Originally posted by Caligastia
Social Security is basically there for people who lack the foresight to plan for their retirement. The govt is not the only entity capable of handling your retirement funds reliably, in fact it's probably the least reliable option. Some here seem to forget how many promises the govt has made and broken over the years.
Social Security is basically there for people who lack the foresight to plan for their retirement. The govt is not the only entity capable of handling your retirement funds reliably, in fact it's probably the least reliable option. Some here seem to forget how many promises the govt has made and broken over the years.
You show me some other scheme that will have such widespread benefits for the elderly.
If SS had never been implimented, the elderly who were too stupid to put money aside for their retirement would deserve what they get.
This is completely silly. What you are essentially saying is that we should replace a system that keeps the elderly in reasonable shape with nothing. A market system simply won't provide sufficient funds for enough people to make things better than the social security scheme does. You show me a market system that will do what social security does.
Unfortunately we are now stuck with a system that has encouraged years of govt dependency. Now it's a part of our culture to expect the govt to take care of you.
And in the case of the elderly this is even sillier. They are too old to work, so they will be dependent on something, be it public or private insurance. There really isn't any difference here except that the government is organizing the insurance scheme rather than a private company.
People complain that the government may suffer from inefficiency in providing SS, but that ignores the fact that even if it is not as good as it could be, it is still providing a service that the market will not provide.