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  • #16
    Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat

    Another reason communism doesn't work. You're supposed to post meaningless spam in the forums where it counts, not the one forum where it doesn't.
    No, the capitalists post spam in the important forums. That's why capitalism doesn't work.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • #17
      This has threadjacking potential. esp. with a Libertarian as thread starter.



      • #18
        Cal, I have Different Stages and didn't even know it was live. I thought 2 of the CD's were studio tracks and a 3rd CD has live performances. Anyway, here's the CD track listing for "Rush in Rio":

        Disc 1
        Tom Sawyer
        Distant Early Warning
        New World Man
        Roll the Bones
        The Pass
        The Big Money
        The Trees
        Free Will
        Closer to the Heart
        Natural Science

        Disc 2
        One Little Victory
        Ghost Rider
        Secret Touch
        Red Sector A
        Leave That Thing Alone
        O Baterista

        Disc 3
        La Villa Strangiato
        The Spirit of Radio
        By-Tor and the Snow Dog/Cygnus X-1/Working Man Medley

        Board Bootlegs
        Between Sun & Moon
        Vital Signs

        The DVD is supposedly missing the Board Bootlegs

        Looks like quite a few are on both this one and Different Stages so unless you're really a fan it might not be worth it. And maybe I'm wrong about Different Stages, but I was pretty sure it's a studio and live combination.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Japher
          Wrong Rush...
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • #20
            Get out of Berzerkers thread you damn Dittoheads.
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • #21
              Originally posted by Berzerker
              Looks like quite a few are on both this one and Different Stages so unless you're really a fan it might not be worth it. And maybe I'm wrong about Different Stages, but I was pretty sure it's a studio and live combination.
              Well, I'm 99% sure it's sounds live, so unless they mixed crowd sounds under the studio recordings...

              Different Stages is actually the only Rush CDs I own. I suppose I should get some studio albums sometime...what do you recommend?
              ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
              ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


              • #22
                Yeah, there is only one RUSH and they weren't in rehab!!!


                • #23
                  Cal, come to think of it, I think Different Stages may have been 2 live CD's and 1 with studio tracks. I'd have to listen to it since it's been a while.

                  Recommendations? That's tough, I've noticed fans are kind of split into 2 groups with lots of people really liking their stuff from the 70's and, well, I wouldn't say disliking the later stuff, but not being as satisfied with the later music. I like darn near all of it though except for the really early stuff

                  My favorites are:

                  Moving Pictures
                  Power Windows
                  Hold Your Fire (probably my fav of all)
                  Grace Under Pressure
                  Roll the Bones

                  But these are missing some of their early classics like Closer to the Heart, Spirit of Radio, Free Will, 2112, The Trees...

                  The thing is they can only fit so many songs on a compilation and most of the albums in the first group are loaded with really good music. The reason I like Hold Your Fire the best is because I literally like all 10 songs...


                  • #24
                    My favorite songs from Different stages are:
                    Tom Sawyer
                    Nobody's Hero
                    Leave that thing alone
                    Closer to the Heart
                    Test for Echo

                    Are they older or newer songs?
                    ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                    ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                    • #25
                      Sawyer, Limelight, Freewill, and Closer to the Heart are from the 70's. Nobody's Hero was IMO the only good song on Test For Echo (?) or was it Counterparts in the early 90's. If I were you, go with their very late 70's to mid 80's stuff first and if you like what you hear, try Roll the Bones which IMO was their last good album.

                      Signals has "Subdivisions", probably my favorite Rush song, and Analog Kid with 2-3 more good ones. Moving Pictures has Tom Sawyer and Red Barcheta and I think Limelight. Vital Signs is a good song and I think that was on MP too. Power Windows has "Marathon", my second favorite song, and Manhattan Project, another very good song.

                      Grace Under Pressure has 4-5 good songs and is worth getting.
                      Like I said, only so many songs can fit on compilations and the albums from 79 up to Roll the Bones in '89 I think had at least 4-5 good songs with 2 or 3 albums chock full of good songs.


                      • #26
                        Thanks for the advice, I'll see what I can find from their 70's stuff.
                        ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                        ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Oh, I forgot, Test For Echo, Animate, and Nobodys Hero are more recent. They came from the albums Test For Echo and Counterparts I think, but I'd only get those if you really like their earlier stuff. They made an album in '89 I think called "Presto" and it has 1 very good song, "Superconductor" which hasn't appeared on any of the compilations or live albums unfortunately.

                            Leave That Thing Alone and Face Up I believe were instrumentals from Roll the Bones. That album also has Dreamline, Bravado, and the title song with maybe 1 other good one I can't remember right now.

                            To give you an idea of how many songs that deserve to be on a "best of" Cd, I've burned my own compilations and I have 3 CD's with maybe 40 songs and I had to leave a few out.


                            • #29
                              2112 is a fan favorite although I go for the later stuff.


                              • #30
                                I still have a 120 mins cassette that i recorded and titled Rush 78-88. Their best period IMO.

                                Personal favorites are : The weapon and Losing it, both on Signals.
                                The weapon is kind of an exercise in style where Peart tries to prove that they can create a great song on a Disco beat.
                                Yes: Disco.
                                He goes to the old 4/4 on his Bass drum straight from the beginning of the song right up until the end. It's what he does with the rest of his limbs that's impressive.
                                Losing it has an hypnotic quality to it, the lyrics are great and there is an electric violin solo inthere that just gets me.

                                I love these guys.

