Originally posted by Pax Africanus
4. Lastly, Free Press is a cornerstone of democracy! It the same thing that allows people on this site to speak out. Just because we don't like the message does not give the right to shut it down.
4. Lastly, Free Press is a cornerstone of democracy! It the same thing that allows people on this site to speak out. Just because we don't like the message does not give the right to shut it down.
Also, I think the Media ruin politics, because the candidates have to brown nose, kiss up, and make love to the Media to have even the slighest chance of winning.
Sad, really.
I think Media should be forbidden to interfere with politics. Media should only be allowed to tape debates, and show ad's for campaigns. Nothing else.
Hell, I bet Adolf Hitler would have a field day with today's Media. He used the Media to convince people he was right during the 1920's and 1930's before becoming the Fuhrer of Germany.