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why did the pigeon cross the road?

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  • #31
    Star Trek: the Pigeon Generation

    Picard: Star date 49123.4, we have picked up a pigeon on long-range sensors and are en route to investigate.
    Data: Sensors are picking up a pigeon attempting to cross the road, captain.
    Picard: On screen.
    Data: The pigeon will take approximately 12.42 seconds to cross the road, sir.
    Deanna: I'm sensing the presence of a pigeon, captain.
    Riker: Wow, that's one hot bird!
    Beverly: This is a pigeon, captain, but it's not like any pigeon I've ever seen before.
    Worf: Sir, I suggest we raise shields. The pigeon may be hostile.
    Picard: No, we must first understand its intentions. Why would the pigeon want to cross the road?
    Geordi: Pigeon? What pigeon? I don't see any pigeon...
    Worf: Klingon pigeons do not cross roads.
    Data: Sir, I have made an analysis of the pigeon's motivation based on the behaviour of 3,457 pigeon species who cross roads. You might find it interesting to know that Vulcan pigeons cross roads to master their emotions while Andorian pigeons...
    Picard: Thank you, Mr Data. What are your conclusions?
    Data: My hypothesis is that the pigeon may want to get to the other side, captain.
    Deanna: I do sense a desire from the pigeon to get to the other side, sir.
    Picard: Very well, then we must see to it that it gets there safely. Suggestions?
    Riker: I suggest we escort the pigeon across the road, captain.
    Picard: Make it so!
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #32
      Mr.T: Shut up fool! That sucka pigeon crossed the road piss me off! I pitty the fool!
      -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Locutus
        Star Trek: the Pigeon Generation

        Picard: Star date 49123.4, we have picked up a pigeon on long-range sensors and are en route to investigate.
        Data: Sensors are picking up a pigeon attempting to cross the road, captain.
        Picard: On screen.
        Data: The pigeon will take approximately 12.42 seconds to cross the road, sir.
        Deanna: I'm sensing the presence of a pigeon, captain.
        Riker: Wow, that's one hot bird!
        Beverly: This is a pigeon, captain, but it's not like any pigeon I've ever seen before.
        Worf: Sir, I suggest we raise shields. The pigeon may be hostile.
        Picard: No, we must first understand its intentions. Why would the pigeon want to cross the road?
        Geordi: Pigeon? What pigeon? I don't see any pigeon...
        Worf: Klingon pigeons do not cross roads.
        Data: Sir, I have made an analysis of the pigeon's motivation based on the behaviour of 3,457 pigeon species who cross roads. You might find it interesting to know that Vulcan pigeons cross roads to master their emotions while Andorian pigeons...
        Picard: Thank you, Mr Data. What are your conclusions?
        Data: My hypothesis is that the pigeon may want to get to the other side, captain.
        Deanna: I do sense a desire from the pigeon to get to the other side, sir.
        Picard: Very well, then we must see to it that it gets there safely. Suggestions?
        Riker: I suggest we escort the pigeon across the road, captain.
        Picard: Make it so!
        The best one in this thread yet.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • #34
          CTRL + H

          Find what: Pigeon
          Replace with: Chicken

          Replace All

