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Hey Rush Fans!

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  • #46
    I think it was scenes from a memory but I'd have to look thru all my damn CD's to make sure Well Cal, I was afraid of that, according to Magyar there isn't much point in buying it if you already have different stages. But maybe the DVD would be worth it, I love the actual concert footage. And if there are any Pink Floyd fans out there, Roger Waters "In the Flesh" is a GREAT DVD. I'm not set up for mp 3's btw

    Your welcome Monk, as to why Rush doesn't get much play on MTV, who does other than Britney? But seriously, there is a theory that since Peart and Rush based some of their music on Ayn Rand - 2112 I think is based on something she did - liberals in the music industry have shunned them. I don't know if that's true but I heard it someplace, probably from Ann Coulter.

    Thx Magyar, I have the Rush Chronicles DVD and they had a "secret" icon to unlock the bonus songs and I actually returned the DVD and got another one because I couldn't figure out how to get the extras and thought it was a flawed recording. So I'll have to look for an easter egg on the main menu?

    Hey Shmily, are you talking about the Rush in Rio DVD?


    • #47
      I'm not sure if I believe the Ayn Rand theory. No Europeans know who Rand is, anyway. I think they would be more famous if they had released stronger and fewer albums. Also, they should have gone on some festival tours in Europe where they could visit countries with thousands of rock enthusiasts who would otherwise never see them - one dreams of Roskilde '04... but I don't know if Rush is the kind of band that still plays festivals after 25 years.

      I'm not a subscriber to Ayn Rand's ideas - and let's not even start talking about those or we'll wreck the thread completely - but I like a lot of Rush lyrics anyway. Most rock music and art is about pain, lost love and all kinds of evil and despair, so I think that once in a while it's healthy to listen to something with a positive tone about individuals and their achievements.

      CD1 was okay. The sound isn't too awesome, but it's a live recording after all. My favourite song New World Man wasn't too hip, but I liked how the crowd seems really into it as they're singing along to Tom Sawyer and YYZ.
      Last edited by Monk; November 21, 2003, 21:29.


      • #48
        "By Tor Easter egg"

        'listen to when Alex refrences the song on the interview and press enter'
        Its right after the part where it starts raining.

        Anthem is supposedly really hard to find, and its not a live showing back in the day OVERDUBBED by the studio recording. Not missing anything.
        Re-elect Bush!


        • #49
          Crap, I do not like these locks! But thx, I'd be lost without your help...


          • #50
            Ian Rush?


            • #51
              Own Goal.

              I like Rush. Does that count for Europe?


              • #52
                For Rush trivia buffs, "Force Ten" from Hold Your Fire was the unofficial song of US forces for Persian Gulf War I. And correcting my earlier post, it was "Anthem" that was Neil Peart's homage to Ayn Rand, not 2112.


                • #53
                  Neil Peart is the greatest rock drummer I've seen. Anthem and 2112 are milestones as far as rock is concered.

                  But I still hold that The Necromancer is their best song.
                  Re-elect Bush!


                  • #54
                    What album is that from? Must have been real early.


                    • #55
                      Caress of Steel!!! Its the ultimate prog rock album. I think Rush even said that was their most progressive album but not sure. At any rate, Necromancer is incredible. During the song it breaks and has Alex giving narrations, but the highlight is the ending guitar solo, easily among my favorite works by Lifeson. And the next song, the Fountain of Lamneth, is a 20 minute epic! I think I like 2112 more than Fountain as far as those 20 minute songs are concerned, but with early Rush everything is great. woot!
                      Re-elect Bush!


                      • #56
                        OH yeah, Caress was the same years as Fly By Night, just a few months later. I think it was 1975.
                        Re-elect Bush!


                        • #57
                          Hmm...I'm sure I have it...I'll give it another listen...


                          • #58
                            I boughta Rush album some time ago. I like "I need some love" oslt
                            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                            Middle East!


                            • #59
                              Hmm...this is a little bizarre. I'm watching the DVD of "Rush in Rio" now and on "The Big Money", the dubbing is off a little, then maybe 20-30 seconds later in the same song it's fine. Did someone mention a dubbing problem for this DVD?

                              The picture is great though, and the sound is too, much better than the Show of Hands tape and DVD (gotta get me a plasma TV ). I didn't know Rush was so popular down in Brazil, the audience is massive.


                              • #60
                                I saw the 'Rush in Rio'-DVD a few days ago. I was very close to buying it.

                                I didn't know if there was a CD of it also.... hmmm.

                                Maybe I should afterall buy the dvd...

                                [edit]: on the light of looking the traclist of the CD/DVD, I will definitely buy this...

                                BTW, my favourite album is power windows (by far).

                                But the best song is Jacob's Ladder...
                                Last edited by aaglo; November 26, 2003, 05:40.
                                I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.

