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US Army uses Tesla Tanks in Iraq

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  • #31
    If Croatia has South Park, I take back my previous assertions and declare it a 1st world country.

    (right as if )


    • #32
      Well I remember you bragging how Greece has over 1000 TV sets, so this must be your area of expertize


      • #33
        1,000 TV stations and they're not really something to brag about.

        But I said if you have SP you're advanced. If you have your own survivor show you're kick ass advanced, I'm talking space age.


        • #34
          We don't have a widely popular Marxisto-Nazi folklore group yet


          • #35
            Propably because you have a Nazi government and freely do the nazi salute in matches against Serbia.


            • #36
              We don't have a big brother show that gets taken off the air for being too gay like the Greek one (thanks google).


              • #37
                You're getting desperate?


                • #38
                  A fine of some mere euros for a gay kiss shown on prime time TV hours. And then gays staging a public kiss.

                  Whereas in Croatia they are stoned on the streets.

                  Meanwhile, we don't have to repatriate 150,000 Serbs, massacred and exciled from our country. And if we did have to repatriate them we woulnd't feel liked we were raped by the international community.


                  • #39
                    Now piss off and go search google frantically.

                    (put miserable failure as a search term)


                    • #40
                      I still don't understand why do you mean TV space age equals gay big brother shows? Only in Greece.

                      But I guess the country with 1000 TV sets is the economic powerhouse of the southeast Europe

                      And about refugees and minorities, I'm not going to hear about it from a Greek.


                      • #41
                        Tesla>Edison. Edison hated Tesla for utilizing AC, and mudslinged Tesla publicizing the dangerousness of AC in a falsified manner.


                        • #42
                          Who is the girl in the avatar Azazel?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by VetLegion
                            I still don't understand why do you mean TV space age equals gay big brother shows? Only in Greece.
                            You're just jealous 'cause the only thing you can watch is Tudjman's soiree parties.

                            But I guess the country with 1000 TV sets is the economic powerhouse of the southeast Europe
                            Hardly an achievement with all the losers that surround us

                            And about refugees and minorities, I'm not going to hear about it from a Greek.
                            You will and you will sing a song too 'cause you're a Croat. Logical.


                            • #44
                              OK gloves off for the day. Tomorrow on the ring.


                              • #45
                                So let us summarize: you fine Brit girls for flashing their breasts, you fine English teenagers for having sex and now you even fine gays.

                                I don't dare ask what type of sex is permitted in Greece and how old does the sheep have to be?

