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Enough with the UK, USA has all I need!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Spec

    What?!?! Ice storm, I,ll give it to you....and it happened once in 99. But tornados, hurricanes and earthquaked!?!? Never seen that around here. The strongest winds we get is about 80kmh and that's once every ten years. Tornados, never. As for earthquakes, I dont count 1.2 on the rector scale an earthquake.
    Hurricanes don't often make their way all the way up here with enough punch to do signifigant damage, but Hurricane Hazel, for instance, killed 80 some people in Toronto during the 50s. (with people drowning in the streets, apparently)

    There's alot of tornados in southern ontario, I don't know how common they are in other regions.

    As for earthquakes, there's alot of those, too - mostly on the west coast, i think, but apparently there was a 4.6 in quebec during october.

    With a country as big as Canada you'll end up geting alot more 'disasters' than most countries, but the population is so sparse that they'll rarely have a direct impact on humans or cities.
    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

    Do It Ourselves


    • #47
      Originally posted by Big Crunch The NHS is about to die due to lack of funding, we kill our train passenger through shoddy maintenance, we have a government with no opposition... *moan moan moan*....
      Yeah, tell me about it...

      Bleedin' Blair thinks he's god and wants to introduce top up fees, strikes on the Underground, postal strikes, f*cking poll tax (oh sorry, council tax) gone up by at least 10% maybe same again next year because of Labour scum stealth taxes by that f*ckwit two jabs Prescott... *gripe, whinge, moan*

      Thanks for the thread Piak, I can never be bothered doing UK bashing threads cos everyone ends up agreeing and that's no fun when you're looking for a good argument!

      But it is nice to get the moans of ones chest...
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Big Crunch

        Its the weather, it makes us all depressed whinging old fools.
        Could be why many of them buy houses in the south of France where they spend happily their pension.
        Statistical anomaly.
        The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Osweld

          Hurricanes don't often make their way all the way up here with enough punch to do signifigant damage, but Hurricane Hazel, for instance, killed 80 some people in Toronto during the 50s. (with people drowning in the streets, apparently)

          There's alot of tornados in southern ontario, I don't know how common they are in other regions.

          As for earthquakes, there's alot of those, too - mostly on the west coast, i think, but apparently there was a 4.6 in quebec during october.

          With a country as big as Canada you'll end up geting alot more 'disasters' than most countries, but the population is so sparse that they'll rarely have a direct impact on humans or cities.
          Tornados show up on the prairies.

          But when you think about it, we get very few of mother natures calamities compared to other places.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Spec

            Actualy, I rather be in Canada than anywhere else in the world (though I respect almost every country out there very much). Pollution is low. And we'd have much less if our neighbors from the south took care of their pollution emissions and didn't send us 14 tones of pollution by air. We produce only 7 tones a year (All this in the province of Quebec). Although we pay high taxes we have many free services such as healthcare. We have no natural disasters, 4 seasons (-20 Celsius, yes Celsius in winter and 35 Celsius in the summer). With a Canadien passport you can get into any country. We have practicly no army (We have 4 boats and one of them leaks ) and no need for one (It's just for looks ) because the US does the job for us. Economicly, we are doing very well. Or growth is higher than the US's, in fact our dollar has gained a lot latetly. Ummmm....what else..... oh yea, crime rate is low....gun control...bilingual (well, we try! )...cutest girls in the world french we have more than 30 curse words of different levels of anger that really helps you define our anger ...and Im sure I am forgeting lots.

            We may not be many, we may not be proud but we sure are oblivious of the luck we all have of being born in this country. Sadly.

            Does this post count as a recent post with the most smilies in it??
            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


            • #51
              Originally posted by notyoueither
              Is paiktis22 sick, or is this about the Marbles?
              yup the marbles.'

              and before the US got involved in keeping the Reds from taking over Greece, the Brits were doing. Hell, they dragged us into that. Unforgiveable crimes, really.
              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


              • #52
                Originally posted by notyoueither

                But when you think about it, we get very few of mother natures calamities compared to other places.
                No we don't, it's just that most of the 'calamities' happen out in the middle of nowhere with only a handful of people effected at most. We have alot of land with very few people. We've got our numbers spread thin, so the odds of anything doing serious damage are pretty low.
                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                Do It Ourselves


                • #53
                  Originally posted by lord of the mark

                  yup the marbles.'

                  and before the US got involved in keeping the Reds from taking over Greece, the Brits were doing. Hell, they dragged us into that. Unforgiveable crimes, really.
                  You know, the reason people think I'm always trolling (not true!) the US is only because I'm watching making the same 'mistakes' we did...

                  Piaktis can't troll me, I just end up agreeing with him...
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • #54
                    And the americans are not so damn racist as the english from what I could see in these forums.
                    Hey! We are too, USA #1!!!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by MOBIUS

                      You know, the reason people think I'm always trolling (not true!) the US is only because I'm watching making the same 'mistakes' we did...

                      Piaktis can't troll me, I just end up agreeing with him...
                      so you think Truman supporting the Greek govt during the civil war was a mistake?
                      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                      • #56
                        Ha ha ha ...

                        Your inferiority complex is really going places Paiktis22 ..

                        I would make some childish comment about your country, if it wasn't for the fact I actually like it.

                        So "Yas sou" to you brother .. cool down, the "Bomb-bing" has stopped over belgrade, you can go home, enjoy your oozo .. and the warm weather you get .. thinking of us with our lovely 7'c cloudy, congested roads and monotonous lives .. then you will need not start threads like this.
                        "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by paiktis22

                          Yes, here she is full size.
                          She? Seriously patty-cakes, that's a ****ing man. Come on now.
                          "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                          Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Osweld
                            No we don't, it's just that most of the 'calamities' happen out in the middle of nowhere with only a handful of people effected at most. We have alot of land with very few people. We've got our numbers spread thin, so the odds of anything doing serious damage are pretty low.

                            Frequency and severity of hurricanes, very seldom and usually just a brisk wind by the time they get to us.

                            Frequency and severity of tornadoes, more common on the Prairies than hurricanes in the East, but not the massive twisters of Kansas fame either.

                            Frequency and severity of earth quakes, here's one for you partially. We get them in some very unpopulated areas, like the northern Rockies. However, we never get as many as people living near more unstable areas. But again on your side, when the big one(s) come for California parts of BC are likely to be devestated too (specifically the densely populated parts around Vancouver and on the Island).

                            In several categories of weather related events, we don't get anything close to what some other places suffer. Of course, that has to be balanced by the yearly -20 or -40c so...

                            Geologically, Canada is also far more stable than many less fortunate areas. You are correct though that in some places where it is less stable we don't have any large populations. However, in the areas where we do have population centres and are not on the Shield, things have been much more stable than they have been for others.

                            All in all, I think we should count our catastrophe blessings. Geography has not been totally unkind to us.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Japher

                              Hey! We are too
                              No you're not! Sorry. Got to try harder.

                              And Mobius doesn't agree with me! (well he does but doesn't show it). He's one of the minority Brits that don't crawl into a foetus position whenever something's said about the UK! Propably because he's Welsh and needs to appear more loyal than the King.

                              And what inferiority complex Viceroy? I simply play with you. Have any better ideas to dispell my boredom than to troll Schtroumpfs?


                              • #60
                                She? Seriously patty-cakes, that's a ****ing man. Come on now.

                                No, paiktis is correct. That is a Greek woman and a pretty representative one at that.
                                KH FOR OWNER!
                                ASHER FOR CEO!!
                                GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!

