Originally posted by Sikander
I don't see this as a plus when he is in fact pulling resources from those who would use them to gain ground in order to attempt that Market-Garden crap. Political skill is a liability in an officer who is already way over his head, even though it is also an asset for anyone who has the right idea.
I don't see this as a plus when he is in fact pulling resources from those who would use them to gain ground in order to attempt that Market-Garden crap. Political skill is a liability in an officer who is already way over his head, even though it is also an asset for anyone who has the right idea.
As Eisenhower said "Leadership is the art of getting someone to do what you want done because he want to do it."
Patton was lousy at leading his bosses towards his goals, even when his goals clearly had the potential of great rewards. That a sign of a really ****ty leader.
Monty was able to lead people towards his goals, even when these goals were dubious. That's why he was a better leader than Patton.