Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
A shower before bed is usually very effective for me. Maybe some other routine- perhaps prayer of some sort?
It'll also help if you have one spot that your body recognizes as soley for sleeping. Don't use your bed for studying, lounging, other stuff. If you always sleep when you are in your bed, it'll be easier to sleep there.
But again, in terms of short term getting to sleep one night when you need to, a couple of over the counter sleeping pills is very good.
A shower before bed is usually very effective for me. Maybe some other routine- perhaps prayer of some sort?
It'll also help if you have one spot that your body recognizes as soley for sleeping. Don't use your bed for studying, lounging, other stuff. If you always sleep when you are in your bed, it'll be easier to sleep there.
But again, in terms of short term getting to sleep one night when you need to, a couple of over the counter sleeping pills is very good.