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I'm disappointed . . . . .

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  • Rufus, Perhaps.

    But what the poll does show is that the Dems cannot win only with Liberals. They need moderates as well. Right now, independents seem to break heavily for Bush with the lastest poll showing Bush at 60% to Dean's 31%, IIRC. At best Dean seems to be getting the Democrat Party and nobody else. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • Originally posted by Ned
      Rufus, Perhaps.

      But what the poll does show is that the Dems cannot win only with Liberals. They need moderates as well. Right now, independents seem to break heavily for Bush with the lastest poll showing Bush at 60% to Dean's 31%, IIRC. At best Dean seems to be getting the Democrat Party and nobody else.
      That may well be true, but it's also meaningless at this stage of the game. First, remember that voters in general, and independents in particular, don't tend to settle on a candidate until the last few weeks of before the election. Second, remember that Dean hasn't started seeking independent votes. Right now, his mission is to win the Democratic nomination -- a process in which independents have almost no say. Once he (or whoever) has that sewn up, he can trust the party apparatus to keep the base on track while he woos independents and disaffected Republicans. That's the traditional "tack left/right for the primaries, then back to the center for the election" strategy that both parties have been using for some time now.
      "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


      • Originally posted by Ned
        Rufus, Perhaps.

        But what the poll does show is that the Dems cannot win only with Liberals.
        But what you and many others forget is, 2000 showed that the DP can't win without liberals.
        Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


        • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
          [Q] Originally posted by TCO

          You probably have a point here.
          They are both good points. I think you drank too much beer at the Heartland and fell in love with a poster. We'll figure it out with a self-criticism circle.


          • Originally posted by chegitz guevara

            But what you and many others forget is, 2000 showed that the DP can't win without liberals.
            You're not a liberal. You're a commie. Quit messing around with the fellow travellers and join a proper cell.

