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Al Qaeda calls a truce

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  • Islamic extremism is on the rise because it's the only ideology available on the market since noone bothers seriously advancing another one.
    I don't completely agree. Islamism was losing politically until 9/11. It was in serious decline in places like Egypt, Algeria, Iran. The changes afterwards, I think, are to a large extent an aberration (although the lack of a genuine secular alternative is an important factor as well).
    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


    • Not every Islamist is a terrorist. Why, exactly, should these people be exterminated (I presume you mean through violence)?

      I actually don't mean through violence, necessarily. Education if possible. But all it takes, really. Just like every other fundy.

      I don't completely agree. Islamism was losing politically until 9/11. It was in serious decline in places like Egypt, Algeria, Iran. The changes afterwards, I think, are to a large extent an aberration (although the lack of a genuine secular alternative is an important factor as well).

      You'll have to back up this claim.


      • Originally posted by Japher

        WE EUROPEANS now equal Germans and French I guess... See what the EU has done! Italy was a big supporter, as was Spain and Poland, as well as other powerhouses. Regardless of whether you support the US in Iraq, the US' war on terror, etc... you are still suseptible to the crimes of terrorist who hate the western world and the western way of life. As long as you are a christian you are their enemy. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you can't start saving yourselves.

        The governments of these countries you mentioned rejected the feelings of their people. They were not "BIG" supporters. The governments of these European countries acted like dictators.

        Also you said other "powerhouses", name another government "powerhouse" besides Britain. The "coalition of the Willing" was a sham, pure and simple. It should have been called the "Coaltion of the Weak"
        Pentagenesis for Civ III
        Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
        Pentagenesis Gallery


        • Does this mean that I can go to Rome for the Aztec expo without exploding?
          I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

          Asher on molly bloom


          • Originally posted by Pax Africanus
            It's foolish to think of AQ as simply terorists. Propaganda really. They are an organization with goals. One of their goals was U.S. troops out of Saudi Arabia. That did not mean invade another middle eastern country and place your troops there. While we don't necesarrily have to take the truce at face value the only way to end this war on terrorism is to a) capitulate b) negotiate or c) kill all the muslims in the world who would fight for their way of life.
            One of the their goals is to replace all secular governments with Islamic Republics througout Islam. They tolerate "democracy" to an extent, but with ultimate power in the hands of the clerics as we seen in Iran.

            I think option c) does not involve killing all the muslims who want to live in fundamentalist governments. I think it involves bringing true democracy to the Muslim world where people can practice their religion but also have the right to elect a real government.

            This struggle will not end soon. Iraq is critical to a Western victory.


            • Originally posted by Saint Marcus

              Saint Marcus, you really, really have no fundamental commitment to human rights and democracy, do you?


              • Azazel, on the list of al Qaeda demands, you failed to mention a demand on the very top of bin Laden's list:

                Recovery of Spain!


                • Re: Al Qaeda calls a truce

                  Originally posted by Saint Marcus
                  It seems that Spain's recent actions have pulled Europe of of Al Qaeda's target list.

                  And I can't say I'm unhappy about this news...not one bit.
                  When your garden is infested with vermin, you always kill a venomous snake before you kill a mouse.

                  Read your al Qutb and al Maududi. You're just a lower priority target, but as long as you exist and you are not a follower of true Islam, you are a target. If you are a true follower of Islam, and your government, or someone else or their government are not, your duty as a true follower is to join the jihad.

                  As Sayyid al Maududi, peace be upon him, has so graciously enlightened us, "Islam requires the entire world."
                  When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                  • give the fundies something to lose, and they'll stop attacking us. Plain and simple. They don't want to kill/convert us all simply because we're not islamists. They may say they do (didn't the commies make similar claims in the not so distant past?), but that doesn't mean they'll actively pursue this with terract after terract. Leave the arab world to the arabs, withdraw your troops from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, have the Israelis withdraw from Gaza and the Westbank, and you'll see a 99% drop in terracts against western targets worldwide. There will always be a few loonies who'll kill us no matter what, but most muslims won't go that far, hell, even most islamists won't go that far.

                    And Ned, you don't give a rat's ass about human rights either. I didn't hear you calling for an invasion of Ruwanda or Ethiopia to stop antrocities there.
                    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                    • Originally posted by Saint Marcus

                      give the fundies something to lose, and they'll stop attacking us. Plain and simple. They don't want to kill/convert us all simply because we're not islamists. They may say they do (didn't the commies make similar claims in the not so distant past?), but that doesn't mean they'll actively pursue this with terract after terract. Leave the arab world to the arabs, withdraw your troops from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, have the Israelis withdraw from Gaza and the Westbank, and you'll see a 99% drop in terracts against western targets worldwide. There will always be a few loonies who'll kill us no matter what, but most muslims won't go that far, hell, even most islamists won't go that far.

                      And Ned, you don't give a rat's ass about human rights either. I didn't hear you calling for an invasion of Ruwanda or Ethiopia to stop antrocities there.
                      Saint Marcus, you weren't listening or you do not care to listen. Your choice.


                      • Originally posted by Saint Marcus
                        They don't want to kill/convert us all simply because we're not islamists[/b].
                        Tell that to them.


                        • Re: Re: Al Qaeda calls a truce

                          Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat

                          When your garden is infested with vermin, you always kill a venomous snake before you kill a mouse.

                          Read your al Qutb and al Maududi. You're just a lower priority target, but as long as you exist and you are not a follower of true Islam, you are a target. If you are a true follower of Islam, and your government, or someone else or their government are not, your duty as a true follower is to join the jihad.

                          As Sayyid al Maududi, peace be upon him, has so graciously enlightened us, "Islam requires the entire world."
                          Right, they are all just a bunch of suicidal extreme muslims, not even human.

                          C'mon. That is ridiculous. Extreme Islam has been around for a long time. The root of the problem is not religious differences, it is Iraq, and more precisely, Israel. It is American World power dominating every national agenda across the globe. It is overthrow of middle-eastern governments to build more profitable pipelines.

                          How many suicide Islam bombs occured before WW II?

                          How many times was America struck by suicide bombers before Gulf war I?

                          How many times were Spanish civilians the target of muslim extremists before they supported invading Iraq?

                          Why must Israel continue to build settlements in the occupied territory?

                          Religion is a tool used to achieve political objectives, but not the driving force.

                          How would you feel if Iran had thousands of troops stationed in Mexico, a la Saudi Arabia before the Second Gulf war.

                          Wolfowitz has said before one of the objectives of the second gulf war was to have a presence in the middle east,. but still pull out of Saudi Arabia, because American presence was causing political problems for the royal family.

                          The whole "they want to kill us because they hate our freedom" line is utter tripe, completely unsubstantiated, and an oversimplification for the corraling of the ignorant masses.
                          Pentagenesis for Civ III
                          Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                          Pentagenesis Gallery


                          • Originally posted by Ramo

                            I don't completely agree. Islamism was losing politically until 9/11. It was in serious decline in places like Egypt, Algeria, Iran. The changes afterwards, I think, are to a large extent an aberration (although the lack of a genuine secular alternative is an important factor as well).
                            I don't think it was- it had simply shifted from the public arena to the non-governmental sphere.

                            In Algeria, thanks to a bloody civil war that had cost thelives of thousands of Algerians and many non-Algerians, secularism was maintained at the price of human rights violations (admittedly on both sides).

                            Similarly in Egypt, support for groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood goes underground, again as the result of the actions of the largely one party autocratic government of Mubarak, and following such unpleasantnesses as the massacre of an international party of tourists at a top tourism site, and the murder of Sadat. More human rights violations followed in Egypt, of course, and what you see is largely the same as what happened in Algeria- the Islamic extremists paradoxically thrive on government oppression, especially somewhere like Egypt, which of course borders on the mini-Satan, Israel, attracts Jewish and Israeli tourists, caters to the international tourist trade, and is steeped in institutionalized state corruption, has massive poverty related problems, and a chaotic infrastructure.

                            Similarly in Iran, 'reformist' movements were (and still are) hampered by governmental and quasi-governmental hardline Islamists (although to describe them as Islamists is perhaps as inaccurate as describing some right wing Christian fundamentalists as 'Christian', since their version of Islam hardly tallies with the Islam of history, which accommodated Christianity and Judaism, and did not convert by the sword, or bomb) who seek to impose the kind of joyless, repressive Iran embodied in the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini, a forward to the past state, that elevated obscurantism and ignorance at the expense of progress and pragmatism.

                            In Sudan it was slightly different, since from the days of Nimeiry's regime, the government had hoped to appease or possibly stave off, full scale state cooption of Islamism by degrees, with a little application of sharia here, an extension of it there, all without the consultation of southern Sudan's largely black African Christian and animist citizens, and with the application of slavery, human rights' violations, and as in Al;geria, a covert and overt civil war.

                            Of course Sudan wasn't as important an asset as Egypt, so despite the Khartoum Embassy assassinations, and despite harbouring international terrorists, it more or less slipped off the radar (except for a little foreign adventurism in Clinton's presidency) and the north -south cultural and religious divide and civil war carried on for 20 years:

                            Global Policy Forum is a policy watchdog that follows the work of the United Nations. We promote accountability and citizen participation in decisions on peace and security, social justice and international law.

                            But hey- at least Sudan has oil, something really worth fighting over.

                            Sudan (1983 et seq.)

                            War Annual 4 (1990): 500,000 dead, 1983-89

                            Dunnigan (1991): 500,000

                            Washington Post: 500,000 (12 Feb. 1993)

                            Detroit Free Press (AP): 1,300,000 "in the fighting and resulting famines" (14 Jan. 1997) []

                            B&J (1997): 1,500,000 (1983-95)

                            SIPRI 1997: 37,000 to 40,000 battle dead

                            CDI: 1,000,000 (1983-97)

                            BBC News Online: 1,500,000 "in fighting and related famines" (4 June 1998) []

                            Time: 1,500,000 killed, 1983-98 (27 July 1998)

                            U.S. Committee for Refugees: 1,900,000 (Quantifying Genocide in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains, 10 Dec. 1998) [] This report updates a 1993 study, which had estimated that 1.3M had died thus far.

                            Dict.Wars (1999): 1.5M (1956-98)

                            29 April 1999 AP: 1.5M

                            Ploughshares 2000: 2M

                            23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 2M

                            10 Nov. 2003 Baltimore Sun: 1.5M

                            [MEDIAN of last 7 estimates: 1.5M]

                            I'm not saying that this what Al Qaeda and its supporters necessarily want to see happening in what they view as the parts of Dar al Islam that have been 'tainted' by Western leaning regimes, or are populated by non-Muslims (especially like those in the Sudan who are non-Arab, Christian and happen to live in and around lucrative oil fields) but it kinda makes you wonder.....

                            Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                            ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                            • C'mon. That is ridiculous. Extreme Islam has been around for a long time. The root of the problem is not religious differences, it is Iraq, and more precisely, Israel. It is American World power dominating every national agenda across the globe. It is overthrow of middle-eastern governments to build more profitable pipelines.

                              How many suicide Islam bombs occured before WW II?

                              Actually, extreme Islam in the current form is a child of the mid-70s.


                              • Re: Re: Re: Al Qaeda calls a truce

                                Originally posted by NeOmega

                                Right, they are all just a bunch of suicidal extreme muslims, not even human.

                                C'mon. That is ridiculous. Extreme Islam has been around for a long time. The root of the problem is not religious differences,

                                How many suicide Islam bombs occured before WW II?

                                Religion is a tool used to achieve political objectives, but not the driving force.

                                The whole "they want to kill us because they hate our freedom" line is utter tripe, completely unsubstantiated, and an oversimplification for the corraling of the ignorant masses.

                                Do suicide assassins count? Because the Assassin Brotherhood were an extremist Muslim sect, after all.

                                'The Muslim Brotherhood begun as a youth organization aimed at moral and social reform in Egypt. They regarded Islam as a way of life.'

                                The Muslim Brotherhood did not scruple about sending its members on what were almost certainly going to be SUICIDE missions:

                                'A Muslim Brother ASSASSINATED Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi on December 28, 1948. '

                                'Muslim Brother Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf tried to ASSASSINATE Nasser on October 26, 1954.'

                                'The Saudi Arabian branch convinced king Ibn Saud to let them start the ISLAMIC University in Medina in 1961. '

                                'Nasser legalized the Brotherhood again in 1964, and released all prisoners. The result was more ASSASSINATION attempts against him. He had leaders executed in 1966 and imprisoned most others again.'

                                'After the Six-Day War in 1967, the movement as a whole split into moderates and radicals. The latter faction in Syria declared JIHAD against the SECULAR Ba’ath party leaders. King Hussein allowed the Jordanian branch to give military training to Brotherhood rebels in Jordan. '

                                'The appointment of Hafez al-Assad, an Alawite MUSLIM, as the Syrian president in 1971 angered the Brotherhood even more because they did not consider Alawites TRUE MUSLIMS at all. Assad initially tried to placate them, but made very little progress. Assad’s support of CHRISTIAN Maronites in the Lebanese Civil War made the Brotherhood re-declare its JIHAD. They began a campaign of strikes and terrorist actions. In 1979, they killed 83 Alawite MUSLIM cadets in the Aleppo artillery school. Assad’s attempts to calm them by changing officials and releasing political prisoners did not help. Eventually the army was used to restore order by force. '

                                'An ASSASSINATION attempt against Assad on June 25, 1980 was the last straw. Assad made the Syrian parliament declare Brotherhood membership a capital offense and sent the army against them. In the operation, which lasted until February of 1982, the Syrian army practically wiped out the Brotherhood, killing maybe 10,000 to 25,000 people. The Syrian branch disappeared, and the survivors fled to join ISLAMIC organizations in other countries. '

                                'Nasser’s successor in Egypt, Anwar Sadat, promised reforms, and that he would implement SHARIA. However, Sadat’s peace treaty with Israel in 1979 angered the Brotherhood again, and they apparently had a hand in his ASSASSINATION in 1981. '

                                My emphases throughout- you notice how often assassination and religion and anti-secularism occur and intertwine, even in this truncated history.

                                Bin Laden's ideological predecessor:

                                'What he saw in America, its morals, and especially the free conduct of its women, so shocked him that he wrote a book in denunciation of what he took for paganism. '

                                Don't let your opposition to the Republican Party and the current president blind you to what is real and dangerous- these people are the enemies of tolerance, just as much as fundamentalist Christians, but unfortunately equipped with bigger and better and more lethal armaments, the will to use them, and a disregard for the preservation of their own, and other people's lives.
                                Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                                ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915

