I was informed several months ago that I'm a crap poster, and it appears that I'm still a crap poster. Obviously I need a change! I'm considering one of the following forum personas to replace my contemptible "irreverently inane poster" persona*
*Or whatever the heck it was about my old persona that caused me to make threads that were so appallingly bad that they were usually deleted without any explanation whatsoever, except for the few times that it was explained to me that I'm a crap poster
- 1. Sanctimonious Communist
2. Sanctimonious Libertarian
3. Guy Who Ironically Tells Other People How They Ought To Be Living Their Life Despite The Fact That I'm Not Doing That Good Of A Job At Living My Own
4. Incessant Creator of Polls
5. Anti-Bush (or Anti-Republican) Troll
6. Anti-Clinton (or Anti-Democrat) Troll
7. Copy-Paste Poster
8. Lazarus and the Gimp (Note: It'd probably be pretty difficult for me to pull this one off, unless I'm actually Lazarus and the Gimp, which I don't think I am.)
9. Guy Who Just Complains About His Personal Life A Lot, Possibly Asking Other Posters For Advice That I Will Subsequently Ignore
10. Random Finnish Poster (I'm convinced that Finns are actually just smashing their fists on their keyboards in the Suomithreadi's, and heck, I've been doing that for years!)
11. One-Trick Pony (Please recommend a trick below.)
12. Guy Who Has A Webcam/Digital Camera, And Dammit, I Won't Let You Forget It (Note: This will probably necessitate the purchase of a webcam or digital camera, and I'm not sure if there's any room for one in my apartment between the empty pizza boxes and empty beer cans.)
13. Sports Poster (Note: This one might be difficult for me to pull off, since I'd probably have to learn a helluva lot more about sports than I already do. With most of the rest of the personas I could probably just fake it.)
*Or whatever the heck it was about my old persona that caused me to make threads that were so appallingly bad that they were usually deleted without any explanation whatsoever, except for the few times that it was explained to me that I'm a crap poster