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Enough with the UK, USA has all I need!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by paiktis22
    Also Canadians, don't embarass yourselves Just take it in stride
    Actualy, I rather be in Canada than anywhere else in the world (though I respect almost every country out there very much). Pollution is low. And we'd have much less if our neighbors from the south took care of their pollution emissions and didn't send us 14 tones of pollution by air. We produce only 7 tones a year (All this in the province of Quebec). Although we pay high taxes we have many free services such as healthcare. We have no natural disasters, 4 seasons (-20 Celsius, yes Celsius in winter and 35 Celsius in the summer). With a Canadien passport you can get into any country. We have practicly no army (We have 4 boats and one of them leaks ) and no need for one (It's just for looks ) because the US does the job for us. Economicly, we are doing very well. Or growth is higher than the US's, in fact our dollar has gained a lot latetly. Ummmm....what else..... oh yea, crime rate is low....gun control...bilingual (well, we try! )...cutest girls in the world french we have more than 30 curse words of different levels of anger that really helps you define our anger ...and Im sure I am forgeting lots.

    We may not be many, we may not be proud but we sure are oblivious of the luck we all have of being born in this country. Sadly.

    Last edited by Spec; December 5, 2003, 01:24.
    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


    • #32
      Spec, I thought you Canadian despised pride in one's own country. You are not a true Canadian! arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • #33
        we may not be proud

        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ned
          Spec, I thought you Canadian despised pride in one's own country. You are not a true Canadian!
          Molson's is on a campaign to change that.

          If you look closely, you can see a beaver scurrying about behind the smilies, and many of them do have toques.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #35
            Spec, I thought you Canadian despised pride in one's own country. You are not a true Canadian!
            Well, read again.

            We may not be many, we may not be proud but we sure are oblivious of luck we all have of being born in this country. Sadly.

            -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


            • #36
              Originally posted by St Leo
              [Make Love to] the USA by the Exploited, a UK punk group.
              They aren't very good, are they?
              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


              • #37
                You can't put a wedge between the US/UK alliance Curly Spartan

                First of all we all like them too much

                Secondly they make fun of themselves more than anyone else
                We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                • #38
                  The French were there first, given that we were at war with them for several hundred years through our history, but the Australians actually bothered to come up with a name for this sport, so please call this "Pommie-bashing" and nothing else!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by VetLegion
                    People in USA work their butts off as much as anyone in the world if not more (statistics show that), so if they spend their dollars on watching opera all day
                    If only!
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Spec

                      Actualy, I rather be in Canada than anywhere else in the world (though I respect almost every country out there very much). Pollution is low. And we'd have much less if our neighbors from the south took care of their pollution emissions and didn't send us 14 tones of pollution by air.
                      14 tons?That's pretty insigifigant. Why, I live right underneath a smoke stack that can pump out 5,000 tons of sulpher emissions in a day. Don't worry, though... after the smoke killed everything in the area with acid rain and poisoned all the lakes, they built it bigger so it'd drift around more - or, as I once heard someone joke, so that it'd all go down to Toronto.

                      We produce only 7 tones a year (All this in the province of Quebec).
                      Yeah, right. 7 tons of what? Certainly a hell of alot more then that coming out of Quebec's smoke stacks

                      We have no natural disasters
                      Yeah, only floods, ice storms, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes...

                      4 seasons (-20 Celsius, yes Celsius in winter and 35 Celsius in the summer).
                      -20? Southerners.

                      With a Canadien passport you can get into any country. We have practicly no army (We have 4 boats and one of them leaks ) and no need for one (It's just for looks ) because the US does the job for us. Economicly, we are doing very well. Or growth is higher than the US's, in fact our dollar has gained a lot latetly. Ummmm....what else..... oh yea, crime rate is low....gun control...bilingual (well, we try! )...cutest girls in the world french we have more than 30 curse words of different levels of anger that really helps you define our anger ...and Im sure I am forgeting lots.
                      Whoa, you didn't even mention beer.
                      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                      Do It Ourselves


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Ted Striker
                        Curly Spartan
                        Curly Athenian please.


                        • #42
                          Hey, at least a larger proportion of english people can actually speak your language, paiktis. Not all us english people are completely ignorant
                          Desperados of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your dignity.......


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by VetLegion
                            What is it in your avatar paiktis? A Greek partisan?

                            Yes, here she is full size.
                            Attached Files


                            • #45
                              Originally posted by Osweld

                              Yeah, only floods, ice storms, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes...

                              What?!?! Ice storm, I,ll give it to you....and it happened once in 99. But tornados, hurricanes and earthquaked!?!? Never seen that around here. The strongest winds we get is about 80kmh and that's once every ten years. Tornados, never. As for earthquakes, I dont count 1.2 on the rector scale an earthquake.

                              Oh yea! And the beer is great!!

                              -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

