Originally posted by GePap
What offends people here is the merest mention that there might have been a reason for what this woman did-
What offends people here is the merest mention that there might have been a reason for what this woman did-
this is why they scream that this is gloryfication: becuase we are to see her as sme animal-or better yet, some evil spirit
This woman did what she did for a reason, but what she did was a horrible and despicable crime. And the fact that this happened, the fact this woman, with her seemingly promising life, average life, middle class life went and did what she did is what astounds: what chalenges the "truth" we have built for ourselves, that "our" kind of people, fr she is our kind of people, did something we think simply can not be associated with us
Ooh. Oooh. Two can play at that game.
This ambassador did what he did for a reason, but what he did was a crime. And the fact that this happened, the fact this man, with his seemingly promising life went and did what he did astrounds: it challenges the "truth" the Swedes have built for themselves, that "their" kind of people, for he is their kind of people, did something that they think simply can not be associated with them.
but it insults some here for not making her a charicature of evil
