2004 dude, ethnic nationalism is outdated. You sound like a Russian Texan.
This said, I do believe that the Red Army would have beaten the Allies initially, but it's unclear what the long-term outcome would have been, because of their lack of navy. Next time try to be more objective.
Use a "C" as the first letter and you get dangerously close to an American slang word.
Sossiya? I've never heard that before.
Go with the original Russian spelling then drop the 'iya. All you have left is a little Cocc.
(I apologize in advance...)
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
2004 Presidential Candidate
2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)
"The 152 mm KRASNOPOL and 155 mm KRASNOPOL-M guided artillery systems are intended for use against armored targets. They may also be used to destroy fortifications and for counter-battery and coastal defence anti-ship missions.
Each system comprises a guided artillery projectile, 1D15(1D22) laser target designator-range finder, 1A35 synchronization unit, an artillery system.
The KRASNOPOL/KRASNOPOL-M uses a semi-active laser guidance system during the latter part of its trajectory. Once a target has been detected by a forward observer, the target information coordinates are transmitted to the battery command post. The gun barrel angle and elevation data are transmitted to the gun position and the forward observer is alerted. The projectile is then fired and the initial part of the trajectory is carried out using a normal ballistic trajectory. As the projectile approaches the target, the forward observer illuminates the target using a tripod-mounted 1D22 Laser Target Designator - Range finder. The designation range for tank-type targets is 7,000 m. Following a mid-trajectory period controlled by inertial navigation, the seeker in the nose of the projectile locks onto the illuminated target and the projectile guidance system makes the necessary flight corrections to guide the projectile towards the target. Shortly before impact, the projectile makes a top attack on the target's upper amour, at an angle between +35 ° and +45 °. The nose-mounted seeker has a footprint of about 1,000 m. Use of the guided projectile reduced ammunition expenditure by 10 ... 15 times, mission accomplishment time is reduced by 3 .. 4 times."
I'm sorry. To make it American slang you have to pronounce (Cocc) in English. Need I replace the last "c" with a 'k"?
Nevermind, it really wasn't all that funny anyway.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
2004 Presidential Candidate
2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)
Originally posted by Serb
"152-mm Krasnopol & 155-mm Krasnopol-M laser guided shell
"The 152 mm KRASNOPOL and 155 mm KRASNOPOL-M guided artillery systems are intended for use against armored targets. They may also be used to destroy fortifications and for counter-battery and coastal defence anti-ship missions.
Each system comprises a guided artillery projectile, 1D15(1D22) laser target designator-range finder, 1A35 synchronization unit, an artillery system.
The KRASNOPOL/KRASNOPOL-M uses a semi-active laser guidance system during the latter part of its trajectory. Once a target has been detected by a forward observer, the target information coordinates are transmitted to the battery command post. The gun barrel angle and elevation data are transmitted to the gun position and the forward observer is alerted. The projectile is then fired and the initial part of the trajectory is carried out using a normal ballistic trajectory. As the projectile approaches the target, the forward observer illuminates the target using a tripod-mounted 1D22 Laser Target Designator - Range finder. The designation range for tank-type targets is 7,000 m. Following a mid-trajectory period controlled by inertial navigation, the seeker in the nose of the projectile locks onto the illuminated target and the projectile guidance system makes the necessary flight corrections to guide the projectile towards the target. Shortly before impact, the projectile makes a top attack on the target's upper amour, at an angle between +35 ° and +45 °. The nose-mounted seeker has a footprint of about 1,000 m. Use of the guided projectile reduced ammunition expenditure by 10 ... 15 times, mission accomplishment time is reduced by 3 .. 4 times."
Cool. We, of course have had the same thing in air/sea/ground launched missles for decades. I can't say anything about artillery for sure. Its possible we may have tank rounds like that though.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
2004 Presidential Candidate
2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)