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Global Warming Has Been Happening For A Long Time

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  • #31
    Yes, and we were at a CO2 fall before humanity, and a steady rise since the existance of humanity and the invention of fire. THIS IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.


    • #32
      Aren't all CO2 gases being released now simply stored away from the atmosphere in earlier times? Like trees in the carboniferous era died, became fossil fuels, and now are releasing the CO2 they absorbed from the atmosphere hundreds of millions of years ago?

      Humans are just returning carbon back into the air.
      John Brown did nothing wrong.


      • #33
        that's right, carbon that was stored for millions of years, in a period of a couple of hundreds of years!


        • #34
          Well, so?

          The temperature has gone up about a degree. Not a big deal.
          John Brown did nothing wrong.


          • #35
            Mr.Whereitsat's post has to have been written by a corporate shill or a TRAITOR to the CAUSE. I dare him challenge the convention wisdom of Al Gore! We all KNOW that GLOBAL WARMING is real because respected sceintists, armed with computer models, have said so and major politicians, like Gore, have endorsed their findings.

            How can anyone trust someone who looks at the evidence and draws different conclusions? They must be working for D*ck Cheney's former company or they must be funded by the OIL industry! With the Republicans and other corrupt lackeys of corporate profit, it is always about the OIL.

            Besides, how would we be able to justify Gore's $5 per gallon tax on gas to fund social programs if global warming were not real? Mr.Whereitsat just has to be a front for the right and their corporate allies.

            DOWN with Mr. Whereitsat and his pseudo science!


            • #36
              1. This is easy. There's no known natural source that can release greenhouse gases like humans can.
              Volcanic eruptions for one. The Deccan Traps in India and a similar outburst of lava flows in Siberia flooded the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, including CO2.


              • #37
                Azazel, use google and look for paleo-climatology data if you think humans are negatively impacting the climate...

