It is not Orwellian at all, it is only an oath of loyalty hardly extreme. The oath should contain promises never to fight British or allied forces as this apparently is no longer a given.
Instead of turning the nation into a boot camp, I believe we should increase education scope and spending in areas designed to expand the intellect, for that seems to be the only way to combat the harmful politics of nationalism and the malevolence behind covert totalitarianism. I get a chill up my spine when a nation takes itself too seriously.
just to clarify a couple of things. i don't advocate a ban on immigration, i just think it needs to be much better managed than it is at present, i do think we need immigrants, just not as many as we get currently.
i also don't think that 'multi-culturalism' is generally a good thing. 'if you come to england, be english' pretty sums up my views on the subject
i'm sorry but i'm going to have to call BS here. building more houses, shops, roads etc. is going to benefit the environment
the farmers i know aren't doing it for a laugh. they farm the land and look after the countryside, they maintain the hedgerows for example which contain an enormous amount of plant and animal life. they do make money as well, those that don't go out of business, they support the local economies of much of our country too. to describe farming as 'superfluous' makes you sound very ignorant i'm afraid
British farming, except the speciality stuff that can't be produced anywhere else (like wendsleydale cheese ), is superfluous because of the amount we could be importing from the third world, leading to cheaper food for us and a better deal for them. Instead we are subsidising ours (and Frances) farmers while those in the third world starve. I don't think that makes sense to me. Speaking in a utilitarian sense, the needs of people who are starving outweigh those of a relatively small number of people who can be found new jobs, while the economy benefits . And ignorant.. it's probably the only economic issue I spent a serious amount of time considering . Hence I used the word superfluous, instead of malevolent.
The thing to ask about immigration is: are you assimilating them into your culture? If the answer is no, then you need to shut it down, because just about everywhere where there are 2 different cultures there is fighting.